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Re: Re: allergies / flu shots

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I also questioned a 4yo getting flu mist. But the doc's feeling was that a

4yo with no history of respiratory issues received LESS thimerasol then thru

the injected. Interestingly, my daughter is PG and the doc felt that flu

mist - even tho it is live vaccine, was safe in her house.

What do I know?????

> I was sent this information on the flu vaccine.




> There is so much news about the flu striking across the US in record

> numbers and sadly, in deaths. Even more so, there is so much talk

> about whether or not you or your family should get a flu vaccine.



> First some notes:


> 1) TACA does not provide medical advice. ALWAYS check with your doctor

> on any information and especially before you administer any supplement.


> 2)The current flu vaccines (nasal and traditional vaccines) currently

> have thimerosal as a preservative. & #65533; Here is the package insert for



> Who should not get FluMist? (this is directly from the package insert)


> You should not receive FluMist if you:


> 1) are less than 5 years of age. In one study, an increase in

> asthmatic events was seen in children under 5.


> 2) are 50 years of age or older


> 3) have an allergy or history of allergic reaction to chicken

> eggs or egg products or

> any component of the vaccine (see Additional Information). Symptoms of

> a severe allergic reaction may include shortness of breath, wheezing,

> or difficulty breathing; swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or other

> parts of the body; skin rash, itching, or hives.


> 4) are a child or adolescent who regularly takes aspirin, or

> products containing aspirin


> 5) have a history of Guillain-Barre syndrome


> 6) have a known or suspected immune deficiency disease or

> condition such as combined immunodeficiency, gammaglobulinemia, HIV

> infection, thymic abnormalities, malignancy, leukemia, or lymphoma


> 7) are immuno-suppressed or have altered or compromised immune

> status due to treatment with systemic corticosteroids, alkylating

> drugs, antimetabolites, radiation or other immunosuppressive therapies


> 8) have a history of asthma or reactive airways disease


> 9) have underlying medical conditions such as but not limited to

> chronic disorders of the lungs and heart; or have had regularly

> scheduled follow-up visits or have been hospitalized in the past year

> because of chronic metabolic diseases (including diabetes), kidney

> dysfunction, or a hemoglobinopathy such as sickle cell disease


> 10) are pregnant


> 11) Due to the possible transmission of vaccine virus, FluMist

> recipients should avoid being in close (for example, within the same

> household) contact with immuno-compromised individuals for 3 weeks

> following vaccination.


> Details can be found from Wyeth PDF :

> http://www.wyeth.com/content/ShowLabeling.asp?id=460




> Some homeopathic alternatives for treating and possibly

> & #65533;preventing & #65533;

> the flu are:


> 1) Olive Leaf Extract & #65533; can be bought from Mothers, Whole Foods

> and other health food stores


> 2) Lauricidin & #65533; for more info and purchasing: www.lauricidin.com


> PLEASE check with your doctor on dosing, possible interactions with

> other medications, etc. & #65533; Do not misconstrue this information as

> medical advice.


> NOTE: Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) provides general information of

> interest to the autism community. The information comes from a variety

> of sources and TACA does not independently verify any of it. The views

> expressed herein are not necessarily TACA & #65533;s.





Sara - Life is a journey- we choose the path.

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Looks like another girl baby - got to even out mty four boys!

Want to help name this baby? Must be with no " r " , no ch sound, equally said

in Hebrew and English.

We are making lists for the mom and dad, and big sister to decide.


> >

> > I also questioned a 4yo getting flu mist. But the doc's feeling was

> that a 4yo with no history of respiratory issues received LESS

> thimerasol then thru the injected. Interestingly, my daughter is PG

> and the doc felt that flu mist - even tho it is live vaccine, was

> safe in her house.

> >

> > What do I know?????


> I was not even aware of the flu mist until y'all shared about the

> information and then this info was sent my way.


> Sara, so you're going to be a grandma again?

> Congratulations!!!


> Irma





Sara - Life is a journey- we choose the path.

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