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Muscle pain

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I have a question that I thought maybe some of you might be able to help me

with. I have a defib and and am on a lot of heart meds. For the last

month, I have had pain in that tendon going up the back of my ankle and now

it's into my leg muscles. I went to the doctor and he ordered blood work

and said it could be my cholesterol pill (lipitor) He went of vacation

before the results got back so the nurse told me that he may change meds

when he gets back but that won't be for a couple of weeks. I am already on

darvocet for pain in my chest from the surgeries I've had. So she said I

could take a tylenol between my darvocet for inflamation. I told her I

thought that advil was more for inflammation and she said no they want me to

take tylenol. This was my pcp. I think my heart doctor had told me a

while back not to take tylenol with darvocet, that if I need to take

anything, it should be ibuprofin. Now I'm confused. My cholesterol was

quite high. It's never been high before. It was 330 and tryglicerides

was 800. I couldn't believe it. Could those high numbers cause pain?

I wondered if any of you have ever experienced this muscle pain (cramps)

type thing. It's difficult to walk. I limp now.

Ruth in PA

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Jes in NJ

Thanks for the info. I will check with my pharmicist and also I am trying

to contact my cardiologist to see what he says to do.


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Ruth... my dh also takes Lipitor... I believe one of the side effect

warnings is for muscle cramps... if you have the literature that came

w/med read it over ... if not you can do a search online to find the

list of side effects and warnings... also, if your dr is not

available, and also for the tylenol/ibruprofen, you might ask your

pharmacist... they're a great source for info on medications and

medication interaction... acutally, it's their job. Good luck, keep

us posted.

JES :) in NJ, USA

God created your face...You create the expression :)

> I have a question that I thought maybe some of you might be able to

help me

> with. I have a defib and and am on a lot of heart meds. For the


> month, I have had pain in that tendon going up the back of my ankle

and now

> it's into my leg muscles. I went to the doctor and he ordered

blood work

> and said it could be my cholesterol pill (lipitor) He went of


> before the results got back so the nurse told me that he may change


> when he gets back but that won't be for a couple of weeks. I am

already on

> darvocet for pain in my chest from the surgeries I've had. So she

said I

> could take a tylenol between my darvocet for inflamation. I

told her I

> thought that advil was more for inflammation and she said no they

want me to

> take tylenol. This was my pcp. I think my heart doctor had

told me a

> while back not to take tylenol with darvocet, that if I need to take

> anything, it should be ibuprofin. Now I'm confused. My

cholesterol was

> quite high. It's never been high before. It was 330 and


> was 800. I couldn't believe it. Could those high numbers cause



> I wondered if any of you have ever experienced this muscle pain


> type thing. It's difficult to walk. I limp now.


> Ruth in PA

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This is Turk.do me a favor with quiniglute that your taking if you start getting itches shoulder pains joint pains make sure your doctor checks for lupus proteins in the body because long term exposure to quiniglute can cause lupus symptoms and there no joy although I am off of it since February I am still trying to get rid of the lupus symptoms which will disappear some day that is known. I don't want to scare you but since that's what happened to me I wouldn't want anybody to go thru what I did.good luck and good heart.TURK

Re: Re: Muscle Pain

Ruth My cholestrol is 200, What heart medication are you taking. I am taking QUINAGLUTE,MEXITIL,LENOXIN,LAYSEX and POTASSIUM. I am on my second machine.I have been taking yhis medication for 6 years Jack Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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I'm on imdur, vasotec, and lopressor. I'm on other meds also but these are

my heart meds. I was on lasix but don't need it anymore.


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I'm on imdur, vasotec, and lopressor. I'm on other meds also but these are

my heart meds. I was on lasix but don't need it anymore.


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

what is he giving you for pain i have such trouble with my knee i am afraid

to take anything and not wanting to do anything drastic yet like

surgery --till i get lower in weight so i can carry myself di

Muscle pain

> I recently have pulled a muscle in my back. My PCP has confirmed this

> has anyone had problems with muscle problems due to flabby abd.

> muscles.

