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Re: 10 year old saline implants

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Patty, Do you actually eat raw garlic? Or do you buy garlic pills at the vitamin store? I might be willing to try garlic pills...... e ----- Original Message ----- From: Patty Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 2:47 AM Subject: Re: 10 year old saline implants Glad I am not alone in my love of raw garlic as a health promoting herb! I would highly recommend it for you, e. Just plan on eating some when you know you are going to have a stretch of time, like 8 hours where you won't have to be around anyone. Maybe eat it at night after work, and by the time you go to work the next morning it will be gone? It's worth a shot... Patty ----- Original Message ----- From: e Rene Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 6:12 AM Subject: Re: 10 year old saline implants Patty, Just wanted to let you know that I was out with some friends on Sat night, and one of the girls I was out with told me that she eats raw garlic everyday and enjoys great health. I immediately thought of you and told her about you (not about you and your story, just that you eat garlic and you feel better). I'd do it in a heartbeat, because I LOVE garlic, but I'm afraid of the social implications:) e ----- Original Message ----- From: Patty Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 9:19 AM Subject: Re: 10 year old saline implants Hi Pat,Definitely not good! Welcome to our group....You may want to get tested for mycoplasms and other pathogens that may becontributing to your constant state of sickness.As I have posted in the files section of this website, there are manynatural products you can use to try to reduce your viral, fungal andbacterial load. These are very, very effective. I have used them myselfwith outstanding results. Personally, I take large amounts of raw garlic,as well as olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract, and other herbs. Ifyou take the time to research these products, you will see that they havewonderful antibacterial, antifungal and anti viral properties.You may still need to get on a course of antibiotics or other drug toeffectively deal with your situation, but these natural products aresomething you can find at the grocery store or health food store and startu sing now. Ruptured saline implants should be dealt with and no ignored.I think you will find these products helpful, but I do strongly encourageyou to get the implants removed along with all scar tissue.Patty----- Original Message -----From: "oll oll" <oll8o@...>< >Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 12:38 AMSubject: Re: 10 year old saline implants> Hi my name is pat and one of my saline implants> ruptured while i was pregnant. I had no insurance at> the time so the doctor would not do anything for me.> The ruptured implant stayed in my body for a yr and a> half,i then got a lawyer and began to try and get them> out.I have been sick since and this was in 1992. I> always feel like i have the flu. I Was wondering what> your thoughts might be on the implants staying inside> my body that long ruptured..thanks pat> --- e Rene

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