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This morning was supposed to be cardio but my foot kept waking me up last night and hurt this morning too so I decided to just do a little bit from 's Walk Away Your Stress. I planned 10 minutes & ended up doing 15 because it is so fun, I stopped myself though because it didn't feel that great on my foot. After that, I put in Cathe's Slow & Heavy and did the abs section that is on the Triceps & Biceps workout. I didn't even know it was there until I went to the chapters to do triceps on Monday but didn't have time until today to try it. It was a little less than 10 minutes long I think. It wasn't killer hard but it wasn't easy either. After that, I put in her Stretch Max DVD I just got in a trade and did the no equipment stretch for 20 minutes. It was very nice. I was wearing jeans and a sweater though (this was a spontaneous decision to work out and all spontaneous as I went along) and that made the abs and the stretch a bit more challenging but it was still good.

Went to the podiatrist tonight and he thinks at this point my orthotics aren't giving me enough support (and the one on the sore foot did feel funny) so he gave me a new pair that are stiffer. They feel pretty good so hopefully he's right. No cortisone shot tonight but I am continuing with the anti-inflammatory for another week. I see him again next Thursday. I asked about pain medication so I can at least sleep and he gave me Tylenol-3 to start. He said if that doesn't work we can do Vicodin. I don't do Vicodin well though (bizarre dreams) so I'm hoping this works. I'm only going to take it if I get woken up by pain but I also don't know if it will knock me out too much. I'm almost hoping my foot hurts at 2 in the morning tonight because tomorrow is my day off and if I can't get up at 5:30 because of the medicine then DH can handle morning stuff with the kids and I'll know if it is something I can take on days I need to get up super early! :-) Anyway, I'm slightly hopeful there's light at the end of the tunnel. I'm seeing the chiro on Tuesday too and maybe that will also help.

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