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rescue-towercrane operator

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Dear Prithvairajan,

Please provide fall arrester from cabin to the bottom of tower crane,you can tie

nylon rope at top of mast piece and another end at bottom of tower crane mast

piece and fixed fall arrestor into nylone rope.in emergency you can use this


If you want demo of that please contect M/S KARAM(manufacture of safety devises)


Mritunjay Kumar

rescue-towercrane operator

Dear All

Anybody have an emergency rescue method to rescue a tower crane operator from

his cabin.

Please share.



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Thanks Mr. Jay

Your suggestion is good for erectors who are hanging on a full body harness. However, this is not in the case of operators. As I said, the access to the operator cabin is very limited (Vertically to the cabin from the ladder). (Some cranes having side doors from the cabin to boom in this case rescue is much easy with man basket t)

Use of a man basket and a mobile crane (with sufficient boom length) may solve the problem if the cabin access is from side ways. Otherwise, we have to break/cut the side glass/frame. Positioning a mobile crane for emergency rescue may not possible for small projects.

Use of a stretcher (conventional or vertical) in the cabin seams to be difficult due space constrains.

Is such rescue equipment available with fire and rescue departments?



rescue-towercrane operator

Dear AllAnybody have an emergency rescue method to rescue a tower crane operator from his cabin. Please share.RegardsPrithvirajanDownload prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Go to http://in.messenger .yahoo.com/ webmessengerprom o.php/

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Dear All, What if tower crane operator needs to be rescued at high elevation 150 to 200 meter from the ground????????shaji nair wrote: Thanks Mr. Jay Your suggestion is good for erectors who are hanging on a full body harness. However, this is not in the case of operators. As I said, the access to the operator cabin is very limited (Vertically to the cabin from the ladder). (Some cranes having side doors from the cabin to boom in this case rescue is much easy with man basket t) Use of a man basket and a mobile crane (with sufficient boom length) may solve the problem if the cabin access is from side ways. Otherwise, we have to break/cut the side glass/frame. Positioning a mobile crane for emergency rescue may not possible for small projects. Use of a stretcher (conventional or vertical) in the cabin seams to be difficult due space

constrains. Is such rescue equipment available with fire and rescue departments? Regards Prithvirajan rescue-towercrane operator Dear AllAnybody have an emergency rescue method to rescue a tower crane operator from his cabin. Please share.RegardsPrithvirajanDownload prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Go to http://in.messenger .yahoo.com/ webmessengerprom o.php/ Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

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Dear Shaji,

Rescue from tower crane is one of the trickey problem. We have also encountered same problem in past on one of the largest LNG project. And it almost took around one & half hour to rescue the operator from the cabin. He was rescued by using man basket.

But it is advisible to ensure that this problem does not occur i.e proper medical check up of the operstor before climbing the crane. It may sound unrealistic but it may solve the problem. One way of rescue is conventional way of using rope & chair knot. This needs proper training of workers, sufficient resources like rope. This training is imparted by Civil Defence. This is available for industry workmen also. You can contact them for further details.

Another way of rescue is using special type of stretcher which remains always in horizental position when suspended. You can keep the IP in it & lower him by using proper lowerin equipment.( But the details are not available with me.)


Subject: Re: rescue-towercrane operatorTo: indiansafetyprofessionals Date: Saturday, 15 March, 2008, 3:23 PM

Thanks Mr. Jay

Your suggestion is good for erectors who are hanging on a full body harness. However, this is not in the case of operators. As I said, the access to the operator cabin is very limited (Vertically to the cabin from the ladder). (Some cranes having side doors from the cabin to boom in this case rescue is much easy with man basket t)

Use of a man basket and a mobile crane (with sufficient boom length) may solve the problem if the cabin access is from side ways. Otherwise, we have to break/cut the side glass/frame. Positioning a mobile crane for emergency rescue may not possible for small projects.

Use of a stretcher (conventional or vertical) in the cabin seams to be difficult due space constrains.

Is such rescue equipment available with fire and rescue departments?



[indiansafetyprofes sionals] rescue-towercrane operator

Dear AllAnybody have an emergency rescue method to rescue a tower crane operator from his cabin. Please share.RegardsPrithvirajanDownload prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Go to http://in.messenger .yahoo.com/ webmessengerprom o.php/

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Thanks Mr. Santhosh,

The main risk is taking out the victim form the cabin. For lowering, we can use many methods like man basket, stretcher basket or even a full body harness.

I think the tower crane manufactures should arrange means for rescue.

If side panel of the cabin can be opened from out side and inside (for example a hinged panel frame or a pull away tabbed panel like aircraft rescue panels) then it will be easier to take the victim out through it by help of a man basket. Further, if there is a platform out side the cabin and access is provided to this platform from the crane ladder, then rescue is easier and the victim can be aerial lifted from this platform. Provision of in built purpose made winch can be used to lower. (For taller cranes or cranes situated in remote areas where mobile crane cannot reach etc)

I think crane manufactures should look in to this and have a main role to play.

Professional’s comments please.



[indiansafetyprofes sionals] rescue-towercrane operator

Dear AllAnybody have an emergency rescue method to rescue a tower crane operator from his cabin. Please share.RegardsPrithvirajanDownload prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Go to http://in.messenger .yahoo.com/ webmessengerprom o..php/

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