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Hi Patty,

Thank you very much for your help. Perhaps I'll be able to get some questions answered without bias. Thank you again.

Love and Hugs.........

Patty <fdp@...> wrote:

Hi and ,

This isn't the article, and I wish I had more time to search the Neuropathy Association's newsletters (there is no search function, that makes it harder!), but for now here are a couple that I came up with.




----- Original Message -----

From: Curry

Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 8:46 PM

Subject: Patty

Hi Patty, Me too? If you find the article on itching, I would also appreciate it if you would pass it on. Even though my implants have been out for a little over four years, I still have allot of itching, especially on my chest, but also my legs, arms, hands and back. A couple of days ago, the itching on my chest was so bad I scratched until I bled. It only gets that rough every once in a while and this last time, it was really rough. Thank you for any info you can pass along. Love and Hugs.............

Katz <rkatz1@...> wrote:

Dear Patty, If you do find the article I would love to read it. Maybe a dumb question, but how do you get nerve damage from implants? It is only one of my breasts that itch alot, and not all the time. The itching is mostly on my actual breast and not so much on the implant.


----- Original Message -----

From: Patty

Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 11:11 AM

Subject: Re: hair loss and general anesthesia

Itching is one of the signs of nerve damage. I don't have the reference handy, but I do remember reading that--I think through the Neuropathy Association newsletter.


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 6:51 AM

Subject: Re: hair loss and general anesthesia

the women with hair loss are out there, I have a few personal friend that have it bad, some have not gotten better since explant some have. I think if you email me privately I can send you the addresses of some women. Believe me it def can be a symptom of many things, but if you have implants, it is hard to ignore that connection.

As for the itching, I had that too, I don't know what that was, but maybe it is connected to the yellow fluid inside my implants which are currently being analyzed, I will let everyone know what I find out.


----- Original Message -----

From: Katz

Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 7:11 PM

Subject: hair loss and general anesthesia

e: I also meant to say that I agree not everybody has hair loss with general anesthesia. It depends on the length of time of your operation and the condition your body is in.

While I'd love to blame my hair loss on my implants, this is the only symptom I am having. I am also tired but this could be from lack of sleep and kids. I wish there were more women who posted about implants and hair loss.

Thanks again,

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Hi Patty,

Thank you for sending this info. One time I had some blood work done and the clerk called to set up an appointment, saying the Doctor wanted to talk with me, regarding something about my liver. When I went into see the Doctor, she didn't say a thing about my liver, so when I told her what the clerk said, asking her about my tests. She just said, "Oh that! That's ok!" Anyway, thanks again.

Love and Hugs...........

Patty <fdp@...> wrote:

Here is another possibility.



Liver support

Itching can be the result of the body using the skin as an organ of the elimination. Supporting the liver minimizes the use of this elimination pathway.

Yellow dock may be used in quantities up to 16 per day .

Vitamin AVitamin A Caution: Women who may become pregnant should not use more than 10,000 IU/day to avoid the potential for birth defects. Long-term use of doses greater than 50,000 IU/day may become toxic for adults and should be used only with the supervision of a health professional. Consider substituting beta-carotene for long-term use.

Adrenal support

Supporting the adrenal glands increases the production of the body's own anti-inflammatory steroid hormones.

Licorice root/DGL

Pantothenic acid

Essential Fatty Acids

Reduce the use of meat and frying oils. These follow metabolic pathways that produce inflammatory prostaglandins inside cells. Substitute Omega 3 oils including Flax Seed Oil to begin rebuilding cells that do not participate in uncontrolled inflammatory cascades.

----- Original Message -----

From: Curry

Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 8:46 PM

Subject: Patty

Hi Patty, Me too? If you find the article on itching, I would also appreciate it if you would pass it on. Even though my implants have been out for a little over four years, I still have allot of itching, especially on my chest, but also my legs, arms, hands and back. A couple of days ago, the itching on my chest was so bad I scratched until I bled. It only gets that rough every once in a while and this last time, it was really rough. Thank you for any info you can pass along. Love and Hugs.............

