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Hi everyone....I need your prayers and support as I am going through

a rather rough time at the present with health issues in addition to

but first the Good news; Well as I mentioned I went to my rheumy

yeterday and he believes that my flare up may be due to the sinus

infection I have been fighting for 3 mths now...He prescribed Motrin

600mg 3 x daily and upped my pred to 10mg temporarily...Well my RA

is so much better today I feel new again...Still have some joint

pain, but pretty much feel so much better.I'm not sure if it's the

Motrin and increased pred or the most wonderful weather we are

having today in So.Cal. High about 85 and very low humidity. Which

ever it is the weather or the meds I'm very grateful. Now for the

bad news..Rheumy wanted me to see a ENT (Ear.nose and throat

specialist),for the sinus infection, Earliest appt. is June

8th....I am pursuing an emergency appt. but it is very difficult to

get...So I went to see my reg doc, couldn't get an appt till Friday,

So I went over there right when they got back from lunch and

insisted, okay begged to see the doc. I must have pled my case well

because they took me right back before the patients that had appts.

Wow amazing what being assertive does.....He is very concerned that

I have not conquerred this infection and the fact that my sed rate

was really high...He ordered a cat scan of my sinus area. X-rays

taken a few weeks ago showed no obstruction, but could have

infection that is not seen on x-rays. Well the first appt. for the

cat scan is June 22...Doc was not happy and said I should go to the

emergency room and see the emergency doc who will order the cat

scan..I called the emergency room and was told that they were very

busy and it would take about 7-8 hrs before I would see the doc and

then wait after that for the cat scan.....I decided to wait and see

how well I do tommorrow morning with ENT appt....The real bad news

is my doc is concerned that my glands are still swollen on the right

side of my throat..He hopes its because I'm fighting the infection

that isn't showing on the x-rays....My sed rate was through the roof

the other day so I have a great deal of inflammation and that could

play a factor in the swollen glands..My immune systems is fighting

overtime. RA flare up ever since I have had this infection...He

hopes it's from the infection and not a mass...Oh great...a mass

what the @*@*@@ does that mean....Yes, folks a growth, could be

benign, could be cancer....He didn't see any evidence of cancer when

he looked in my mouth and throat today, but said he couldn't see way

down in my throat because he didn't have the right equipment and

that's for the ENT. I think its from the infection because my glands

were not swollen before I got the infection and my right ear feels

like there is fluid in it and it itches...I just want to take a Q-

tip and dig way down...When I use my pinky to play with my ear I

feel some fluid on the tip...Please keep me in mind and pray for

me...I need your support through this ordeal...I feel so alone as

some members of my family are very uninterested and not supportive

at all. They just don't want to face the fact that I have RA...or

anything else. They never want me to talk about it... I pray it is

nothing and only the infection.....Thank you....

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, I hope it is an infection alone. Try not to worry.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Need your support:

> Hi everyone....I need your prayers and support as I am going through

> a rather rough time at the present with health issues in addition to

> but first the Good news; Well as I mentioned I went to my rheumy

> yeterday and he believes that my flare up may be due to the sinus

> infection I have been fighting for 3 mths now...He prescribed Motrin

> 600mg 3 x daily and upped my pred to 10mg temporarily...Well my RA

> is so much better today I feel new again...Still have some joint

> pain, but pretty much feel so much better.I'm not sure if it's the

> Motrin and increased pred or the most wonderful weather we are

> having today in So.Cal. High about 85 and very low humidity. Which

> ever it is the weather or the meds I'm very grateful. Now for the

> bad news..Rheumy wanted me to see a ENT (Ear.nose and throat

> specialist),for the sinus infection, Earliest appt. is June

> 8th....I am pursuing an emergency appt. but it is very difficult to

> get...So I went to see my reg doc, couldn't get an appt till Friday,

> So I went over there right when they got back from lunch and

> insisted, okay begged to see the doc. I must have pled my case well

> because they took me right back before the patients that had appts.

