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Nutritional Supplements for People on the Autism Spectrum

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Highly recommend consult with one who specialize in this field.

Notes on -

Nutritional Supplements for People on the Autism Spectrum

Tips on giving nutritional supplements

• It really helps to have a medical professional guide you through the

maze. Consider Dr. Jepson or one of the nutritionists, at

Thoughtful House, www.thoughtfulhouse.org.

• Be sure that all supplements are gluten-free and casein-free, and

free of anything else that your child is allergic or intolerant to. If

your child has a bad reaction, they may be reacting to colors,

sweeteners, flavorings, or soy in the supplement; if so, try a

“cleaner†version of the same supplement.

• Most supplements are best taken with food, but most probiotics are

probably best given at least two hours away from digestive enzymes.

• Usually it is best to only introduce one supplement at a time, so

you can see how your child reacts to it. Wait until your child is

stabilized on it before you add another supplement.

• Keep a log of when you introduce a supplement (with brand and

dosage), or change the brand or dosage, and how your child reacts.

• Just because a supplement is not good for your child at one time,

does not mean that it might not be good for them at another time,

either because of changes in their body, or because you are giving it

in combination with different supplements.

• Parents should also take some supplements if they are to make it

through the journey, especially a good multi-vitamin,

calcium/magnesium, and an omega-3 fatty acid supplement.

Nutritional supplements to try or to consider - This is just a

selective list. There are lots more that may help your child.

• Digestive Enzymes - Giving digestive enzymes at the beginning of

every meal helps break down food into usable nutrients, including any

gluten or casein that might have inadvertently gotten into the food.

Some of the major brands are Kirkman, Houston Nutraceuticals, and

DigestRight from Learner’s Edge.

• Probiotics - We all have beneficial bacteria living in our

gastrointestinal tracts. These help us digest our food and absorb

nutrients. Kids on the spectrum have trouble maintaining a healthy

level of these beneficial bacteria, so supplementation with probiotics

can be important. Make sure that your probiotics are not grown on whey

or other dairy products. Some doctors say they are best given at least

two hours away from digestive enzymes. Some of the major brands are

Kirkman and Klaire.

• Essential Fatty Acids - Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for

kids on the spectrum. Be sure to only use fish oil that has been

tested for mercury. Give EFA’s only in the morning, so that they do

not interfere with sleep. Some of the major brands are Thorne and

Nordic Naturals.

• Hydrogenated Oils - AVOID hydrogenated oils (trans fat) in the diet,

which are very bad for all of us, but especially bad for kids on the

spectrum. Look for cooking oils that are expeller pressed or cold pressed.

• Cod Liver Oil - Cod liver oil can help tremendously with eye

contact. It is one of the few sources of the cis form of vitamin A,

which is believed to reconnect the retinoid receptors in the brain.

Use a cod liver oil that has been tested free of mercury. Give it only

in the morning, so that it does not interfere with sleep. One of the

major brands is Kirkman.

• Multi-Vitamin Multi-Mineral - A good multi-vitamin multi-mineral can

get a lot of the important vitamins and minerals into your child in an

efficient way, as well as include some of the trace elements that they

only need in small amounts. Be sure to use a multi-vitamin that does

not contain copper, as kids on the autism spectrum tend to have

unbalanced zinc to copper ratios. It’s best to give these only with

breakfast or lunch, as some vitamins given later in the day can

interfere with sleep. Some of the major multi-vitamins are Kirkman

Nu-Thera with P5P and Child Essence from Learner’s Edge. A good

multi-mineral such as Thorne Citramin II may also help with Pica

(chewing on non-food items).

• Methylcobalamin (Methyl B-12) and Folinic Acid

Methylcobalamin (the methyl form of Vitamin B-12) can be a powerful

thing for kids on the autism spectrum. It is not absorbed well when

given orally, and is best given by injection into a muscle or through

a nose spray, but injections are more effective than nose spray.

(Injections can be given by parents at home.) The nose spray is

available by prescription from Coastal Compounding in Savannah,

Georgia (). The injections are available from People’s

Pharmacy by prescription.

In healthy kids, folic acid is turned into folinic acid before the

body can use it. Doctors think kids on the autism spectrum may have

trouble with this conversion, and that it is better to give them

folinic acid. Folinic acid works synergistically with methyl B-12, and

can be combined with methyl B-12 in an injection or nose spray.

Methyl B-12 and folinic acid are also available in capsule or liquid

form from Kirkman. Give them at breakfast or lunch so they do not

interfere with sleep.

