Guest guest Posted May 1, 2010 Report Share Posted May 1, 2010 Pelvic neutral: Key to balance training April 2010 Research suggests that balance exercises, as part of a neuromuscular training program, can help decrease injury risk and improve performance, particularly in female athletes. But balance training technique can significantly influence results. by Gretchen D. Oliver, PhD, ATC, LAT Unstable surface or balance training has become quite popular in all genres of exercise from the elite athlete to the daily fitness advocate. Initially, balance training was used solely in the rehabilitative setting in attempt to restore the neuromuscular firing patterns that were disturbed in the injury process. It is known that incorporating balance training improves proprioception and kinesthetic awareness as well as developing more efficient neuromuscular firing patterns. The importance of neuromuscular training has been discussed in detail in the literature.1-7 Many have proposed protocols that incorporate plyometrics, balance, and core stability training in an attempt to facilitate neuromuscular changes as well as prevent injuries, particularly in female athletes.1-7 When discussing balance or neuromuscular training, core muscle activation should innately be included. Balance is the ability to maintain functional postural control on an unstable surface. For postural control to be maintained, appropriate activations and timing of these activations have to be achieved from the core musculature. The core muscles must be engaged prior to any other muscle activation for efficient segmented motions to occur.8 We often use the term core to refer to the trunk or more specifically the lumbopelvic hip complex.9-14 It has been shown that the core musculature, specifically the transverse abdominis, is the first to fire during unexpected or trunk self-loading as well as during any upper or lower extremity movement, regardless of the direction of movement.15 True core initiation begins in the position of pelvic neutral. For the core to achieve full activation, the pelvis must maintain a biomechanically neutral position. The muscles of the core either originate or insert on the pelvis. To function efficiently, the muscles involved need to be at their optimal length. When the pelvis is in neutral or its normal anatomical position, the musculature is in its most efficient and functional position. Forward lunge balance exercise As described by Willardson,16 core stability is dynamic and must continually change in an attempt to respond to postural adjustments or external loads. Response to postural adjustments can best be trained through the use of unstable surface or balance training, also known as stability training. However, for stability training to be effective, one must have core strength, lumbopelvic stability, and dynamic stability, which are all achieved through performing core stability exercises. Any type of dynamic activity, whether it is on an unstable surface or through perturbations, that affects the body's center of gravity in response to muscular activities is desirable for balance training. Postural control or a position of pelvic neutral in controlled environments should be achieved before one progresses to dynamic activities on unstable surfaces. An example of a controlled environment would be maintaining pelvic neutral while sitting or standing. During the initial stages of balance training, individuals should be consciously aware of the activation of their core musculature, and then through training, they should eventually become innately aware of their core activation. When the individual can maintain postural control without conscious effort, unstable surface training may progress to dynamic activities on unstable surfaces. Studies have shown that balance or unstable surface training effectively increases lower extremity neuromuscular power and control, as well as increasing postural stability in female athletes.5,17 In addition, it has been documented that the rate of ankle sprains can be significantly reduced through a balance training intervention.18-20 Also, sport specific balance training in female soccer athletes has been shown to reduce noncontact hamstring and back musculature injuries.21 Injury rates for the hamstrings, patellar tendinopathies, gastrocnemius strains, and other common injuries have been reduced when multiple balance training protocols are performed.19 Oliver and DiBrezzo22 found that implementing a sport specific balance training intervention in female volleyball players resulted in no significant improvement in their balance scores. They did, however, significantly improve their core endurance scores, thus suggesting that balance training should be the focus of any training program. If one can maintain postural control during exercise, then the risk of non-contact injuries will decrease. Once postural control is established, balance improvements may be developed. Clinical Relevance The importance of maintaining postural control and incorporating it with balance training in attempt to decrease the rate of injury is evident. However the question that remains unanswered is whether balance training can improve athletic performance. Previous studies have reported relationships between greater balance and performance.23-26 Ideally, one would think that if an athlete could recover from being off balance, and thus maintain balance, he or she would essentially have improved performance. Conversely, if an athlete were unable to maintain balance, his or her performance would inevitably be decreased due to an inability to stay upright. Either way, it is paramount that we focus on balance training along with the incorporation of postural control. It is known that female athletes are at greater risk of sustaining a non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury than their male counterparts.27-29 In addition, it has been shown that when implementing ACL prevention programs for female athletes, the incorporation of balance training has been associated with improved lower extremity valgus (hip adduction, knee abduction, and ankle eversion) when landing.30 Given the positive outcomes that balance training has had on ACL injury prevention in female athletes,30 it is logical that balance training for females should be a common denominator in all female strength and conditioning programs. Clinically, it is imperative that we concentrate on both postural control and neuromuscular activations though balance training. In reference to injury prevention, if one is not in a position of pelvic neutral then one is already predisposed to injury. For example, exhibiting an anterior pelvic tilt (which would not be indicative of pelvic neutral) would result in femoral internal rotation, which would cause patellofemoral or iliotibial problems.31 The quadriceps muscle group crosses the knee and inserts on the tibial tuberosity, so if the femur is internally rotated, there will be additional stress on the quadriceps/patellar tendon because the kinetic chain is no longer in anatomical neutral. The same concept can be applied to the iliotibial band because it also originates on the femur and inserts on the tibia. To establish pelvic neutral, we should first focus on basic isometric exercises