> Wow amazing what being assertive does.....He is very concerned that

> I have not conquerred this infection and the fact that my sed rate

> was really high...He ordered a cat scan of my sinus area. X-rays

> taken a few weeks ago showed no obstruction, but could have

> infection that is not seen on x-rays. Well the first appt. for the

> cat scan is June 22...Doc was not happy and said I should go to the

> emergency room and see the emergency doc who will order the cat

> scan..I called the emergency room and was told that they were very

> busy and it would take about 7-8 hrs before I would see the doc and

> then wait after that for the cat scan.....I decided to wait and see

> how well I do tommorrow morning with ENT appt....The real bad news

> is my doc is concerned that my glands are still swollen on the right

> side of my throat..He hopes its because I'm fighting the infection

> that isn't showing on the x-rays....My sed rate was through the roof

> the other day so I have a great deal of inflammation and that could

> play a factor in the swollen glands..My immune systems is fighting

> overtime. RA flare up ever since I have had this infection...He

> hopes it's from the infection and not a mass...Oh great...a mass

> what the @*@*@@ does that mean....Yes, folks a growth, could be

> benign, could be cancer....He didn't see any evidence of cancer when

> he looked in my mouth and throat today, but said he couldn't see way

> down in my throat because he didn't have the right equipment and

> that's for the ENT. I think its from the infection because my glands

> were not swollen before I got the infection and my right ear feels

> like there is fluid in it and it itches...I just want to take a Q-

> tip and dig way down...When I use my pinky to play with my ear I

> feel some fluid on the tip...Please keep me in mind and pray for

> me...I need your support through this ordeal...I feel so alone as

> some members of my family are very uninterested and not supportive

> at all. They just don't want to face the fact that I have RA...or

> anything else. They never want me to talk about it... I pray it is

> nothing and only the infection.....Thank you....

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Hi ~

Your RA is better from the prednisone I would think -- Just a guess.

Concerning your sinus problems -- I'm going through exactly the same thing

and have been for 5 months now.

I had a CT of my sinuses done Sat night and from a layman's perspective

there's some problems. We all look for symmetry when we see an x-ray of any

sort. You want the same sizes and shapes on both sides and then everything

looks good to us! LOL

Well in mine, the left side looks so much different than the right side. On

each CT film there's about 6 (I think) exposures showing the path of the

dye -- You can see the filling taking place in a particular area and it

fills up on the right side but not on the left -- just a spurt of dye and

then a long thin line on the left side.

The tech asked me if I was seeing a ENT and I said I had a referral for one

and that I laready made an appt -- She suggested strongly that I see him and

she gave me the films right away to take with me -- I do have an appt with

the ENT today at 4 and I should find out more then.

I've been seeing this same problem crop up with a few on this site -- With

both Embrel and Humira and maybe other biological meds -- are you taking any



[ ] Need your support:

> Hi everyone....I need your prayers and support as I am going through

> a rather rough time at the present with health issues in addition to

> but first the Good news; Well as I mentioned I went to my rheumy

> yeterday and he believes that my flare up may be due to the sinus

> infection I have been fighting for 3 mths now...He prescribed Motrin

> 600mg 3 x daily and upped my pred to 10mg temporarily...Well my RA

> is so much better today I feel new again...Still have some joint

> pain, but pretty much feel so much better.I'm not sure if it's the

> Motrin and increased pred or the most wonderful weather we are

> having today in So.Cal. High about 85 and very low humidity. Which

> ever it is the weather or the meds I'm very grateful. Now for the

> bad news..Rheumy wanted me to see a ENT (Ear.nose and throat

> specialist),for the sinus infection, Earliest appt. is June

> 8th....I am pursuing an emergency appt. but it is very difficult to

> get...So I went to see my reg doc, couldn't get an appt till Friday,

> So I went over there right when they got back from lunch and

> insisted, okay begged to see the doc. I must have pled my case well

> because they took me right back before the patients that had appts.