> P

> MGB 8/30/00

> 294/165





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My dr. put me on soma and motrin, I don't take the motrin. I've been taking the

soma and hot showers.

justdave wrote:

> what is he giving you for pain i have such trouble with my knee i am afraid

> to take anything and not wanting to do anything drastic yet like

> surgery --till i get lower in weight so i can carry myself di

> Muscle pain


> > I recently have pulled a muscle in my back. My PCP has confirmed this

> > has anyone had problems with muscle problems due to flabby abd.

> > muscles.

> > P

> > MGB 8/30/00

> > 294/165

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hi e,

Have you been examined for fibromyalgia? Lots of people with autoimmune

disorders have FM also. The doc says I have a mild to moderate case with only

occasional flares but when it does flare, I hurt all over. I don't know much

about hep C but hear it is pretty awful. Wishing you the best.

Shirley in VA

e Dixon-Moses <cdmoses@...> wrote: Hello list -

So I have the usual joint involvement in my hands and ankles and feet;

fortunately not in my back or hips, and hopefully never there. I do a

routine of exercises eveery day to keep me mobile.

But, I do have a lot of muscle pain. Do the rest of you find this true??

Heretofore I have attributed it to Hepatitis C , which I also have, and for

which it is a classic symptom, but I am curious as to your collective

experience. Often the muscle pain is worse than the joint pain.

Thanks for any insights you can offer.


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Yeah, I get a lot of muscle pain, especially in my lower back on the right side.

Sometimes taking a mild muscle relaxer (a simple antihistimine, like Benadryl,

works) and rubbing it with Ben Gay or some such concoction works to make it feel

better. -- Jan O', Alaska

e Dixon-Moses wrote:

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  • 5 months later...

Great advice from Peggy to -full body massage. Myofascial release has

changed my life. BUT it can be a mine-field of pain finding the right person

to do it.

Ask around, explain your needs-ask if they can help. If they don't listen

that it hurts-run, don't walk away. Most of us can not tolerate deep muscle

massage/sports massage especially at first. Hot tubs help too. and Don't

give up. Acupuncture helps my sister's FM muscle pain and others here have

mentioned it for scoli.

Jolene...(with most but not all the things Peggy has.)

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  • 2 years later...


You might consider DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide), which is related to

MSM, having one less oxygen. It penetrates the skin readily.


> Hello,

> I am taking a couple Movement (stretching type) classes in

order to maintain

> some range of motion, but when I do the movements, even though

they are slow and

> gentle, I experience muscle pain especially in the shoulders,

upper back and

> arms. I was wondering if anybody could recommend a topical cream

or some other

> supplement that might reduce the muscle pain during these one-hour


> which I attend three or four times a week. Regarding supplements,

I am already

> taking MSM with glucosamine as well as Boswellia.

> Thanks,

> Du Pre

> Website:


> " By words the mind is winged. " Aristophanes

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Hi Steve,

I know MSM is always, or at least often described as " non-toxic "

or as toxic as water, but seems to me I've read in several places

that if one takes large quanities, one should also take the trace

mineral molybdenum, as MSM may compete or deplete the


Here's a link to an article on molybdenum, candida, and " frozen

shoulders " ...


best regards,


> > Hello,

> > I am taking a couple Movement (stretching type) classes in

> order to maintain

> > some range of motion, but when I do the movements, even


> they are slow and

> > gentle, I experience muscle pain especially in the shoulders,

> upper back and

> > arms. I was wondering if anybody could recommend a

topical cream

> or some other

> > supplement that might reduce the muscle pain during these


> classes,

> > which I attend three or four times a week. Regarding


> I am already

> > taking MSM with glucosamine as well as Boswellia.

> > Thanks,

> > Du Pre

> > Website:

> http://www.angelfire.com/jazz/isaiah40soaringeagle/index.html

> > " By words the mind is winged. " Aristophanes

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Might just want to try supplementing with magnesium. The orotates

seem to be very good. Most people are deficient in this mineral

anyway from what I've heard. Gail

-- In , <isaiah40@s...> wrote:

> Hello,

> I am taking a couple Movement (stretching type) classes in

order to maintain

> some range of motion, but when I do the movements, even though they

are slow and

> gentle, I experience muscle pain especially in the shoulders, upper

back and

> arms. I was wondering if anybody could recommend a topical cream

or some other

> supplement that might reduce the muscle pain during these one-hour


> which I attend three or four times a week. Regarding supplements,

I am already

> taking MSM with glucosamine as well as Boswellia.

