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re: s experience and my OTHER surgery

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That is frightening, I don't know if I could have handled being awake for either of my surgeries either, but everyone has there own reasons for what they do, however to be forced into something is terrible.

I think that people who work in the medical profession probably have less fears about anesthesia just because we know more about it, and also the drugs that can counteract the anesthesia are good.

I worried about it more the first time, with the implants, my mom said I told her I had been having nightmares while I was under when I woke up. The other thing that was strange about my implant surgery, that seemed odd at the time was the fact that it ran over by 2 hours of what it was supposed to and I could tell that something was not right immediately with my right breast, almost like he couldn't get it right or something, it never did look right. It finally is ok now after Dr Feng fixed it.

I think that I was in so much pain that I just know whatever went on in that room I couldn't have possibly been awake for.

My explant surgery was a breeze in comparison although it was still awful as far as pain went, the thing that was cool about it was the different meds they used before taking me in that helped me relax, I was so relaxed that I didn't have any problems going in to the OR at all, that Versed is a lifesaver.

Anyhow with all the scar tissue they found in me and all the cutting and scraping she said she had to do to get the implants out intact and completely, I am just glad I wasn't awake, she told me it took 4 people, two to hold retractors and 2 to pull while she cut out the tissue and implants, not a pretty picutre.

I also had another bout with anesthesia in June, this was a much more sad and emotional time, I have not talked about it here before, but I got pregnant, it was really amazing that I concieved, because my husband had a vasectomy, about a month earlier and we blew it I guess, I was on my period at the time we had sex once, between being on my period and his recent vasectomy we thought no way could I get pregnant, well this was last April, I was still really quite ill from the implants and my ana was very high at the time, they were treating me as if I had lupus. This was awful, the pregnancy made me sick and I never told anyone about it but I thought that maybe sharing it now might give some people here some insight into how much tragedy I have endured since my explant so that maybe you guys can understand why I have some emotional issues.

My Dr in CA and I discussed my options and he felt I should not carry the baby to full term with my medical condition so unstable at that time, my husband and I prayed to heavenly father for an answer, we couldn't understand how to deal with an abortion, however, even with our strong religious beliefs we chose to go through with an early term abortion, I was about 8 weeks pregnant when I had it done, this was 4 days before I left California for Idaho, June 8th, 2001. It was awful in everyway to have to do this as my husband and I had even toyed with the idea of maybe having a baby, but with me so violently ill, puking nonstop couldn't keep anything down, lossing weight, dizzy and just unbearably ill there was no choice, I was also on medication and had recieved some abdominal x-rays because I had been having stomach pains prior to learning I was pregnant.

To make matters worse my husband couldn't be there the day of the abortion, because of something he was obligated to do with his middle son, who was at the time still dealing with our marriage and not handling it well, I told my husband that I would be ok, and my best friend accompanied me to the clinic.

At the clinic I was very cold and I have bad viens to begin with so they couldn't even find a vein, to administer the anesthesia and there was no way I was going to be awake while they took my baby from me, so after they stuck me 2 times, they realized that I was panicking and hurting terribly, they put an awful smelling gas mask on me and told me to breath deeply it was a slow and agonizing way to recieve anesthesia, instead of how it usually is, boom your out, this was a fading fading fading feeling, I was extremely frightened and felt like I was dying, but I finally fell asleep, I guess once I was knocked out they managed to get a needle into one of my veins and give me the real anesthesia.

What amazed me the most was that within 6 hours of being home I felt 100% better, the sickness vomitting and pain was gone and the effects of that anesthesia seemed to just lift immediately, the procedure was probably very short in comparison to the breast surgeries, which is probably why I did so well.

I guess my point of telling this was to let people understand how hard this was for me, and still I got through the general anesthesia ok.

I still wonder sometimes about that poor child that I should be carrying right now, but my husband and I have spoken with our bishop and they are aware of the risk to my health and my babies health had I carried to full term, and now that I am aware of my osteoporosis and other things, I realize how sick I may have become. SO in less than a year I had to have 2 procedures with general anesthesia and less than 2 years 3.

This was very hard to talk about but probably something I needed to get off my chest.