> Wow amazing what being assertive does.....He is very concerned that

> I have not conquerred this infection and the fact that my sed rate

> was really high...He ordered a cat scan of my sinus area. X-rays

> taken a few weeks ago showed no obstruction, but could have

> infection that is not seen on x-rays. Well the first appt. for the

> cat scan is June 22...Doc was not happy and said I should go to the

> emergency room and see the emergency doc who will order the cat

> scan..I called the emergency room and was told that they were very

> busy and it would take about 7-8 hrs before I would see the doc and

> then wait after that for the cat scan.....I decided to wait and see

> how well I do tommorrow morning with ENT appt....The real bad news

> is my doc is concerned that my glands are still swollen on the right

> side of my throat..He hopes its because I'm fighting the infection

> that isn't showing on the x-rays....My sed rate was through the roof

> the other day so I have a great deal of inflammation and that could

> play a factor in the swollen glands..My immune systems is fighting

> overtime. RA flare up ever since I have had this infection...He

> hopes it's from the infection and not a mass...Oh great...a mass

> what the @*@*@@ does that mean....Yes, folks a growth, could be

> benign, could be cancer....He didn't see any evidence of cancer when

> he looked in my mouth and throat today, but said he couldn't see way

> down in my throat because he didn't have the right equipment and

> that's for the ENT. I think its from the infection because my glands

> were not swollen before I got the infection and my right ear feels

> like there is fluid in it and it itches...I just want to take a Q-

> tip and dig way down...When I use my pinky to play with my ear I

> feel some fluid on the tip...Please keep me in mind and pray for

> me...I need your support through this ordeal...I feel so alone as

> some members of my family are very uninterested and not supportive

> at all. They just don't want to face the fact that I have RA...or

> anything else. They never want me to talk about it... I pray it is

> nothing and only the infection.....Thank you....












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I'm sorry for such bad news. Here the way you get to see a doctor in the ER is

to go by ambulance. A friend of mine sat in ER for hours. Finally someone came

and suggested an ambulance. So she went home, called and came back and was taken

right in. I hope you get some relief from that and that it is not a mass.

I have had ENT go in and look down my throat and the worst part of it is the

stuff they spray to numb and probably prevent the gag reflex taste terrible

otherwise it isn't bad at all.

I know you are not supposed to put anything in your ear but I do if I feel it is

clogged up or is itching. I use a hairpin, you know the old fashioned ones. They

are the definition of hairpin as you see hairpin curves in the roads. The

crocked end cannot go far enough in my ears to do any damage.

I have been to the ER twice in the last 10 years. First my husband was stumbling

all over and was not rational. He felt cold to me so I tried to take his

temperature. It was too low to measure on my thermometer. I called our GP and he

said take him right to ER as that could potentially cause a stroke. We waited

hours and finally when they got to him it registered 96. 96 is no problem and

the fact that he was below that didn't mean a thing to them. Wasted trip.

The 2nd time was when I was having very minor chest pain. I called ER to ask a

question and they dispatched an ambulance before the phone call ended. I told

them my husband could bring me in, but they said no. Upon arrival I was

immediately taken in and hooked to monitors.

BVan (Betty

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> Hi ~

> Your RA is better from the prednisone I would think -- Just a


> Concerning your sinus problems -- I'm going through exactly the

same thing

> and have been for 5 months now.

> I had a CT of my sinuses done Sat night and from a layman's


> there's some problems. We all look for symmetry when we see an x-

ray of any

> sort. You want the same sizes and shapes on both sides and then


> looks good to us! LOL

> Well in mine, the left side looks so much different than the right

side. On

> each CT film there's about 6 (I think) exposures showing the path

of the

> dye -- You can see the filling taking place in a particular area

and it

> fills up on the right side but not on the left -- just a spurt of

dye and

> then a long thin line on the left side.

> The tech asked me if I was seeing a ENT and I said I had a

referral for one

> and that I laready made an appt -- She suggested strongly that I

see him and

> she gave me the films right away to take with me -- I do have an

appt with

> the ENT today at 4 and I should find out more then.

> I've been seeing this same problem crop up with a few on this

site -- With

> both Embrel and Humira and maybe other biological meds -- are you

taking any

> biologicals?


> Ian

I too have had some trouble with my sinus and I am on Enbrel as

well as other meds. . are you also on Enbrel?

just thought i put my two cents in.

take care and I will keep you in my prayers.

Janet IN IL

> [ ] Need your support:



> > Hi everyone....I need your prayers and support as I am going


> > a rather rough time at the present with health issues in

addition to

> > but first the Good news; Well as I mentioned I went to my rheumy

> > yeterday and he believes that my flare up may be due to the sinus

> > infection I have been fighting for 3 mths now...He prescribed


> > 600mg 3 x daily and upped my pred to 10mg temporarily...Well my


> > is so much better today I feel new again...Still have some joint

> > pain, but pretty much feel so much better.I'm not sure if it's


> > Motrin and increased pred or the most wonderful weather we are

> > having today in So.Cal. High about 85 and very low humidity.