Katz <rkatz1@...> wrote:

Dear Patty, If you do find the article I would love to read it. Maybe a dumb question, but how do you get nerve damage from implants? It is only one of my breasts that itch alot, and not all the time. The itching is mostly on my actual breast and not so much on the implant.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

If you do an Internet search on Aspartame, you will be flooded with tons of conflicting information. It is as bad as the breast implant controversy.

What is known is that there have been more reports of adverse effects from aspartame to the FDA than for any other single product. There is a reason for that, and I would say that is because there's something wrong.

I personally NEVER allow aspartame-laced products in my home, let alone in my body or that of my family. No way.

Here is just one webpage dealing with the controversy. The MS and Lupus link is controversial, but to me, it doesn't matter....the simple solution is to just not eat it!


Like I said, you can find pages that defend the safety of it too. It comes down to making up your own mind about it.


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 7:42 AM

Subject: Patty

I was talking in spinning class today to some girls who told me that they heard a big news story on the news about aspartame being proven to cause MS like symptoms, and systemic lupus we have always talked about and known about this but I didn't hear the news story do you know anything about it?

I wish I had more time but I am running late for work again, geeze I have to do another 12 hours tonight, I am tired.

Well check it out if you can I am curious about it, or I will do it tomorrow, since I won't be home till after 1030 pm


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This was another thing the FDA let through the cracks, just like implants.

THanks Patty

----- Original Message -----

From: Patty

Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 9:11 AM

Subject: Re: Patty

Hi ,

If you do an Internet search on Aspartame, you will be flooded with tons of conflicting information. It is as bad as the breast implant controversy.

What is known is that there have been more reports of adverse effects from aspartame to the FDA than for any other single product. There is a reason for that, and I would say that is because there's something wrong.

I personally NEVER allow aspartame-laced products in my home, let alone in my body or that of my family. No way.

Here is just one webpage dealing with the controversy. The MS and Lupus link is controversial, but to me, it doesn't matter....the simple solution is to just not eat it!


Like I said, you can find pages that defend the safety of it too. It comes down to making up your own mind about it.


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 7:42 AM

Subject: Patty

I was talking in spinning class today to some girls who told me that they heard a big news story on the news about aspartame being proven to cause MS like symptoms, and systemic lupus we have always talked about and known about this but I didn't hear the news story do you know anything about it?

I wish I had more time but I am running late for work again, geeze I have to do another 12 hours tonight, I am tired.

Well check it out if you can I am curious about it, or I will do it tomorrow, since I won't be home till after 1030 pm


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This makes me particularly sad to hear, because of all you have been through already with the cancer. As one of the ladies on Ilena's group said,

"I survived the cancer. It was the breast implants that nearly killed me."

Surviving cancer is no small feat. It is a major hurdle with life or death stakes, and I am sure most people still live in fear of it even afterwards. It is so tragic when doctors are convinced that they can "fix you up" to look normal again, giving assurances of the safety of implants when in fact it stresses the struggling body even further, and creates a whole new set of problems.

I am so sorry for what you have been through, ....we all can understand your anger!


----- Original Message -----

From: Curry

Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 7:40 PM

Subject: Patty

Hi Patty, I have to agree with you. Especially since I've undergone two bilateral mactectomy's. I remember my first office visit with the p/s. It had already been two yr's since my bilateral mastectomy and I explained to him, that I would not even consider this if I thought there could be any future complications. It was hard enough to accept the amputation of my breasts, but to be reconstructed, just to end up losing them again would be extremely difficult for me to adjust too, both physically and mentally.

Now here I am, with so much anger in my heart, I can hardly stand it. BREAST IMPLANTS are not a necessity! They are not life sustaining! And they're not healthy! Hugs..........