Thanks for listening, Love

----- Original Message -----

From: Curry

Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 12:16 AM

Subject: Re:

Curry <Waynekaren773@...> wrote:

Hi , I had a bulge under my right breast, which was growing and I was then explanted in 1997. I had an Ultrasound and Low Dose Mammography, "showing" bilateral ruptures, which is rare. So after telling my p/s, she most likely would have her work cut out for her, asked that I have an Anesthesiologist at the time of my surgery. She said it would cost us an extra $800.00 and with that we set the appt. Upon asking the nurse, the morning of my surgery, if I could speak with the Anesthetist, she said there wasn't one. So as I proceeded to walk out, the nurse stopped me saying, with the (stuff) they would be giving me, I would sleep through it all. When the Doctor came in, she advised that all her explants were done with a local and that she would have me out of there in an hour and a half to two hours. Have you ever wanted to scream, yet couldn't? Then when you were able to scream, you could hear someone saying to give her more for pain? Just to continue screaming and screaming, even though no one could hear you? She spent four hours on the right side, two hours on the left side, then I spent two hours in recovery. After eight hours, as the nurse was rolling me out to my husband, said that I was right and should've had an Anesthesiologist. When I went to see the Doctor (a week later) to have my drains removed, she wasn't there, but when I went back a few days later to have more fluid in my right chest aspirated, the Doctor was in. When I asked her "Why?" She said she was trying to save us money by not having an Anesthesiologist. That I had a low pain tolerance and (this is the best one yet) when she made her first incision and I cried out in pain, she offered to stop and reschedule with an Anesthesiologist, but I said no, so she continued. I informed this p/s that my husband and I had the money for the Anesthesiologist and that even though I've been living with pain 24/7, I still maintained full time employment with only Excedrin to help me. (Does that sound like someone with a low pain tolerance?) And then I asked her, "If I cried out after she began to open me up, why then in God's name would I want her to continue? Quoting a small part from her Op Report, she stated "Very tedious dissection with multiple stops and starts. Unfortunately, the patient had no pain tolerance and this was quite an uncomfortable procedure for her. The right breast being quite slow and uncomfortable for the patient, but the entire capsule and granuloma were removed. The granuloma extended down onto the right upper abdomen and lateral chest wall." I can tell you in great detail what that Doctor put me through (which was not necessary) and to this day, I still wake up screaming, but it won't change a thing. I will tell you this though, I wouldn't want my worst enemy to experience that. Not the explant p/s or the implant p/s. No one! So please , if you can have your surgery done any other way than a local, please consider taking that way! My hair started coming out before my explant, was not anesthetized at time of surgery, yet to this day, my hair is still coming out. You can now see my scalp on the crown. But that's minor compared to my other health issues.

It doesn't matter if anyone believes what I've just shared with you. I no longer care what anyone thinks, but I've spoken the truth and I can only hope it will help you make the decision that's right for you. Love and Hugs............ Katz <rkatz1@...> wrote:

Patty, the crawly/buggy feeling I feel inside my implants.

----- Original Message -----

From: Patty

Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 11:11 AM

Subject: Re: hair loss and general anesthesia

Itching is one of the signs of nerve damage. I don't have the reference handy, but I do remember reading that--I think through the Neuropathy Association newsletter.


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 6:51 AM

Subject: Re: hair loss and general anesthesia

the women with hair loss are out there, I have a few personal friend that have it bad, some have not gotten better since explant some have. I think if you email me privately I can send you the addresses of some women. Believe me it def can be a symptom of many things, but if you have implants, it is hard to ignore that connection.

As for the itching, I had that too, I don't know what that was, but maybe it is connected to the yellow fluid inside my implants which are currently being analyzed, I will let everyone know what I find out.


----- Original Message -----

From: Katz

Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 7:11 PM

Subject: hair loss and general anesthesia

e: I also meant to say that I agree not everybody has hair loss with general anesthesia. It depends on the length of time of your operation and the condition your body is in.

While I'd love to blame my hair loss on my implants, this is the only symptom I am having. I am also tired but this could be from lack of sleep and kids. I wish there were more women who posted about implants and hair loss.

Thanks again,

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This sounds like it was a tough time for you , I am so sorry that you went through that, especially at the time that you did.

The emotional burden doesn't go away either, I am sure, but there is grace in God's hands, and they are stretched out to you.