> > ever it is the weather or the meds I'm very grateful. Now for


> > bad news..Rheumy wanted me to see a ENT (Ear.nose and throat

> > specialist),for the sinus infection, Earliest appt. is June

> > 8th....I am pursuing an emergency appt. but it is very difficult


> > get...So I went to see my reg doc, couldn't get an appt till


> > So I went over there right when they got back from lunch and

> > insisted, okay begged to see the doc. I must have pled my case


> > because they took me right back before the patients that had


> > Wow amazing what being assertive does.....He is very concerned


> > I have not conquerred this infection and the fact that my sed


> > was really high...He ordered a cat scan of my sinus area. X-rays

> > taken a few weeks ago showed no obstruction, but could have

> > infection that is not seen on x-rays. Well the first appt. for


> > cat scan is June 22...Doc was not happy and said I should go to


> > emergency room and see the emergency doc who will order the cat

> > scan..I called the emergency room and was told that they were


> > busy and it would take about 7-8 hrs before I would see the doc


> > then wait after that for the cat scan.....I decided to wait and


> > how well I do tommorrow morning with ENT appt....The real bad


> > is my doc is concerned that my glands are still swollen on the


> > side of my throat..He hopes its because I'm fighting the


> > that isn't showing on the x-rays....My sed rate was through the


> > the other day so I have a great deal of inflammation and that


> > play a factor in the swollen glands..My immune systems is


> > overtime. RA flare up ever since I have had this infection...He

> > hopes it's from the infection and not a mass...Oh great...a mass

> > what the @*@*@@ does that mean....Yes, folks a growth, could be

> > benign, could be cancer....He didn't see any evidence of cancer


> > he looked in my mouth and throat today, but said he couldn't see


> > down in my throat because he didn't have the right equipment and

> > that's for the ENT. I think its from the infection because my


> > were not swollen before I got the infection and my right ear


> > like there is fluid in it and it itches...I just want to take a


> > tip and dig way down...When I use my pinky to play with my ear I

> > feel some fluid on the tip...Please keep me in mind and pray for

> > me...I need your support through this ordeal...I feel so alone as

> > some members of my family are very uninterested and not


> > at all. They just don't want to face the fact that I have RA...or

> > anything else. They never want me to talk about it... I pray it


> > nothing and only the infection.....Thank you....

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi guys, Thank you so much for your response and support...I was abel to get an

appt. with the ENT for today at 3:00pm.... No, I am not taking Enbrel nor

Humira. My rheumy said on Tuesday good thing I wasn't.... I only take MTX and

the Pred.....Did any of you have swollen glands on one side of your

throat?????And if you are better now what did you take...What was the magic

cure.....I'm telling you this is the pits....as you know Ian and Jan.....Some

days my throat feels fine, others it feels like I have cotton in it. But every

morning this wonderful yuk drains out....as I said sometimes it looks like pale

Key LIme Pie other times it is kinda beige. One of the clerks at my pharmacy

said she has been fighting this since DEC..and the anti-biotics are not touching

it...But she does not have swollen glands, than on the other hand she doesn't

have RA...My future daughter-in-law said quite a few co-workers have had the

same thing for months and the meds aren't touching

it.....,What is this wonderful yuk? Well I'll have more info today..Thank you

again for your support it is greatly appreciated..Hugs....

jan <smokey61080@...> wrote:


> Hi ~

> Your RA is better from the prednisone I would think -- Just a


> Concerning your sinus problems -- I'm going through exactly the

same thing

> and have been for 5 months now.

> I had a CT of my sinuses done Sat night and from a layman's


> there's some problems. We all look for symmetry when we see an x-

ray of any

> sort. You want the same sizes and shapes on both sides and then


> looks good to us! LOL

> Well in mine, the left side looks so much different than the right

side. On

> each CT film there's about 6 (I think) exposures showing the path

of the

> dye -- You can see the filling taking place in a particular area

and it

> fills up on the right side but not on the left -- just a spurt of

dye and

> then a long thin line on the left side.

> The tech asked me if I was seeing a ENT and I said I had a

referral for one

> and that I laready made an appt -- She suggested strongly that I

see him and

> she gave me the films right away to take with me -- I do have an

appt with

> the ENT today at 4 and I should find out more then.