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That is so awful what you have been through , and your right breast implants are not necessary and are not life saving devices, and any Dr who is saying that there is a demand for them and that is there justification for implanting women is going to have to answer someday to a higher authority than anyone here on this planet.

I am glad I am not in those shoes.

Take care honey,


I am also glad I don't have to live knowing I could be killing someone by implanting something in them that they do not need medically in any way.

----- Original Message -----

From: Curry

Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 8:40 PM

Subject: Patty

Hi Patty, I have to agree with you. Especially since I've undergone two bilateral mactectomy's. I remember my first office visit with the p/s. It had already been two yr's since my bilateral mastectomy and I explained to him, that I would not even consider this if I thought there could be any future complications. It was hard enough to accept the amputation of my breasts, but to be reconstructed, just to end up losing them again would be extremely difficult for me to adjust too, both physically and mentally.

Now here I am, with so much anger in my heart, I can hardly stand it. BREAST IMPLANTS are not a necessity! They are not life sustaining! And they're not healthy! Hugs.......... Patty <fdp@...> wrote:

But, Dr. Kolb, breast implants are NOT NEEDED, even in some reconstructive surgeries. So, banning breast implants for the sake of cosmetic augmentation is entirely defendable. There is just no medical necessity here, and that is factual. It is societal issue that women perceive the need for implants after breast cancer, not a medical one.

Scientific research can still be conducted while allowing lifesaving implants, such as the pacemaker and VP shunts that you describe, but on the score of breast implants, I heartily disagree. On the issue of learning why silicone devices cause immune problems and correcting this, I heartily agree, but not with breast implants. The field of medicine should be about saving lives, not complicating them.


----- Original Message -----

From: Dr. Kolb

Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 9:07 PM

Subject: Re:

The difference here is that cigarettes are not beneficial and implants are sometimes the only answer to some reconstructive problems so you have to weigh risks versus benefits. What about the silicone in VP shunts and on pacemakers and other implantable devices for which we have no other substitute. Banning implants is not the answer. Learning why these devices cause immune problems and correcting this is more intelligent. .

----- Original Message -----

From: Patty

Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 10:49 AM

Subject: Re:

These statements are so true!


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 7:25 AM


Yesterday you posted about how Dr Feng still puts in implants and I wanted to add to you that in my own silly analogy I look at implants just like cigarettes, we all know someone probably who smoked and died from cancer right? And we all know someone probably who smoked till they were 90 and never got cancer, implants are like that in many many ways, not all smokers get sick right away and not all smokers get cancer, some just get bronchitis everyyear or an ugly cough, or bad skin, yellow teeth, age bad, have scratchy voices or loose there vocal chords and some end up with emphysema that kills them slowly over time. Not everyone gets sick a year or two after they start smoking, yet no one disputes the fact that cigarettes are deadly right? It is right there on the side of the box, surgeon generals warning, and yet you can purchase these for around $ 3 bucks at any 7-11, so if you think about it the fact that the government says implants are safe and sells them and they come with lots of warnings, and the fact that PS's still put them in, is just like the fact that they still sell cigarettes, at the corner store, the government is not going to stop people from killing themselves in this country or in most countries, I realize this may seem like a silly analogy but to me there is allot of commonality in this story.


PS Alcohol is also proven to cause sclerosis and other liver disease, it too has warnings, so things are not always safe that are legal and acceptable.

