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I am here at the Autism One conference.

Should be done a little after 5:ish.

Call me and if you please leave me a message.

Ok, heading back to learn some more. ; )


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  • 8 months later...

Louise, Good to hear from you. Yes Andy's cataract surgery. I know I

had talked to you about it before and I was just wondering if he was

still doing okay? I hate change too. At one point this year 's

teacher was talking about switching to another class because of

a new student coming into the class. Appearantly the new student had

a pick on kids that make noises and for 's protection they were

going to move him out. I was like wait just a minute. was here

first and do not change my child in the middle of the school year. I

don't think so. Needless to say I have heard no more of this. I don't

ask. What type of different appts are you doing? Cyndi B


> Hi Cyndi,




> We are slowly doing different appts, procedures; annual staffing

etc for

> and by next week may have some answers and direction to make a


> Overall the last couple months has pretty well been

maintaining. He

> did have a problem recently but it was during the transition of new

staff in

> his workshop. Sure wish there weren't so many changes all the time.

> Surgery? Do you mean Andy's cataract surgery in Oct & Nov, that

went great

> and he sees clearer now.




> I will write more when we know more. Thanks for asking.




> Louise, Mom to 46, DS, Deaf, ASD







> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ds-





> c2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTIzMzE2NDAxNA--> Louise


> Posted by: " "

> <mailto:cynthiamiltonburns@...?Subject=%20Re%3ALouise>

> cynthiamiltonburns@...

> <http://profiles.yahoo.com/cynthiamiltonburns> cynthiamiltonburns


> Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:29 pm (PST)


> How is everybody doing? Surgery update etc? Cyndi B







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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Louise,

Thanks for the update on , lots going on alright.

Hope all of this gets resolved with the latest challenging issues that you have

managed to stay active on with following through.

This is alot alright.

Such transitions with the changes of docs, meds, and when it happens with the

vit/supplements, staff & his communication status.

Nice to hear on the home visits but of course wondering what is actually going

on at the workshop, when this happens?

I do pray that some answers are found for , he is such an inspiration to see

how well he was when I had seen him the last time.

Definitely never ends being a detective on a daily basis, never knowing what

kind of day or what is triggering off any challenging issues.

Hope you and Andy are doing well.

Take care,



> Hi Margaret,




> I have been planning to write an update. Simply put has had tests,

> changes in doctors, medication addition, and plan to reduce one of his meds

> to discontinue it and plan to add vit/supplements at some point, one thing

> at a time, so it takes months. In the past year we have questioned the

> beginning of Alzheimer's due to increase in aggression, mainly at workshop

> but some at his residence. With the addition in February of Abilify to

> regulate the dopamine in his brain we have seen on home visits a happier and

> easier to redirect . Month to month we await data from his workshop and

> residence to see if they see any change, still trying to decide on that as

> we are never sure how accurate staff is in recording the data. We are also

> in the process of changing over to having his staff take to

> appointments. Tomorrow is the first time we don't plan to go to the

> Neuropsychiatrist appt. but on alert in case we are needed to get him there.

> The whole communication issue is a constant question, for the past year the

> agency has had someone come in to teach sign language at the workshop twice

> a week. It is rare I see anyone signing with but we are told of how

> staff is signing to him. They do use his picture pocket calendar at his

> residence but the calendar at workshop has been a month behind at times.

> Even the way I sign something to I've had to use a different way of

> signing/saying something to him. It seems as if he doesn't process it until

> presented a different way. Last Nov our daughter video taped me signing

> some of the signs uses and we have someone who is willing to edit it so

> we can give it to staff. I gave his home director a copy of some of the

> unedited signs, I recently asked one of his residential staff if she had

> seen it, you know the answer, no.




> There have been some other issues but this is enough for now. As we

> patiently wait for time to pass to see how everything works out.




> Louise, Mom to 46, DS, Deaf, ASD










> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group//message/89383;_ylc=X3oDMTJxYjQ0bWhs


> c2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTIzODUwNjA4NQ--> /Lynn/Louise



> Posted by: " mfroof@... "

> <mailto:mfroof@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%2FLynn%2FLouise>

> mfroof@... <http://profiles.yahoo.com/mfroof> mfroof



> Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:52 pm (PDT)



> Louise.....you haven't filled us in on lately. How is he doing?


> Take care, Everyone.

> Margaret





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