> I've been seeing this same problem crop up with a few on this

site -- With

> both Embrel and Humira and maybe other biological meds -- are you

taking any

> biologicals?


> Ian

I too have had some trouble with my sinus and I am on Enbrel as

well as other meds. . are you also on Enbrel?

just thought i put my two cents in.

take care and I will keep you in my prayers.

Janet IN IL

> [ ] Need your support:



> > Hi everyone....I need your prayers and support as I am going


> > a rather rough time at the present with health issues in

addition to

> > but first the Good news; Well as I mentioned I went to my rheumy

> > yeterday and he believes that my flare up may be due to the sinus

> > infection I have been fighting for 3 mths now...He prescribed


> > 600mg 3 x daily and upped my pred to 10mg temporarily...Well my


> > is so much better today I feel new again...Still have some joint

> > pain, but pretty much feel so much better.I'm not sure if it's


> > Motrin and increased pred or the most wonderful weather we are

> > having today in So.Cal. High about 85 and very low humidity.


> > ever it is the weather or the meds I'm very grateful. Now for


> > bad news..Rheumy wanted me to see a ENT (Ear.nose and throat

> > specialist),for the sinus infection, Earliest appt. is June

> > 8th....I am pursuing an emergency appt. but it is very difficult


> > get...So I went to see my reg doc, couldn't get an appt till


> > So I went over there right when they got back from lunch and

> > insisted, okay begged to see the doc. I must have pled my case


> > because they took me right back before the patients that had


> > Wow amazing what being assertive does.....He is very concerned


> > I have not conquerred this infection and the fact that my sed


> > was really high...He ordered a cat scan of my sinus area. X-rays

> > taken a few weeks ago showed no obstruction, but could have

> > infection that is not seen on x-rays. Well the first appt. for


> > cat scan is June 22...Doc was not happy and said I should go to


> > emergency room and see the emergency doc who will order the cat

> > scan..I called the emergency room and was told that they were


> > busy and it would take about 7-8 hrs before I would see the doc


> > then wait after that for the cat scan.....I decided to wait and


> > how well I do tommorrow morning with ENT appt....The real bad


> > is my doc is concerned that my glands are still swollen on the


> > side of my throat..He hopes its because I'm fighting the


> > that isn't showing on the x-rays....My sed rate was through the


> > the other day so I have a great deal of inflammation and that


> > play a factor in the swollen glands..My immune systems is


> > overtime. RA flare up ever since I have had this infection...He

> > hopes it's from the infection and not a mass...Oh great...a mass

> > what the @*@*@@ does that mean....Yes, folks a growth, could be

> > benign, could be cancer....He didn't see any evidence of cancer


> > he looked in my mouth and throat today, but said he couldn't see


> > down in my throat because he didn't have the right equipment and

> > that's for the ENT. I think its from the infection because my


> > were not swollen before I got the infection and my right ear


> > like there is fluid in it and it itches...I just want to take a


> > tip and dig way down...When I use my pinky to play with my ear I

> > feel some fluid on the tip...Please keep me in mind and pray for

> > me...I need your support through this ordeal...I feel so alone as

> > some members of my family are very uninterested and not


> > at all. They just don't want to face the fact that I have RA...or

> > anything else. They never want me to talk about it... I pray it


> > nothing and only the infection.....Thank you....

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Ian,,Thank you so much for your response....I sure hope you have great news

today from the ENT...Please keep me posted....No I have not taken Enbrel nor

Humira...Rheumy on Tuesday said it was a good thing I wasn't...I was able to get

an emergency appt. today for 3:00pm with the ENT..I'll let you know what he

said...I had sinsus x-rays, but nothing showed up, no obstruction of any sort,

but it was noted that I could have sinsusitis with no obstruction, in other

words my sinusus are not impacted..they do drain most of the day, and when I

feel plugged up I take a sudafed or store brand for draingage..but as I said it

is terrible stuff that comes out in the morning,,,Yuk, Yuk, Yuk......My reg doc

wanted the Cat scan because he said it could pick up an infection that could be

recessed or just low grade...Ian, what meds did you take for this wonderful yuk?

I still feel better today....You could be right it could be the pred...Go figure

just 2.5mg more can make such a

difference...Prednisone, the wonderful med and awful med all at the same

time...Ian I'll be thinking of you today and as I said I sure hope it is good

news....Take care,...Hugs

Ian <ianchicago@...> wrote: Hi ~

Your RA is better from the prednisone I would think -- Just a guess.