> Thanks,

> Du Pre

> Website:


> " By words the mind is winged. " Aristophanes

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> Hello,

> I am taking a couple Movement (stretching type) classes in order

to maintain

> some range of motion, but when I do the movements, even though they

are slow and

> gentle, I experience muscle pain especially in the shoulders, upper

back and

> arms.

Have you been evaluated for myofascial trigger points? Those can

cause pain during stetching, and if you have them, you would need to

get proper therapy in order to break them up.


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I don't know what your diagnosis is (if you have one). Have you

read " The New Arthritis Breakthrough " (by Henry Scammell) which

includes the book " The Road Back " by Dr. McPherson Brown,

s Hopkins rheumatologist. (Scammell updates the book with the

latest studies, etc.) Dr. Brown treated over 10,000 people in his

lifetime (he died in 1989) and got most of them into remission or

well or whatever. He even treated the great apes in the Washington

zoo, which they offered him for studies as they were going to have

to euthanize them. They recuperated, and thus began a treatment

program to save others at many zoos over the country.

Fortunately, the day I received a diagnosis of RA and/or Lupus (but

had neither of them, but something similar) was the day a lady at

the bookstore recommended Dr. Brown's book to me. Though I had the

full workup at the rheumatologist, I knew I would pursue Dr. Brown's

treatment instead. There were no drugs with adverse, longterm side

effects going Dr. Brown's route. (There are about 168 diagnoses

under the heading of arthritis.)

At that time, I could not raise my left arm higher than my left

shoulder; could not shampoo or comb my hair, open a car, lift heavy

objects, etc. with the left arm; and had a hard time turning over in

bed. In a matter of 4 months, everything just began turning


If this sounds like something that might be helpful and apply to

you, I recommend you go to www.rheumatic.org (read " Frequently Asked

Questions " and " Medical Histories " ), www.immed.org, and be sure to

get the book. It's available on Amazon.com either new or used.


> Hello,

> I am taking a couple Movement (stretching type) classes in

order to maintain

> some range of motion, but when I do the movements, even though

they are slow and

> gentle, I experience muscle pain especially in the shoulders,

upper back and

> arms. I was wondering if anybody could recommend a topical cream

or some other

> supplement that might reduce the muscle pain during these one-hour


> which I attend three or four times a week. Regarding supplements,

I am already

> taking MSM with glucosamine as well as Boswellia.

> Thanks,

> Du Pre

> Website:


> " By words the mind is winged. " Aristophanes

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Thanks so much for posting this link. As it happens, I have gone months

without muscle pain and have just begun experiencing it again in the past

couple of days. I take molybdenum every day, so I tried dissolving an extra

tablet under my tongue last evening, just as recommended on the website. The

muscle pain began to ease, though I suppose it could have been a

coincidence. However, it doesn't usually just disappear like that. Then it

occurred to me that I had been taking glucosamine with MSM rather than the

plain glucosamine sulfate I usually take, and, on top of that, I had

increased my intake of garlic b/c of a slightly sore throat and signs of a

cold. I had also cut my B12 in half, having just had an amalgam filling

removed. The website notes that " sulfur-containing amino acids become

ammonia and remain ammonia without adequate folic acid, B12, and

molybdenum. " I feel like my body is a hopelessly complex chemical

experiment. But I'm upping the B12 again, increasing the moly, and going

back to glucosamine sulfate to see what happens with the muscle pain.

Anyway, thanks again for posting this.


Re: Muscle pain



> Hi Steve,


> I know MSM is always, or at least often described as " non-toxic "

> or as toxic as water, but seems to me I've read in several places

> that if one takes large quanities, one should also take the trace

> mineral molybdenum, as MSM may compete or deplete the

> mineral.


> Here's a link to an article on molybdenum, candida, and " frozen

> shoulders " ...


> http://www.mall-net.com/cooter/moly.html


> best regards,


> Dan




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What do you feel is an adequate amount of B 12, folic acid, and moly?