Just let the healing come. You are forgiven....let God take away the sorrow and love those He has given you deeply. Thank you for sharing with us what you went through. Hopefully no more surgeries for anything from now on...!



----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 7:11 AM

Subject: re: s experience and my OTHER surgery

That is frightening, I don't know if I could have handled being awake for either of my surgeries either, but everyone has there own reasons for what they do, however to be forced into something is terrible.

I think that people who work in the medical profession probably have less fears about anesthesia just because we know more about it, and also the drugs that can counteract the anesthesia are good.

I worried about it more the first time, with the implants, my mom said I told her I had been having nightmares while I was under when I woke up. The other thing that was strange about my implant surgery, that seemed odd at the time was the fact that it ran over by 2 hours of what it was supposed to and I could tell that something was not right immediately with my right breast, almost like he couldn't get it right or something, it never did look right. It finally is ok now after Dr Feng fixed it.

I think that I was in so much pain that I just know whatever went on in that room I couldn't have possibly been awake for.

My explant surgery was a breeze in comparison although it was still awful as far as pain went, the thing that was cool about it was the different meds they used before taking me in that helped me relax, I was so relaxed that I didn't have any problems going in to the OR at all, that Versed is a lifesaver.

Anyhow with all the scar tissue they found in me and all the cutting and scraping she said she had to do to get the implants out intact and completely, I am just glad I wasn't awake, she told me it took 4 people, two to hold retractors and 2 to pull while she cut out the tissue and implants, not a pretty picutre.

I also had another bout with anesthesia in June, this was a much more sad and emotional time, I have not talked about it here before, but I got pregnant, it was really amazing that I concieved, because my husband had a vasectomy, about a month earlier and we blew it I guess, I was on my period at the time we had sex once, between being on my period and his recent vasectomy we thought no way could I get pregnant, well this was last April, I was still really quite ill from the implants and my ana was very high at the time, they were treating me as if I had lupus. This was awful, the pregnancy made me sick and I never told anyone about it but I thought that maybe sharing it now might give some people here some insight into how much tragedy I have endured since my explant so that maybe you guys can understand why I have some emotional issues.

My Dr in CA and I discussed my options and he felt I should not carry the baby to full term with my medical condition so unstable at that time, my husband and I prayed to heavenly father for an answer, we couldn't understand how to deal with an abortion, however, even with our strong religious beliefs we chose to go through with an early term abortion, I was about 8 weeks pregnant when I had it done, this was 4 days before I left California for Idaho, June 8th, 2001. It was awful in everyway to have to do this as my husband and I had even toyed with the idea of maybe having a baby, but with me so violently ill, puking nonstop couldn't keep anything down, lossing weight, dizzy and just unbearably ill there was no choice, I was also on medication and had recieved some abdominal x-rays because I had been having stomach pains prior to learning I was pregnant.

To make matters worse my husband couldn't be there the day of the abortion, because of something he was obligated to do with his middle son, who was at the time still dealing with our marriage and not handling it well, I told my husband that I would be ok, and my best friend accompanied me to the clinic.

At the clinic I was very cold and I have bad viens to begin with so they couldn't even find a vein, to administer the anesthesia and there was no way I was going to be awake while they took my baby from me, so after they stuck me 2 times, they realized that I was panicking and hurting terribly, they put an awful smelling gas mask on me and told me to breath deeply it was a slow and agonizing way to recieve anesthesia, instead of how it usually is, boom your out, this was a fading fading fading feeling, I was extremely frightened and felt like I was dying, but I finally fell asleep, I guess once I was knocked out they managed to get a needle into one of my veins and give me the real anesthesia.

What amazed me the most was that within 6 hours of being home I felt 100% better, the sickness vomitting and pain was gone and the effects of that anesthesia seemed to just lift immediately, the procedure was probably very short in comparison to the breast surgeries, which is probably why I did so well.

I guess my point of telling this was to let people understand how hard this was for me, and still I got through the general anesthesia ok.

I still wonder sometimes about that poor child that I should be carrying right now, but my husband and I have spoken with our bishop and they are aware of the risk to my health and my babies health had I carried to full term, and now that I am aware of my osteoporosis and other things, I realize how sick I may have become. SO in less than a year I had to have 2 procedures with general anesthesia and less than 2 years 3.