Concerning your sinus problems -- I'm going through exactly the same thing

and have been for 5 months now.

I had a CT of my sinuses done Sat night and from a layman's perspective

there's some problems. We all look for symmetry when we see an x-ray of any

sort. You want the same sizes and shapes on both sides and then everything

looks good to us! LOL

Well in mine, the left side looks so much different than the right side. On

each CT film there's about 6 (I think) exposures showing the path of the

dye -- You can see the filling taking place in a particular area and it

fills up on the right side but not on the left -- just a spurt of dye and

then a long thin line on the left side.

The tech asked me if I was seeing a ENT and I said I had a referral for one

and that I laready made an appt -- She suggested strongly that I see him and

she gave me the films right away to take with me -- I do have an appt with

the ENT today at 4 and I should find out more then.

I've been seeing this same problem crop up with a few on this site -- With

both Embrel and Humira and maybe other biological meds -- are you taking any



[ ] Need your support:

> Hi everyone....I need your prayers and support as I am going through

> a rather rough time at the present with health issues in addition to

> but first the Good news; Well as I mentioned I went to my rheumy

> yeterday and he believes that my flare up may be due to the sinus

> infection I have been fighting for 3 mths now...He prescribed Motrin

> 600mg 3 x daily and upped my pred to 10mg temporarily...Well my RA

> is so much better today I feel new again...Still have some joint

> pain, but pretty much feel so much better.I'm not sure if it's the

> Motrin and increased pred or the most wonderful weather we are

> having today in So.Cal. High about 85 and very low humidity. Which

> ever it is the weather or the meds I'm very grateful. Now for the

> bad news..Rheumy wanted me to see a ENT (Ear.nose and throat

> specialist),for the sinus infection, Earliest appt. is June

> 8th....I am pursuing an emergency appt. but it is very difficult to

> get...So I went to see my reg doc, couldn't get an appt till Friday,

> So I went over there right when they got back from lunch and

> insisted, okay begged to see the doc. I must have pled my case well

> because they took me right back before the patients that had appts.

> Wow amazing what being assertive does.....He is very concerned that

> I have not conquerred this infection and the fact that my sed rate

> was really high...He ordered a cat scan of my sinus area. X-rays

> taken a few weeks ago showed no obstruction, but could have

> infection that is not seen on x-rays. Well the first appt. for the

> cat scan is June 22...Doc was not happy and said I should go to the

> emergency room and see the emergency doc who will order the cat

> scan..I called the emergency room and was told that they were very

> busy and it would take about 7-8 hrs before I would see the doc and

> then wait after that for the cat scan.....I decided to wait and see

> how well I do tommorrow morning with ENT appt....The real bad news

> is my doc is concerned that my glands are still swollen on the right

> side of my throat..He hopes its because I'm fighting the infection

> that isn't showing on the x-rays....My sed rate was through the roof

> the other day so I have a great deal of inflammation and that could

> play a factor in the swollen glands..My immune systems is fighting

> overtime. RA flare up ever since I have had this infection...He

> hopes it's from the infection and not a mass...Oh great...a mass

> what the @*@*@@ does that mean....Yes, folks a growth, could be

> benign, could be cancer....He didn't see any evidence of cancer when

> he looked in my mouth and throat today, but said he couldn't see way

> down in my throat because he didn't have the right equipment and

> that's for the ENT. I think its from the infection because my glands

> were not swollen before I got the infection and my right ear feels

> like there is fluid in it and it itches...I just want to take a Q-

> tip and dig way down...When I use my pinky to play with my ear I

> feel some fluid on the tip...Please keep me in mind and pray for

> me...I need your support through this ordeal...I feel so alone as

> some members of my family are very uninterested and not supportive

> at all. They just don't want to face the fact that I have RA...or

> anything else. They never want me to talk about it... I pray it is

> nothing and only the infection.....Thank you....