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Hi Patty,

I don't want to step on anyone's toes here, but I have to make a statement. I agree with every word you have said and support your opinion. I too was healthy (all my life), then when I developed a mass in my right breast, a biopsy was done and the Doctor said it showed pre-existing malignancy cells, recommending a bilateral mastectomy. I said "no!" Then five months later, another mass was growing in the same breast. When I went back to the Doctor, again he recommended a bilateral mastectomy, including reconstruction. To make a very long story short - I had the bilateral mastectomy and two yr's later was reconstructed, now my life is not life at all. The only thing I have never shared with anyone until this very moment, is that the first initial Doctor who recommended and performed the bilateral mastectomy was a Plastic Surgeon! Even though my primary physician was the one who referred me to this Doctor, saying he could remove the mass with the least amount of scarring, I finally realized how stupid I was to believe that a "Doctor" would not hurt me, would not lie to me, would not place me in harm's way. Back then, I had so much respect and admiration for those who took up the calling in their lives, to save lives, that at one time I took the stand "implants are not harmful, Doctor's are the best of the best in our society and the only ones causing any pain here, were people like you!" I am so sorry! Now? I just try to get through each day, praying for minimal amount of pain and not reflect on the anger that I harbor so deep within me.

I can honestly tell you, I don't know who I'm the most angry with. Me? The Doctor's? The Manufacturer's? I don't know! All I do know is; I've had two bilateral mastectomy's; have allot of medical problems; lost all quality to my life; and have been fighting for my SSD for four yr's and two months because of a corrupt medical and judicial system.

Thank you for letting me share.

Love and Hugs.............

Patty <fdp@...> wrote:

Dr. Kolb,

You are wrong to assume that I am attacking you personally....if you read my statements, you will see that I am speaking on general terms regarding the IDEA that it is ethically acceptable to implant women for cosmetic augmentation as is currently being done today while we do not understand the mechanism for the disease process that occurs. The stance of the ASPRS treats those harmed as if they are the enemy, rather than casualties of their own medical treatment. Where is their compassion? I am sorry that you happen to be defending their position regarding implantation, but I can assure you that the attack is not on you personally.

I don't care how many women have implants that are perceived as being disease free at the moment....the numbers of women who have been severely harmed are large enough and the severity of the damage to their health is horrific enough that this nightmare needs to be stopped before others have their lives ruined needlessly. I am talking about women who were completely healthy before, like me, who have suffered horribly while being told that implants are completely safe. It would be one thing if the damage was reversible, but you know as well as I do that is rarely the case. I don't happen to share the view that it is OK to let them take that kind of chance, when so many myths about implants have been spread by plastic surgeons over the years. Myths still abound.

All I am saying is that it is wrong to take a perfectly healthy body and introduce on object purposely that may destroy that life when there is no medically necessary reason to do so, other than to fulfill a perceived "need" for larger breasts. It is futile, does not prolong life, does not contribute to health, does not do anything to increase the function of the mammary gland, and sadly, allows women to take their bodies and health for granted and act silly about the whole thing. Just witness the interaction on 's site, you'll know what I mean.

Perhaps I take a stark view of what is right and what is wrong in this whole issue. I just don't see how anyone could witness the destruction that occurs in some women's lives as a result of implants, and still think it is OK to take this chance. Yes, perhaps when there is a medical necessity, such as reconstruction or congenital deformity, since our society places such a great emphasis on "normality." But to take that kind of chance for the heck of it, because everyone else is doing it, and you think that larger breasts will bring you satisfaction?????? Crazy, just stupid, and very, very sad, isn't it? Not my definition of what medicine should be doing, when it says, "First, do no harm."


----- Original Message -----

From: Dr. Kolb

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 6:17 PM

Subject: Re: For Dr. Kolb

Patty: As one of the surgeons in this country who is treating large numbers of women with problems with saline implants, I am in a unique position to find out who is injured by implants and why. There is no other alternative currently for women with breast asymmetry and breast cancer in whom flaps are contraindicated. How do you explain that the majority of women do not have health problems with saline implants? I have had very few problems in my patients except if they overuse antibiotics. I do not agree with you that I have committed any ethical breeches. I am one of the few surgeons actively studying the problem. I have been attacked repeated for my statements on this group but I will continue to state the facts and offer solutions to very real problems that patients and plastic surgeons deal with daily. I also deal with medical ethics daily. .