Re: Muscle pain



> Hi Steve,


> I know MSM is always, or at least often described as " non-toxic "

> or as toxic as water, but seems to me I've read in several places

> that if one takes large quanities, one should also take the trace

> mineral molybdenum, as MSM may compete or deplete the

> mineral.


> Here's a link to an article on molybdenum, candida, and " frozen

> shoulders " ...


> http://www.mall-net.com/cooter/moly.html


> best regards,


> Dan




This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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A good thing to try for any form of pain is 5-HTP. I treated my wifes

PMS-related pain just an hour ago. Know she is pain free, calm and

relaxed. 150-200 mg is a good dose if you want fast acting results.

Regards, Blake


wanda85929 wrote:


>Might just want to try supplementing with magnesium. The orotates

>seem to be very good. Most people are deficient in this mineral

>anyway from what I've heard. Gail


>-- In , <isaiah40@s...> wrote:




>> I am taking a couple Movement (stretching type) classes in



>order to maintain



>>some range of motion, but when I do the movements, even though they



>are slow and



>>gentle, I experience muscle pain especially in the shoulders, upper



>back and



>>arms. I was wondering if anybody could recommend a topical cream



>or some other



>>supplement that might reduce the muscle pain during these one-hour






>>which I attend three or four times a week. Regarding supplements,



>I am already



>>taking MSM with glucosamine as well as Boswellia.


>> Du Pre







>> " By words the mind is winged. " Aristophanes









>This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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Micul wrote:


What do you feel is an adequate amount of B 12, folic acid, and moly?

Hi, Micul.

Adequate for a healthy person, adequate for a PWC, or adequate for me as an

individual with CFS/ME and multiple chemical sensitivity? I am assuming that

you want to know what is adequate for a PWC. I can't answer that; I'm just

tinkering with my own body. But for me as an individual with the above

conditions, the following dosages usually seem about right: since I can no

longer take B12 injections, 10,000 mcg B12 sublingually (I had just cut that

in half after having an amalgam filling removed), 250 mcg of moly, and 600

mcg of folic acid seem about right for me. I increase the moly after an

environmental " hit " of perfume or cologne, air fresheners, deodorizes,

scented candles, petrol or paint fumes, new clothes, etc. But mainly I

strive to avoid being exposed to all those things.

Hope this helps.


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Does that generally help with MCS, to take molybdenum?


----- Original Message -----

250 mcg of moly, and 600

mcg of folic acid seem about right for me. I increase the moly after an

environmental " hit " of perfume or cologne, air fresheners, deodorizes,

scented candles, petrol or paint fumes, new clothes, etc. But mainly I

strive to avoid being exposed to all those things.

Hope this helps.


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Hi, Doris.

Molybdenum is supposed to help with MCS, and I think that perhaps it does. I

have upped my dosage from 50 mcg to 250 mcg (gradually) over the past couple

of years, as well as upping my zinc and selenium and adding glutathione

precursors to my regular regimen of ImmunoPro. I made these changes as a

result of Rich's analysis of my Great Smokies' test results. Overall, I am

much improved in terms of _feeling_ " normal " (even though I am still

physically impaired) most of the time, though the MCS is still a significant

problem. I am of the opinion that the MCS is a warning to get far away from

the offending substance, and I view my heightened ability to smell the

aldehydes, etc. as a fortunate development that, to some degree, protects me

from the insidious effects of out-gassing chemicals by warning me of their

presence. I have also put triple-stage air filters in my car, my office, and

my bedroom, and I have sublingual moly/glutathione tablets and a " personal "

air filter (around the neck model) for especially challenging situations. My

class syllabi (I'm a college professor) request that students avoid wearing

fragrance to class, as well as when they complete their homework

assignments. When someone forgets, I have to immediately slide the offending

paper into a ziplock bag before it contaminates the other papers and ask

someone in the office to photocopy it for me. I have to keep my distance

from a couple of my colleagues who wear fragrance, as well as keep reminding

the cleaning staff not to place deodorizers or use fragrance in the

restrooms. I don't go into hardware stores or building suppliers; I don't go

into new construction or newly-remodeled buildings if I can avoid it. But

I'm not confident that the moly can prevent my being taken down by a big

enough hit. I now can see that remodeling in my own house (new flooring) and

being exposed to new carpet and carpet adhesive every day at work

contributed to putting me into CFS.