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Nothing to report from the ENT Doc -- the CT scan was normal and there was

nothing for him to see in my throat but some thick sinus drainage. He seems

to think that it's prednisone related. Bummer! ;)

You asked what meds I've taken -- several types of eye drops with steroids

in them, a whole lot of diflucan and also levequin (sp?).........The

diflucan does the best but it never really cures it and so it rears it's

head in different ways but always always around the general area of the

throat --

I'll keep ya posted should I learn anything new --


[ ] Need your support:

> Hi everyone....I need your prayers and support as I am going through

> a rather rough time at the present with health issues in addition to

> but first the Good news; Well as I mentioned I went to my rheumy

> yeterday and he believes that my flare up may be due to the sinus

> infection I have been fighting for 3 mths now...He prescribed Motrin

> 600mg 3 x daily and upped my pred to 10mg temporarily...Well my RA

> is so much better today I feel new again...Still have some joint

> pain, but pretty much feel so much better.I'm not sure if it's the

> Motrin and increased pred or the most wonderful weather we are

> having today in So.Cal. High about 85 and very low humidity. Which

> ever it is the weather or the meds I'm very grateful. Now for the

> bad news..Rheumy wanted me to see a ENT (Ear.nose and throat

> specialist),for the sinus infection, Earliest appt. is June

> 8th....I am pursuing an emergency appt. but it is very difficult to

> get...So I went to see my reg doc, couldn't get an appt till Friday,

> So I went over there right when they got back from lunch and

> insisted, okay begged to see the doc. I must have pled my case well

> because they took me right back before the patients that had appts.

> Wow amazing what being assertive does.....He is very concerned that

> I have not conquerred this infection and the fact that my sed rate

> was really high...He ordered a cat scan of my sinus area. X-rays

> taken a few weeks ago showed no obstruction, but could have

> infection that is not seen on x-rays. Well the first appt. for the

> cat scan is June 22...Doc was not happy and said I should go to the

> emergency room and see the emergency doc who will order the cat

> scan..I called the emergency room and was told that they were very

> busy and it would take about 7-8 hrs before I would see the doc and

> then wait after that for the cat scan.....I decided to wait and see

> how well I do tommorrow morning with ENT appt....The real bad news

> is my doc is concerned that my glands are still swollen on the right

> side of my throat..He hopes its because I'm fighting the infection

> that isn't showing on the x-rays....My sed rate was through the roof

> the other day so I have a great deal of inflammation and that could

> play a factor in the swollen glands..My immune systems is fighting

> overtime. RA flare up ever since I have had this infection...He

> hopes it's from the infection and not a mass...Oh great...a mass

> what the @*@*@@ does that mean....Yes, folks a growth, could be

> benign, could be cancer....He didn't see any evidence of cancer when

> he looked in my mouth and throat today, but said he couldn't see way

> down in my throat because he didn't have the right equipment and

> that's for the ENT. I think its from the infection because my glands

> were not swollen before I got the infection and my right ear feels

> like there is fluid in it and it itches...I just want to take a Q-

> tip and dig way down...When I use my pinky to play with my ear I

> feel some fluid on the tip...Please keep me in mind and pray for

> me...I need your support through this ordeal...I feel so alone as

> some members of my family are very uninterested and not supportive

> at all. They just don't want to face the fact that I have RA...or

> anything else. They never want me to talk about it... I pray it is

> nothing and only the infection.....Thank you....












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Ian,,,So glad to hear the good news about your cat scan being clear..I thought

