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Fwd: [Autism-Mercury] Misinformation about MMS abounds, some correct details

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From: AndyCutler@...Reply-to: Autism-Mercury To: Autism-Mercury Sent: 20/07/2012 20:49:40 GMT Daylight TimeSubj: [Autism-Mercury] Misinformation about MMS abounds, some correct details

http://www.mmsfacts.com/can-mms-treat-mercury-poisoningmakes the false claim that MMS, chlorine dioxide, removes heavy metals from people by oxidizing them.Luckily ClO2 can't oxidize mercuric mercury, as mercury +3 is so oxidizing it would immediately take an electron from any nearby moelcule, including a water molecule, and start a radical chain reaction that might damage many thousands of important proteins and lipids in your body. Since the mercury +3 would be almost instantly converted back to mercuric mercury, it's excretion would not be enhanced - it would not have time to get excreted.Arsenic is often consumed in the methylated form (from fish), which unlike the methylmercury is fairly benign because it mostly is excreted before being demethylated. This is a reduced form and ClO2 likely WOULD oxidize it and render it more toxic. I don't know of any cases where this occurred, it is a theoretical concern at present."Heavy Metals' covers half the periodic table or so. The heavy metals do not all have the same descriptive chemistry. Most relevant ones would not be subject to oxidation, some might be. Oxidation might make them more or less toxic. For instance, arsenic and antimony +3 are less toxic than the +5 or more oxidized valences.I don't know why people go so out of control making things up to sell their products - but it is certainly the way things like cars are sold. So it is left to third parties to poke holes in the more ridiculous claims in hopes the MMS proponents get embarrassed and check into things a bit instead of just making them up.Andywww.noamalgam.comwww.noamalgam.com/hairtestbook.htmlwww.noamalgam.com/nourishinghope.htmlwww.noamalgam.com/biologicaltreatments.html

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