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Re: Re: I'm pregnant and on pain medicine and no Dr. will help me!

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I am sorry but I believe this conclusion is not correct regarding narcotics, and

other things too. Drugs during labor, after the baby is altogether formed is,

true, not a big deal, but during pregnancy is a whole other thing. If they want

her off, they see a problem, most likely. The babies of narcotic users are born

addicted, and putting them thru withdrawals is rough.

There are many things that can damage the foetus.

But there must be a solution, somehow. Something other than cold turkey.


My wife got demerol while she was in labor, so I

doubt that you would do any permanent damage to your baby if you

continued taking some form of pain med-you just need to find the

right one.

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Just wanted to comment to that this was a very

good post with great advice - could not have said it

better - and I hope that this young lady listens to

you -

Kathe in CA

--- monica_p4 <monica_p4@...> wrote:

> I think that in your position I would go into

> the ER of best hospital your insurance will

> cover, and tell them that you've been on all these

> meds, now your pregnant and about to

> run out of meds. Your doctors won't help you wean

> off slowly so you and your baby need

> to be medicaly supervised while you get off the meds

> and get stable. In the hospital they

> have to understand the importance of what you are

> about to be going through. I also

> agree that you should get a lawyer to deal with your

> other doctors. Their so afraid of

> being responsible for the damage to your baby that

> their refusal to treat you has placed

> you and your baby in a position where your going

> where your both being harmed. If you

> can find a hospital with a rheumy on staff. I've

> been to several different hospitals lately

> and out of three only one had dotors who were really

> knowlegeable about RA and the

> meds. Althout any doctor will understant the

> importance fo the withdrawl from the meds

> on a pregnant woman, and the dangers to the baby.

> So I think the hospital is the best

> thing to try for now. Later you'll need to consult

> specialist to see if there has been any

> damage to the baby, and have a doctor put you on

> replacement meds for the cource of the

> pregnancy. But my advice is to take this one step

> at a time and just focus on getting

> yourself and your baby into a safe environment where

> you are under a doctors supervition

> while you get off the meds and get yourself and the

> baby stableized.





> >

> > Iam in desperate need of help and advise. Iam a

> chronic pain patient,

> > now for 7 years and have been on alot of

> prescription medicine for

> > those 7 years for pain and sleep mainly. I have

> Fibromyalgia, CFS,

> > migraines, depression, insomnia, etc. I found out

> a month ago that

> > Iam pregnant. This is after being told by Dr's

> that I could not get

> > pregnant. Iam on high doses of narcotic pain

> medicine, anti-

> > depressant, seroquel for sleep as well as medicine

> for hypertention.

> > My OB GYN sais he doesn't know anything about what

> to do except that

> > Iam a high-risk pregnancy because of the meds,

> hypertention, RH-

> > Negative factor and a previous miscarriage that

> resulted in a severe

> > pelvic infection. He told me to go to a OB

> specialist. So I did on

> > his reccomendation. That Dr. then told me he

> didn't know anything.

> > That I should go back to my primary Dr. for

> information. So I did and

> > around and around I went. No one will help me! Iam

> now 15 weeks

> > pregnant. All I wanted and needed from these Dr's

> was to help me wean

> > off my meds and/or at least put me on a safer

> kind, if possible. I'm

> > so scarred. They told me such horrible things that

> can result of

> > prescription use but won't help me get off. I know

> I can't just go

> > cold turkey off these meds which is exactly what

> they told me to do.

> > So obviously no one now not even my primary will

> write out any of my

> > prescriptions. I only have a week left before I'm

> completley out of

> > meds. What do I do? Where can I go? Does anyone

> know what to do or

> > care? I'm desperate. I don't want to hurt this

> baby anymore than it

> > may be hurt already. PLEASE HELP!

> > Ellen

> >








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Excellent advice, River, a additional specialist

doctor is exactly what is needed, in addition to

getting into a hospital, as has been suggested.

Kathe in CA

--- River Wolfe <river61@...> wrote:

> Hello Ellen,


> As a former drug and alcoholism counselor I can

> offer some resources

> for you. Please don't think I'm

> suggesting you are addicted to medicine, quite the

> contrary.

> However, the type of physician you need

> is one who treats addiction and withdrawal from the

> medicines you are

> on. I found a forum monitored by a physician

> http://www.medhelp.org/forums/addiction/index.htm

> You might want to go there and see what resources

> are available. The

> other suggestion is to call the local inpatient

> centers for

> addiction and ask for the name of the medical

> director who will be an

> addiction specialist, then look him/her up and see

> if they

> have a private practice in the area.


> Also you may want to do more research on the

> internet. But

> definitely the type of physician you need is an

> addiction medicine

> specialist.


> I am so sorry for the ignorance on the part of the

> physician's with

> whom you have sought help. Unfortunately, it is

> VERY common for

> physicians to be ignorant in this area of practice.


> Good Luck and let us know how things work out.


> Peace,

> River






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Excellent advice, River, a additiction specialist

doctor is exactly what is needed, in addition to

getting into a hospital, as has been suggested.

Kathe in CA

--- River Wolfe <river61@...> wrote:

> Hello Ellen,


> As a former drug and alcoholism counselor I can

> offer some resources

> for you. Please don't think I'm

> suggesting you are addicted to medicine, quite the

> contrary.

> However, the type of physician you need

> is one who treats addiction and withdrawal from the

> medicines you are

> on. I found a forum monitored by a physician

> http://www.medhelp.org/forums/addiction/index.htm

> You might want to go there and see what resources

> are available. The

> other suggestion is to call the local inpatient

> centers for

> addiction and ask for the name of the medical

> director who will be an

> addiction specialist, then look him/her up and see

> if they

> have a private practice in the area.


> Also you may want to do more research on the

> internet. But

> definitely the type of physician you need is an

> addiction medicine

> specialist.


> I am so sorry for the ignorance on the part of the

> physician's with

> whom you have sought help. Unfortunately, it is

> VERY common for

> physicians to be ignorant in this area of practice.


> Good Luck and let us know how things work out.


> Peace,

> River






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