of you today and hoped for the best for you....My ENT said you can have sinus

problems with nothing showing up..my sinus xrays were clear...I too had great

news from the ENT I saw today...I posted quite a bit on it earlier today...It

turned out to be allergies...Nasonex was prescribed...I too have taken lots of

diflucan twice at two different intervals made me feel better for very short

time, then it came right back just like your symptoms.....The ENT saw the same

thing your ENT saw...tons of mucus...all allergy related..he told me it wasn't

an infection..just allergies..and all the antibiotics I have taken will not

work...He said it will take quite some time to feel better...day by day I

guess...I must use the Nasonex everyday after I shower and give up all

caffinated beverages and alcohol..No problem with the booze as I don't drink the

stuff..Not good with MTX....I know what you are saying

about your throat...That's where I feel it too...It's the most awful of

feelings, I just can't stand it sometimes, but it's just the drainage...and

sometimes lack of it because I am so plugged..When I'm plugged my throat feels

like I swolled five thousands cotton balls at once...It just feels awful and

when it is really draining it feels raw, but most of the time it doesn't hurt

but I can feel the drainage....Oh well the wonderful symptoms of allergies...My

ENT who by the way has RA...said nothing about the Pred.. I've been on it for

years and this is the first year I have had sinsus problems....or allergies...I

moved to the area where I live 18 mths ago....desert like area...from a beach

like area...lots and lots of rain last year, a record for So. Cal. it kept the

pollen levels down, but this year very little rain and pollen is rampant..I

quess I'm a victim...Well who would think that at 60 one would aquire allergies,

always something new...My daughter who has lived

hear for several years said her allergies were awful when she first moved hear,

but now she believes she has adjusted...I can't wait for my adjusment....As

awful as we feel I sure hope it turns out to be nothing but allergies for you

too....Your symptoms are so similar to mine and the drugs aren't working for you

either it seems that it could be you are suffering from allergies...Did your ENT

mention allergies to you? Take care...Hugs

Ian <ianchicago@...> wrote: ~

Nothing to report from the ENT Doc -- the CT scan was normal and there was

nothing for him to see in my throat but some thick sinus drainage. He seems

to think that it's prednisone related. Bummer! ;)

You asked what meds I've taken -- several types of eye drops with steroids

in them, a whole lot of diflucan and also levequin (sp?).........The

diflucan does the best but it never really cures it and so it rears it's

head in different ways but always always around the general area of the

throat --

I'll keep ya posted should I learn anything new --


[ ] Need your support:

> Hi everyone....I need your prayers and support as I am going through

> a rather rough time at the present with health issues in addition to

> but first the Good news; Well as I mentioned I went to my rheumy

> yeterday and he believes that my flare up may be due to the sinus

> infection I have been fighting for 3 mths now...He prescribed Motrin

> 600mg 3 x daily and upped my pred to 10mg temporarily...Well my RA

> is so much better today I feel new again...Still have some joint

> pain, but pretty much feel so much better.I'm not sure if it's the

> Motrin and increased pred or the most wonderful weather we are

> having today in So.Cal. High about 85 and very low humidity. Which

> ever it is the weather or the meds I'm very grateful. Now for the

> bad news..Rheumy wanted me to see a ENT (Ear.nose and throat

> specialist),for the sinus infection, Earliest appt. is June

> 8th....I am pursuing an emergency appt. but it is very difficult to

> get...So I went to see my reg doc, couldn't get an appt till Friday,

> So I went over there right when they got back from lunch and

> insisted, okay begged to see the doc. I must have pled my case well

> because they took me right back before the patients that had appts.

> Wow amazing what being assertive does.....He is very concerned that

> I have not conquerred this infection and the fact that my sed rate

> was really high...He ordered a cat scan of my sinus area. X-rays

> taken a few weeks ago showed no obstruction, but could have

> infection that is not seen on x-rays. Well the first appt. for the

> cat scan is June 22...Doc was not happy and said I should go to the

> emergency room and see the emergency doc who will order the cat

> scan..I called the emergency room and was told that they were very

> busy and it would take about 7-8 hrs before I would see the doc and

> then wait after that for the cat scan.....I decided to wait and see

> how well I do tommorrow morning with ENT appt....The real bad news

> is my doc is concerned that my glands are still swollen on the right

> side of my throat..He hopes its because I'm fighting the infection

> that isn't showing on the x-rays....My sed rate was through the roof

> the other day so I have a great deal of inflammation and that could

> play a factor in the swollen glands..My immune systems is fighting

> overtime. RA flare up ever since I have had this infection...He

> hopes it's from the infection and not a mass...Oh great...a mass

> what the @*@*@@ does that mean....Yes, folks a growth, could be

> benign, could be cancer....He didn't see any evidence of cancer when

> he looked in my mouth and throat today, but said he couldn't see way

> down in my throat because he didn't have the right equipment and

> that's for the ENT. I think its from the infection because my glands

> were not swollen before I got the infection and my right ear feels

> like there is fluid in it and it itches...I just want to take a Q-

> tip and dig way down...When I use my pinky to play with my ear I

> feel some fluid on the tip...Please keep me in mind and pray for

> me...I need your support through this ordeal...I feel so alone as

> some members of my family are very uninterested and not supportive

> at all. They just don't want to face the fact that I have RA...or

> anything else. They never want me to talk about it... I pray it is

> nothing and only the infection.....Thank you....












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