----- Original Message -----

From: Patty

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 1:10 PM

Subject: Re: For Dr. Kolb

We won't debate it. I have my opinion and I will state it, and I don't have to have 20 years experience as a plastic surgeon to be able to intelligently deduce that breast implants are not a necessity in the body after cancer. In my mind, it is an issue of ethics, and although I can respect your stature as a physician, Dr. Kolb, you are not any more qualified to discuss ethics than I am. When a woman has breast cancer, the first requirement for continued life is to get rid of the cancer, and return the body to health. An implant has nothing to do with that.

We also know that the majority of breast implants are done for cosmetic augmentation of healthy, non-diseased breasts. It is not an issue of restoring anything, and therefore, a totally frivolous, useless procedure in the biology of life.

For this reason, I state that the banning of implants for cosmetic augmentation is defendable.

I am not saying that I believe we should all make the effort to ban implants, because I KNOW that our America is a country influenced by power, politics, and men's egos. Banning implants will never happen. Sure, I would like to see a "safe" implant designed. I know that the market for this type of procedure will continue to be ripe, and this is the direction I think it should go. But, is it?

But, as a matter of ethics, my firm position is that without being able to identify which women have the potential to be harmed from implants, cosmetic augmentation of any healthy woman desiring implants should not be allowed. Experimenting on women is bad enough, but reckless tinkering of women's bodies without even having the INTENT to figure out why the harm is being done is criminal.


----- Original Message -----

From: Dr. Kolb

Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 7:58 PM

Subject: Re:

Patty: There are many patients were flaps are contraindicated and implants are the only option. You are not a reconstructive surgeon with 20 years experience so I do not wish to debate this with you. .

----- Original Message -----

From: Patty

Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 10:39 AM

Subject: Re:

But, Dr. Kolb, breast implants are NOT NEEDED, even in some reconstructive surgeries. So, banning breast implants for the sake of cosmetic augmentation is entirely defendable. There is just no medical necessity here, and that is factual. It is societal issue that women perceive the need for implants after breast cancer, not a medical one.

Scientific research can still be conducted while allowing lifesaving implants, such as the pacemaker and VP shunts that you describe, but on the score of breast implants, I heartily disagree. On the issue of learning why silicone devices cause immune problems and correcting this, I heartily agree, but not with breast implants. The field of medicine should be about saving lives, not complicating them.


----- Original Message -----

From: Dr. Kolb

Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 9:07 PM

Subject: Re:

The difference here is that cigarettes are not beneficial and implants are sometimes the only answer to some reconstructive problems so you have to weigh risks versus benefits. What about the silicone in VP shunts and on pacemakers and other implantable devices for which we have no other substitute. Banning implants is not the answer. Learning why these devices cause immune problems and correcting this is more intelligent. .

----- Original Message -----

From: Patty

Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 10:49 AM

Subject: Re:

These statements are so true!


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 7:25 AM


Yesterday you posted about how Dr Feng still puts in implants and I wanted to add to you that in my own silly analogy I look at implants just like cigarettes, we all know someone probably who smoked and died from cancer right? And we all know someone probably who smoked till they were 90 and never got cancer, implants are like that in many many ways, not all smokers get sick right away and not all smokers get cancer, some just get bronchitis everyyear or an ugly cough, or bad skin, yellow teeth, age bad, have scratchy voices or loose there vocal chords and some end up with emphysema that kills them slowly over time. Not everyone gets sick a year or two after they start smoking, yet no one disputes the fact that cigarettes are deadly right? It is right there on the side of the box, surgeon generals warning, and yet you can purchase these for around $ 3 bucks at any 7-11, so if you think about it the fact that the government says implants are safe and sells them and they come with lots of warnings, and the fact that PS's still put them in, is just like the fact that they still sell cigarettes, at the corner store, the government is not going to stop people from killing themselves in this country or in most countries, I realize this may seem like a silly analogy but to me there is allot of commonality in this story.


PS Alcohol is also proven to cause sclerosis and other liver disease, it too has warnings, so things are not always safe that are legal and acceptable.

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