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Hello All,

I'm mainly a lurker here, my daughter Annie is 11, has DS, but there

is still disagreement among the professionals as to whether she also

has any form of autism. Anyway, I read most of the posts, and have

laughed and sometimes cried while reading them, but have usually felt

encouraged. Sometimes the things I read sound just like my Annie, and

it helps to know I'm not alone!

While reading the posts about the movie " Tropic Thunder " someone

asked if there was somewhere we could purchase bumper stickers, etc,

with our point of view. There is a website called the nth degree,

created by a man in a wheelchair, I believe. I haven't checked out the

website in awhile, so I'm not sure what is there, but here's the link...


The way I choose to look at this controversy is that it is bringing

the special needs population into the forefront, and perhaps those in

the entertainment industry who are also a part of the special needs

community ( C. McGinley of " Scrubs " , Newmar from the old

Batman series), or who are just good people, will make more

entertainment about our realities. After all, whose life here isn't

filled with drama AND comedy? As a Christian (and a liberal, btw), I

prefer to look at Ben Stiller and those associated with this project,

and say, " Lord, forgive them, they know not what they do " . Again, it

comes down to education. And we and our children are the teachers,

everyday, just by existing.

Sorry to ramble on, just wanted to vent a little. Thanks for listening.


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