• Vitamin B-6 - Vitamin B-6 was one of the first nutritional

supplements that was found to help kids on the autism spectrum. Most

of the multi-vitamins formulated for kids on the spectrum will contain

it. It’s best to give B-6 only with breakfast or lunch, as it can

interfere with sleep if given later in the day. P5P is a preferred

form of B-6. Kirkman is a good brand.

• Vitamin E - Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant. It is also

important in supporting immune response and may play a role in

allergic response. Taken at dinner, vitamin E can help with sleep.

Kirkman is a good brand.

• Calcium and Magnesium - Calcium and magnesium help to calm kids and

improve their sleep. They work together, and are often found in the

same capsule or tablet. Calcium is one of the few nutritional

supplements that is unaffected by heat, and you can get it from

Kirkman Labs in powdered form and cook with it. Magnesium tends to

soften stools, and calcium tends to harden them. They are often

contained in small amounts in multi-vitamins. Calcium and magnesium

can be given any time of day, and can be given at bedtime to improve

sleep (but multi-vitamins should be given earlier in the day). Thorne

is also a good brand.

• Zinc - Kids on the autism spectrum generally have an out-of-balance

copper to zinc ratio, with too much copper and not enough zinc. Zinc

can have a calming effect, too. It can be given any time of day.

Kirkman is a good brand.

• Chromium †" Chromium given before meals can help with sugar craving.

Kirkman is a good brand.

• TMG or DMG - Kids on the spectrum have a methylation problem. TMG

(trimethylglycine) or DMG (dimethylglycine) give them the methyl

groups they need. They work with folinic acid to complete a chemical

chain reaction in their bodies. Kirkman is a good brand.

• Taurine - Our digestive systems break down our food into amino

acids, which are the building blocks of our bodies. Taurine is a

sulfur-containing amino acid that plays a calming role as a

neurotransmitter, has antioxidant properties, and is needed for proper

bilary function. Thorne and Kirkman are good brands.

• Melatonin - Melatonin makes us sleepy. Our bodies make melatonin

naturally, but most kids on the autism spectrum don’t have enough in

their bodies. Kirkman Labs makes a Slo-Release Melatonin that is

released slowly over the course of the night. Give melatonin only at

bedtime. It is also a strong antioxidant that is really good for our kids.

• Glutathione - Glutathione is in every cell of our bodies, but kids

on the autism spectrum don’t have enough of it. Glutathione is not

absorbed well when given orally, and should be given transdermally on

the skin, by infusion into a blood vessel, or by breathing it using a

nebulizer. It can be given any time of the day. The liquid form used

in a nebulizer is available by prescription from McGuff Pharmacy in

Santa Ana, CA .

Major supplement brands

• Houston Nutraceuticals

• Kirkman Labs

• Klaire Labs

• Learner’s Edge

• Nordic Naturals

• Pure Encapsulations

• Thorne Research

Where to buy nutritional supplements

• Allergy Supply Company †" allergysupply.com †" †" sells


• Family Pharmacy of Sarasota - ssl.familypharmacy.net †" (888)

245-5000 †" sells Thorne, Nordic Naturals, Klaire, and lots of other brands

• Houston Nutraceuticals †" houstonni.com †" †"

specializes in digestive enzymes for kids on the autism spectrum

• Kirkman Labs - www.kirkmanlabs.com †" - specializes in

all kinds of nutritional supplements for kids on the autism spectrum,

and will talk to you about dosage, etc.

• Learner’s Edge - www.learners-edge.com †" †" has a

short list of excellent products for kids on the spectrum

• People’s Pharmacy †" www.peoplesrx.com - numerous locations in Austin

†" sales people knowledgeable, be sure to ask for gluten-free

casein-free supplements

• Thoughtful House - www.thoughtfulhouse.org †" - 3001

Bee Caves Road, Austin 78746 †" medical clinic for the treatment of autism

Ways to give nutritional supplements

• Open capsules and mix contents with food or beverage

• Swallow capsules intact

• Rubbing a transdermal cream on the skin

• Injecting it into a muscle (can be done by parents at home)

• Infusing it into a blood vessel, by either a relatively quick

“push,†or a slow drip (requires a doctor)

• Breathing in a mist containing the supplement, using a nebulizer

• Nose spray


• “Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and

Allergies,†by Bock, M.D.

• “Changing the Course of Autism,†by Jepson, M.D.

• “PDR for Nutritional Supplements,†available from Kirkman Labs

• “Earl Mindell’s New Vitamin Bible,†by Earl Mindell and Hester

Mundis 12/4/2008

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