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Worlds worst compliment

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Hi all,

We went to a fun center today and I got the worlds worst compliment over and

over again. The " you're a great mom, I couldn't deal with a kid like that " and

all the variations. By the end of the afternoon I just wanted to cry.

I know all the moms and grandmas making the comment were trying to be nice but

every time it just made me feel worse. Partly because Aden really wasn't being

that bad today. It was almost as bad as the day a coworker told me that if she

had to live my life she would kill herself.

On the up side we spent 3 hours there and Aden didn't kick hit or scratch anyone

else, his only meltdown was when it was time to leave, and he only opened the

emergency exit door once.

I just wish it didn't bother me so much what other people say.

Mom to Aden 8 DS ASD ADHD and Aren 5 ADHD

Sent from my iPod

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