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Hi Everyone

Amy's developmental pediatrician prescribed her with prozac to help relieve

some of her repetitive behaviours especially air swallowing which has been

causing her lots of gas pain which causes her to head bang and pull her hair.

She started the prozac last Tuesday night. She takes 2.5 mg (0.625 ml) to start

and her doc said in 6-8 weeks they will increase it again. Since she began

taking it, it seems like her anxiety has increased. She is doing more air

swallowing, chewing on her soother instead of sucking on it, she wakes up in the

night now and bangs her head on the door (3:00 am every night like clock work)

and is awake for a good 2 hours. Before this she was sleeping through the night

no problems. I'm not sure if I should contact the doctor about this or if this

is just because she just started it and these side effects will go away. Is

anyone else's child on prozac? Did it increase their anxiety at all?

Second question, I switched her from the benedryl to the melatonin to help her

get to sleep at night as well as help her stay asleep as I heard melatonin is

longer acting. Well, we have not been having good luck with it. She does not

seem to sleep as sound anymore. When her feed pump beeps off she wakes to it

now and then takes awhile to get back to sleep. I used to be able to go in

there, take her off the pump and change her diaper without waking her. She has

been on the melatonin now for 5 nights. I'm not sure if it takes awhile for it

to reach its full effectiveness (ie should I stick it out a bit longer) or is it

just not working for her? I am totally lacking sleep again with all of these

constant wake ups.

Any suggestions or thoughts are appreciated.



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