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Re: Hi dollfin0086 and Welcome to group - Gang another husband and wife team

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Hi my name is Beth and my husband's name is Will(as you can see in my

profile, I can't figure out how to change it lol, please forgive me,

but do not leave me alone). My husband has been on tx since October

2007. He is on Pegasys and Ribaviran. He also has one weekly

injection each of Neupogen and Procrit. His tx was extended by his GI

due to being a " slow responder " to 72 weeks. The side effects have

taken a great toll on his body and my sanity (lol). We have been

receiving co-pay assitance through Pegassist for their meds and

Healthwell Foundation for the Procrit and Neupogen. I am looking for

more information on where to receive assistance other than Pegassist

as they have said they will not fund him for the extension period.

Any help or other information that anyone can offer is greatly




Wife of Will



> Thank You for joining us.


> We have many husband and wife teams as members.   Usually the

husband has HCV the quiet member and the wife is the active member

for info and support for both of them.  Yes HCV affects not only the

person with it but spouses and all loved ones  and in need of a

support system team for them too. 


> We have a very open honest discussion format for group allowing us

to share about ourselves our loved ones with HCV for better

support knowledge gained for all of us.


> This also allows us to form closer bonds trusting friendships much

better forms of support and when it is needed the most.


> We also offer many Links - Files in group with much Info and

posting in group of the latest up-to-date medical articles. 


> Please feel free to introduce yourself and share about you and your

hubby ask any questions concerns you may have or in need of any

specific medical articles or information about HCV.


> Our members span all the stages much personal experiences and we

are here for one another no matter what stage clear from treatments

or not.


> I just posted a message with HCV treatment assistance program info

and also a 800 # to call for further assistance with Rx's.   Hope

that helps.


> All The Best To You and Hubby.


> Deb

> 54 - New Orleans

> Liver transplant 3-4-01

> HCV geno 1a for 32 years now 












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