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USAAA DVD Creating and Maintaining Programs for the ASD Student

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I am forwarding this here if there are any interested educators or

therapist wanting to learn more about the wave of the ongoing autism

spectrum issues.

Hopefully this will help understand some of the challenges thrown our





24 & 25. Creating and Maintaining Programs for the ASD Student

[DVD video] $39.99

24 & 25. Creating and Maintaining Programs for the ASD Student

2 DVD disk set: 3.5 hrs. This seminar is designed specifically for

teachers and other school personnel (therapists, teaching assistants,

administrators, and behavior intervention specialists) who support

students with Autism Spectrum conditions in their schools and

districts. Diagnoses of autism and Asperger’s syndrome have increased

dramatically in the past decade, posing an urgent need for educators

to create effective, feasible programs that genuinely address the

needs of their students, the demands of the IEP, and state and federal

requirements. Dr. Shore and Dr. Paradiz offer a “nuts

and bolts†seminar, including important breakout sessions, that

provide educators with what they need to return to their districts and

programs with a clear plan of action and materials and resources for

establishing an ASD program, enhancing an existing program, or

providing more concerted support to individual students with ASDs who

are served by their schools. Topics covered include: Who are your ASD

students and how do you address the heterogeneity of ASD in academic,

social and life skill arenas when establishing a classroom or program?

Efficient maintenance and updating of IEPs to address ASD specific

needs as well as program needs Developing meaningful and quantifiable

program objectives and assessing their effectiveness Recruiting the

right teachers and staff for an ASD classroom; what are the qualities

of a lead teacher, supporting teachers, assistants? Understanding the

role the school administrator plays in supporting students with ASDs

and building programs for ensuring the success of students with autism

and other special needs Learning techniques developed for children

with autism that can be generalized to those with other disabilities

as well as regular education Advocating for your ASD program How

proper training and education save effort and money in school, home,

and in the community Cross-district solutions & collaborating with

other schools Specialized curricula and programs for integrated

teaching, including ISAâ„¢ lessons (developed by Paradiz and Shore) that

address ASD specific needs, an annotated resource list of curricula,

and developing your own ASD lessons Working effectively in

self-contained and integrated settings Using team meeting time

efficiently and effectively Environmental considerations and setting

up an ASD sensitive classroom...................Diagnosed with

" Atypical Development with strong autistic tendencies " Dr. Shore was

viewed as " too sick " to be treated on an outpatient basis and

recommended for institutionalization. Nonverbal until four, and with

much help from his parents, teachers, and others, Dr. Shore recently

(2008) completed his doctoral degree in special education at Boston

University with a focus on helping people on the autism spectrum

develop their capacities to the fullest extent possible. In addition

to working with children and talking about life on the autism

spectrum, presents and consults internationally on adult

issues pertinent to education, relationships, employment, advocacy,

and disclosure as discussed in his book Beyond the Wall: Personal

Experiences with Autism and Asperger Syndrome, Ask and Tell:

Self-advocacy and Disclosure for People on the Autism Spectrum, and

the newly released Understanding Autism for Dummies. A board member of

the Autism Society of America and president emeritus of the Asperger’s

Association of New England, serves for the Board of Directors

for Unlocking Autism, the Autism Services Association of

Massachusetts, MAAP, and the College Internship Program. Dr. Shore is

on the US Autism and Asperger Association Advisory

Board......................Dr. Paradiz is the co-founder of

the Open Center for Autism. She develops educational programs for

children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), including the

pioneering ASPIE School, and has been featured in the New York Times,

Redbook Magazine, The Guardian, Autism Spectrum Quarterly, and on

Japanese Public Television. Dr. Paradiz's memoir, Elijah's Cup: A

Family's Journey into the Community and Culture of High-Functioning

Autism and Asperger's Syndrome ( Kingsley, 2005) is the

compelling story of the author's experiences raising her autistic son,

their involvement together in the advocacy community, and her own

ultimate diagnosis with Asperger syndrome. Dr. Paradiz speaks

nationally and internationally on topics relating to Asperger Syndrome

and Autism, such as parenting strategies, improving and creating

school programs for children with ASDs, strengthening advocacy skills

in parents, professionals and individuals on the autism spectrum, and

fostering emerging talents in children with ASDs. She is the developer

of Integrated Self Advocacy (ISA)â„¢, a curriculum and training series

that supports teachers and therapists in teaching individuals with

autism in learning greater ability in self-determination and advocacy.

is a member of the board of directors of the Autism Society of

America (ASA). She also co-chairs the Autism Society of America's

Panel of Individuals on the Spectrum (PSA) and serves as an advisory

board member to the US Autism & Asperger Association (USAAA). She has

two books forthcoming with the Autism Asperger Publishing Company

(AAPC) relating to building strong educational programs and advocacy

skills for students with ASDs in public and private school settings.

Welcome to the USAAA dvd sales website.


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