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Margaret, You are so funny.Oh no my wording was just a bit off.

Bernard Rimland died but to my knowledge his son is still living. I

have been giving the B-6/mag with so much success I am

considering pulling him off Abilify afterall it was not helping

him.All these meds seem to stop for right at 2 years of him

being on them. Of course I will slowly pull him off and never just

stop the med.Dr. Capone suggested depakote for with the Abilify

which I was going to try but I wanted to try this after I read the

research before I started the depakote. Of course Margaret the B-6

may stop working after 2 years we shall see. I am not opposed to meds

at all I have seen them help it is just since we are doing biomedical

that I wanted to try a different path. It is working so far. We ran

out of B-6 and he went right back to be defiant,stubborn, and

aggressive. Now 2 days back on the B-6/mag and his attitude is

wonderful again.


> <<Dr. Bernard Rimland had an autistic child >>


> Hi, Everyone........I assume he still has this child or did

he die?

> I wouldn't want to follow his suggestions if the child wasn't

still alive!!!


> Ali....if Topamax doesn't work for seizures, have you tried the


> Gareth had a hard time with Depakote initially, but when the doc

went back and

> started him at a VERY lose dose, worked him up over a month long

period, he

> was OK. Depakote helps with anxiety and behavioral issues, too.

It is

> considered a mood stabilizer, too.


> Take care, Everyone.

> Margaret

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I am pretty sure that I asked Amy's developmental pediatrician about depakote

once and she said it is the same as valproic acid which she is already on for

her seizures. It doesn't seem to help her behaviours any though.

Question - I live in Canada so we do not have DAN doctors so I am just

wondering what a DAN doctor is?? Thanks.


Liz DeSantis wrote:

Cyndy: Tori was on Depakote for a while too-courtesy of Dr.

Capone...and it did work.


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Ali, DAN stands for Defeat Autism Now Doctors. This is a group of

Dr.'s that believe they can make a deference in the lives of autistic

children by treating the autism with biomedical intervention,

including changing their diets to GF/CF.There are test that they do

on autistic kids that show the DAN doctors which direction to go in

treating the problems autistic kids have. We started doing the

protocol in April of 2008 and we have seen a difference in our son.

Some people claim that they see dramatic results while other people

say they do not see any change.I have always believed in meds and

that meds do help my son but I just decided to try this approach

after modern medicine failed to help my son recover from cellulitis

of the face and head from July of 2006. I have pics of with

cellulitis on our photo link. The DR. here were not listening to me

say that is not well and something more is going on. I finally

have my back and he is improving cognitively everyday.Will he

ever be president more than likely no, but will his communication

skills and his quantity of life improve, yes. Sincerely, Cyndi B


> I am pretty sure that I asked Amy's developmental pediatrician

about depakote once and she said it is the same as valproic acid

which she is already on for her seizures. It doesn't seem to help

her behaviours any though.


> Question - I live in Canada so we do not have DAN doctors so I am

just wondering what a DAN doctor is?? Thanks.


> Ali


> Liz DeSantis wrote:

> Cyndy: Tori was on Depakote for a while too-courtesy of

Dr. Capone...and it did work.


> Liz



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valproic acid can have positive and negative affects on behavior. did

she have these behaviors before the valproic acid?

If you are looking to use valproic acid to have a positive affect on

behavior it usually is given at much higher doses than for seizure



> Cyndy: Tori was on Depakote for a while too-courtesy of

Dr. Capone...and it did work.


> Liz



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She has been on the valproic acid for 3 years now. I know for sure that she

didn't have any of these behaviours before the valproic acid but I don't think

these behaviours started until she had been on it for 1 1/2 years. Actually I

think the behaviours started after she had her feeding tube put it in which is

why I usually end up going back to stomach problems being the main cause of her

pain or discomfort. We are waiting for her sleep study on Jan 5th in which they

also do an EEG and then if it doesn't reveal anything then we will start weaning

her off of the valproic acid.


kvanryzin wrote:

valproic acid can have positive and negative affects on behavior. did

she have these behaviors before the valproic acid?

If you are looking to use valproic acid to have a positive affect on

behavior it usually is given at much higher doses than for seizure



> Cyndy: Tori was on Depakote for a while too-courtesy of

Dr. Capone...and it did work.


> Liz



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