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Re: Rheumy confusion-HELP Jane

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I very much agree with Holly's post. When I first went

into my FP doctor, whom I had know for some 10 years,

she looked at my hands, which were swollen to twice

their size and so painful, she immediately started me

on Prednisone and Motrin, while waiting for the blood

work come in. It came in positive for RA, and she

then added Plaquenil to the mix. She also told me

that even if the RA test had been negative, she would

have continued to treat my smptoms, which were

positive for RA, like it was RA, and then go from

there as to whether the RA meds helped or not. I am

very blessed that she began early aggressive treatment

of my RA.

With all the mixing and similarities in auto immune

diseases, it is hard to get that dx sometimes.

Sometimes where there is no definite dx, doctors will

treat the patients by their symptoms, and it is so

much better than being told that, well, you have no

diagnosis, so we don't know what to do for you, sorry.

I truly think that your doctor is treating you well,

and not jumping into anything. The mtx on the next

visit, if it helps you, will tell her more about what

kind of immune system disease is involved in your

case. Give her time, doctors sometimes have to just

feel their way through these sorts of diseases because

they can all mimic each other in areas. If you are

really unhappy with no concrete dx from this rheumy,

your perogative is always to get a second opionion.

Best of luck, and let us know what happens.

Kathe in CA

--- Holly <hollybgroovin2003@...> wrote:

> Jane, I went through this as well even though I

> was lucky enough to get a diagnosis after 1 and a

> half years. I was given all kinds of medication

> without a true diagnosis. After speaking with my

> new rheumy she explained to me that she was treating

> me for the inflamation in my body and that even

> though I didn't have a true diagnosis, my blood work

> did show a high amount of inflamation. I have now

> been diagnosed with lupus as well as rheumatoid

> arthritis. I know it's frustrating. My only advice

> to you is that if you are not happy with what your

> rheumy is telling you, find a new one. That's what

> I had to do before I got my diagnosis. It seems you

> definately need one that will be more open and tell

> you what they are treating you for. Best of wishes,

> Holly


> > On Wednesday, February 22, 2006, at 08:31 PM,

> mtbargeman30 wrote:


> > Ok, I might just be retarded, but here goes. I

> went to see the rheumy a

> > couple weeks ago. She gave me prednisone, but

> when i started to taper

> > down to two a day, i got a flare, So went back

> today, she upped the

> > dose, gave me another script. Sent me for

> anti-CCP, liver function

> > tests, and some other test i couldn't make out.

> Then said when I go

> > back to her in four weeks, she will start me on

> methotrexate.But she

> > still hasn't given me a concrete diagnosis. She

> calls it either " this "

> > or inflammatory arthritis, and then only if I

> push. So what the %^ & &

> > is " this " ? How can she give me all kinds of crazy

> pills I have to take

> > forever and not give a concrete diagnosis? If

> anyone has any idea where

> > this might possibly be headed, and what size

> paddle I need for the

> > RIVER of CRAP, please let me know. Thank You.

> >

> > Jane





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