This was very hard to talk about but probably something I needed to get off my chest.

Thanks for listening, Love

----- Original Message -----

From: Curry

Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 12:16 AM

Subject: Re:

Curry <Waynekaren773@...> wrote:

Hi , I had a bulge under my right breast, which was growing and I was then explanted in 1997. I had an Ultrasound and Low Dose Mammography, "showing" bilateral ruptures, which is rare. So after telling my p/s, she most likely would have her work cut out for her, asked that I have an Anesthesiologist at the time of my surgery. She said it would cost us an extra $800.00 and with that we set the appt. Upon asking the nurse, the morning of my surgery, if I could speak with the Anesthetist, she said there wasn't one. So as I proceeded to walk out, the nurse stopped me saying, with the (stuff) they would be giving me, I would sleep through it all. When the Doctor came in, she advised that all her explants were done with a local and that she would have me out of there in an hour and a half to two hours. Have you ever wanted to scream, yet couldn't? Then when you were able to scream, you could hear someone saying to give her more for pain? Just to continue screaming and screaming, even though no one could hear you? She spent four hours on the right side, two hours on the left side, then I spent two hours in recovery. After eight hours, as the nurse was rolling me out to my husband, said that I was right and should've had an Anesthesiologist. When I went to see the Doctor (a week later) to have my drains removed, she wasn't there, but when I went back a few days later to have more fluid in my right chest aspirated, the Doctor was in. When I asked her "Why?" She said she was trying to save us money by not having an Anesthesiologist. That I had a low pain tolerance and (this is the best one yet) when she made her first incision and I cried out in pain, she offered to stop and reschedule with an Anesthesiologist, but I said no, so she continued. I informed this p/s that my husband and I had the money for the Anesthesiologist and that even though I've been living with pain 24/7, I still maintained full time employment with only Excedrin to help me. (Does that sound like someone with a low pain tolerance?) And then I asked her, "If I cried out after she began to open me up, why then in God's name would I want her to continue? Quoting a small part from her Op Report, she stated "Very tedious dissection with multiple stops and starts. Unfortunately, the patient had no pain tolerance and this was quite an uncomfortable procedure for her. The right breast being quite slow and uncomfortable for the patient, but the entire capsule and granuloma were removed. The granuloma extended down onto the right upper abdomen and lateral chest wall." I can tell you in great detail what that Doctor put me through (which was not necessary) and to this day, I still wake up screaming, but it won't change a thing. I will tell you this though, I wouldn't want my worst enemy to experience that. Not the explant p/s or the implant p/s. No one! So please , if you can have your surgery done any other way than a local, please consider taking that way! My hair started coming out before my explant, was not anesthetized at time of surgery, yet to this day, my hair is still coming out. You can now see my scalp on the crown. But that's minor compared to my other health issues.

It doesn't matter if anyone believes what I've just shared with you. I no longer care what anyone thinks, but I've spoken the truth and I can only hope it will help you make the decision that's right for you. Love and Hugs............ Katz <rkatz1@...> wrote:

Patty, the crawly/buggy feeling I feel inside my implants.

----- Original Message -----

From: Patty

Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 11:11 AM

Subject: Re: hair loss and general anesthesia

Itching is one of the signs of nerve damage. I don't have the reference handy, but I do remember reading that--I think through the Neuropathy Association newsletter.


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 6:51 AM

Subject: Re: hair loss and general anesthesia

the women with hair loss are out there, I have a few personal friend that have it bad, some have not gotten better since explant some have. I think if you email me privately I can send you the addresses of some women. Believe me it def can be a symptom of many things, but if you have implants, it is hard to ignore that connection.

As for the itching, I had that too, I don't know what that was, but maybe it is connected to the yellow fluid inside my implants which are currently being analyzed, I will let everyone know what I find out.


----- Original Message -----

From: Katz

Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 7:11 PM

Subject: hair loss and general anesthesia

e: I also meant to say that I agree not everybody has hair loss with general anesthesia. It depends on the length of time of your operation and the condition your body is in.

While I'd love to blame my hair loss on my implants, this is the only symptom I am having. I am also tired but this could be from lack of sleep and kids. I wish there were more women who posted about implants and hair loss.

Thanks again,

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