Sorry, didn't mean to run on like this. So I guess my answer to your

question is equivocal--moly seems to help, but it isn't the answer.


Re: Re: Muscle pain


> Does that generally help with MCS, to take molybdenum?

> Doris

> ----- Original Message -----

> 250 mcg of moly, and 600

> mcg of folic acid seem about right for me. I increase the moly after an

> environmental " hit " of perfume or cologne, air fresheners, deodorizes,

> scented candles, petrol or paint fumes, new clothes, etc. But mainly I

> strive to avoid being exposed to all those things.

> Hope this helps.

> LaRue




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I don't mind it was long, it was interesting. Your MCS is much worse than mine.

But then I had CFS way before any MCS, and in fact now my CFS isn't too bad but

the MCS is getting stronger. My last few glutathione tests have been fine,

however I can alleviate problems from chemicals by taking whey protein soon

before or after, perhaps the cysteine is doing that. My MCS really isn't too

bad compared to yours. At first it was just auto parts stores, then progressed

to hardware stores, carpet stores, I have to outgass some items I purchase mail

order and bring into the house. But other stores like even furniture stores are

not a problem, and people's homes are almost never a problem. Heavy perfume of

course is, as is cigarette smoke.

I hope that MCS is just a warning, and that actual damage isn't being done.

Because mostly I am afraid of kicking myself over the edge with too much

exposure. I am moving to a new house (new for me, but I made sure it wasn't

brand new, it is 5 years old.) I will need some new furniture but I am getting

a whole house ventillation / filtration and VOC trapping system installed so I

am hoping that will prevent any worsening. Actually it turns out where I have

been living for 11 years since I got sick is downwind of an auto plant that is

the worst polluter in my county, so my hope is that the move will help. I

usually feel better when I am away (but not always, there are some other

locations I go which make me just as sick as here.)

I don't think I am taking much Molybdenum. You said you worked your way up in

dose gradually, did you have symptoms if you went too fast, or you just learned

it helped and kept adding more?


----- Original Message -----

I am of the opinion that the MCS is a warning to get far away from

the offending substance, and I view my heightened ability to smell the

aldehydes, etc. as a fortunate development that, to some degree, protects me

from the insidious effects of out-gassing chemicals by warning me of their

presence. I have also put triple-stage air filters in my car, my office, and

my bedroom, and I have sublingual moly/glutathione tablets and a " personal "

air filter (around the neck model) for especially challenging situations.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


You might have some trigger points in the muscles in your legs,

causing the muscle pain. Your alignment in your hips, or in your

feet could also be off, hence your not using the muscle correctly,

and putting strains on some of your muscles.

Trigger point thereapy workbook, is great, it has all different

trigger points listed in the legs, back, neck, etc.

Gives you some tips on working the areas too.

You can also search online, there are some online places with

reference maps to where the pain maps, and where the actual trigger

point is.

A good massage therapist can work with you on getting rid of the

trigger points.

You can use something like a foam roller, or the stick as well to

work on the spots yourself. A tennis ball works great too, either

apply pressure against a wall, or use the floor.


> I, of course, have CP but also have a lot of pain in the muscles

in my

> legs. Does anyone else have this. Any ideas why.



> Help fight Dachshund Disc Disease

> www.dodgerslist.com

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Thanks Connie

I thought something like this might be happening. I had a lateral

release done in May 2003 and while it aligned one of my knees it also

left it unstable and in much worse condition then before. Something

went wrong during the surgery and it seems no one can tell me what

happened. The other knee is still not aligned but after the last

one, not in a big hurry to let them back in there. <g> Obviously,

though the LR did not help with the pain as they are both bad now and

have the same pain, so I have come to believe that my original pain

was not because they weren't aligned but because of the loss of


> > I, of course, have CP but also have a lot of pain in the muscles

> in my

> > legs. Does anyone else have this. Any ideas why.

> >

> >

> > Help fight Dachshund Disc Disease

> > www.dodgerslist.com

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