that have the individual `hollowing in' her abdominal muscles and holding. The exercise of abdominal hollowing activates the deep musculature of the core including the multifidi, transverse abdominis, and other muscles that constitute the core.14 It should be noted that the core encompasses all musculature—anterior, posterior, medial and lateral. Muscles included are the abdominals, obliques, gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps, spinal stabilizers and low back musculature. All of the core muscles have their origin or insertion on the lumbo-pelvic hip complex. Thus when one is trying to hollow in the abdominals, they are pulling the pelvis into neutral and all muscles are activated. Therefore, in an attempt to maintain pelvic neutral, one has to condition the core musculature. Isometric exercises such as front and side planks, abdominal bridging, flying squirrels and Superman exercises have all shown to increase abdominal endurance in fourth graders in less than a month.32 Thus, implementing isometric holds for 30 seconds a few times a day could dramatically assist in gaining pelvic neutral. Squat balance exercise Once the individual has a cognitive and physical awareness of pelvic neutral, she is ready to begin conditioning on an unstable surface. Cognitive awareness is an important aspect, because when discussing pelvic neutral we are essentially discussing posture. One must continue to practice proper posture, particularly pelvic posturing, to understand innately what proper posture is and what it is not. It has been shown that when one is cognitively aware of muscle contraction and body position, one can achieve greater muscle activation.33 In the current example, one could use a mirror as a simple biofeedback mechanism to examine their posture while they are in pelvic neutral and essentially retrain to be cognitively aware of what pelvic neutral is and what it feels like. If they cannot maintain pelvic neutral while normal sitting or standing, then they are not ready to begin training on unstable surfaces. Training on an unstable surface without maintaining pelvic neutral will actually accentuate the biomechanical abnormality that can predispose an athlete to injury.28 Once one can achieve pelvic neutral, the basics of stability training should then be implemented. A basic stability training program should begin with double leg support, progressing to single leg support, while maintaining pelvic neutral. The progression should first begin on a stable surface before advancing to an unstable surface. One should be able to maintain pelvic neutral while in double leg support on a stable surface, then progress to single leg support while maintaining pelvic neutral. When double and single leg support maintaining pelvic neutral is achieved, then the same exercises should be repeated with eyes closed. Once the progression on the stable surface has been achieved, the individual can then progress to an unstable surface following the same progression, from double to single leg support with eyes open to double and single leg support with eyes closed. Pelvic neutral needs to be maintained during all activities. Ball tosses where the individual tries to throw and catch on an unstable surface can make the exercises more sport specific. There are unlimited options for progression of exercises while on an unstable surface. However, the ultimate goal should be for the individual to maintain pelvic stability throughout the exercises. Previously, the Indo Board has been used as a great tool for balance training. Protocols as described by Oliver and DiBrezzo22 are great adjuncts to one's exercise regimen. The important aspect when performing such balance protocols is that pelvic neutral is maintained throughout. Exercises on unstable surfaces where the athlete can perform sport specific activities should be the preferred choice. These implements would include an apparatus such as an Indo board or any other type of wobble board that would allow him or her to maintain an athletic stance on the unstable surface. The Indo board allows for a large surface area where one has the ability to incorporate sport specific skills while trying to maintain pelvic neutral as well as balance. The surface area and cost of the Indo board makes it a functional apparatus for almost every sporting environment. Basic strength and conditioning exercises can be performed on the Indo board. In addition, while performing the basic strength and conditioning exercises, one can also address the core musculature by maintaining pelvic neutral while performing the exercises. The types of strength and conditioning activities that could be performed are unlimited. Almost all body weight exercises could be performed on the unstable surface, such as the lunge and squat. In addition, total body exercises using free weights or body blades may be performed. For example, one could perform a free weight shoulder press while balancing on an unstable surface, in essence working both the upper and lower body. Balance training is recommended as part of a thorough neuromuscular training program for all active individuals, in an attempt to not only reduce the incidence of injury but also to improve athletic performance. It should be emphasized that sport specific training while on an unstable surface is a paramount addition to any form of basic strength training, but should only be performed once exercises on a stable surface have been mastered. Balance on an unstable surface should be used as a more dynamic form of training. A functional, dynamic form of training on an unstable surface will allow for the development of functional postural activation. Very rarely, if ever, is one simply trying to maintain a static balance position during functions of daily living, much less athletic endeavors. If one cannot maintain stability in an unstable environment, then injury is ultimately inevitable. If one is training on an unstable surface, then one is simultaneously training the core musculature by attempting to maintain pelvic neutral. The core conditioning comes innately with the balance training because of the ultimate postural control that one maintains through a stable core. Gretchen D. Oliver is the clinical coordinator of the entry-level Graduate Athletic Training Education Program and an assistant professor in the department of health, kinesiology, recreation, and dance at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, AR. References 1. Hewett TE, Paterno MV, Noyes FR. Differences in single leg balance on an unstable platform between female and male normal, ACL-deficient and ACL-reconstructed knees. In: Lephart S, Fu FH, eds. Proprioception and Neuromuscular Control in Joint Stability. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics;1999:77-88. 2. Hewett TE, Stroupe AL, Nance TA, Noyes FR. Plyometric training in female athletes. Decreased impact forces and increased hamstring torques. Am J Sports Med 1996;24(6):765-773. 3. Mandelbaum BR, Silvers HJ, Watanabe D, et al. Effectiveness of a neuromuscular and proprioceptive training program in preventing anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes: 2-year follow-up. Am J Sports Med 2005;33(7):1003-1010. 4. 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