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Angie,I currently have five of those nasty little stress fractures

in my right foot. I have been in a camwalker as well. It does take

time for them to heal. Typically, the walking boot or post-op shoe

is the first treatment. I had a terrible time with the pain and

swelling. It does get better. Your doc will probably do xrays the

next time you go in to see if there is any healing. If there isn't,

there are a few different things that could be done. If you have

crutches, try using them to keep most of your weight off of that

foot. Ice it and elevate it as well. No more that 20 minutes at a

time with the ice or cold pack. You will have pain with it. You

just have to give it time. If you are on steroids, it may take a

little longer for the healing process. Just be patient. I had to

learn that, too. I would much rather have the boot than the cast,

though. I hated the walking cast. Granted, it was lighter than the

boot, but I hated not being able to take it off so I could shower in

peace or even to shave my legs. You want to talk about being a

baby, I ended up using a HACK saw to cut my cast off only 1 week

into the 4 week time limit!! Another thing you can try is to wrap

your foot and ankle in an ACE wrap. It's ok to use that in a

camwalker. It may help with the swelling. Just don't make it too

tight because you will end up having to loosen it up. Just tr the

RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Hope that helps,

and your foot gets to feeling better....Marina


> Hi guys!


> You guys have been great help. I know there are some of you who

> have had fractures. My foot fracture is still very painful


> it be getting better or should I still be having the pain


> will be 1 week since I got the camowalker on and It just seems to


> worse and worse Maybe I am just being a baby It is also swelling

> when I am on it a lot Like today first day back to work since I

> got it now it is very swollen. Also anyone who has had a fracture

> did you experience anymore after that just wondering what my

> chances are of having another one.


> thanks for any help

> Angie

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Hi there well, ever since I found out that I Had RA things started getting

complicated the Dr at the emergency room where I was diagnosed with this

disseased gave me vioxx well as we all know is out of the market so I only took

it for like a month or so. He asked me to follow up with a regular Dr. but I did

not because like I said I thought I was to young to have RA and I had enogh

things to wory about. Untill one morning I couln't get up from bed my hole body

was in pain every joint and my jaw locked I immidiately called my mother they

rushed me to a Dr. they knew in Mexico because they didn't belive I had RA the

Dr. as soon as he saw me told my parents I did in fact had Arthritis but not as

bad so he gave me a steroid shot I was swelled up from head to toe and that shot

took it away for that evening and also the pain but thats when I decided to

follow up with a rehumy Dr. I told him what my parents did and he got mad and

gave me a guide for my parents to read untill this day I

don't think they understand what RA means to us and how naive one can be

marina_troi <marina_troi@...> wrote:

Angie,I currently have five of those nasty little stress fractures

in my right foot. I have been in a camwalker as well. It does take

time for them to heal. Typically, the walking boot or post-op shoe

is the first treatment. I had a terrible time with the pain and

swelling. It does get better. Your doc will probably do xrays the

next time you go in to see if there is any healing. If there isn't,

there are a few different things that could be done. If you have

crutches, try using them to keep most of your weight off of that

foot. Ice it and elevate it as well. No more that 20 minutes at a

time with the ice or cold pack. You will have pain with it. You

just have to give it time. If you are on steroids, it may take a

little longer for the healing process. Just be patient. I had to

learn that, too. I would much rather have the boot than the cast,

though. I hated the walking cast. Granted, it was lighter than the

boot, but I hated not being able to take it off so I could shower in

peace or even to shave my legs. You want to talk about being a

baby, I ended up using a HACK saw to cut my cast off only 1 week

into the 4 week time limit!! Another thing you can try is to wrap

your foot and ankle in an ACE wrap. It's ok to use that in a

camwalker. It may help with the swelling. Just don't make it too

tight because you will end up having to loosen it up. Just tr the

RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Hope that helps,

and your foot gets to feeling better....Marina


> Hi guys!


> You guys have been great help. I know there are some of you who

> have had fractures. My foot fracture is still very painful


> it be getting better or should I still be having the pain


> will be 1 week since I got the camowalker on and It just seems to


> worse and worse Maybe I am just being a baby It is also swelling

> when I am on it a lot Like today first day back to work since I

> got it now it is very swollen. Also anyone who has had a fracture

> did you experience anymore after that just wondering what my

> chances are of having another one.


> thanks for any help

> Angie

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Angie, I have found that ice packs and elevation to be the best

treatment for the fractures. Wear that camwalker at all times you

are up on your feet. Elevate it when ever you can. Ice it often,

but no more than 20 minutes at a time. Mine popped a lot as well.

It was mostly the soft tissue surrounding the fracture that was

popping, but it sure felt like bone!! If you haveing that much

pain, perhaps you should call your ortho and let him know. Maybe

you need another xray to make sure there is no displacement. Hope

it gets to feeling better...Marina


> I have a question for anyone who has experienced a fracture of the

> foot it has been two weeks since they put me in the camowalker

> Should I still be having alot of pain and it has also been popping

> off and on I just don't know if I should call the othro back or

> just if it is just back of it trying to heal I have been taking

> pain killers just to get through the day Thanks for any help You

> guys have been great

> Thanks

> Angie

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Thanks for the information on yours. I wear the camwalker all the

time try to elevate it in the evening when I am home glad to know

that yours popped too that had me the most scared of all I will try

to call the othro and see what they say two more weeks and I go back

to see him so if I don't find out something before I will then I

just hope it is healing don't want a hard cast Thanks


> >

> > I have a question for anyone who has experienced a fracture of


> > foot it has been two weeks since they put me in the camowalker

> > Should I still be having alot of pain and it has also been


> > off and on I just don't know if I should call the othro back


> > just if it is just back of it trying to heal I have been taking

> > pain killers just to get through the day Thanks for any help


> > guys have been great

> > Thanks

> > Angie

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  • 2 months later...
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Angie, did you get my email? I just wanted to be sure you got it and

that you're doing ok. Email me if you need to talk about it..Marina

> I have a question for anyone who has had a foot fracture I was


> to email Marina about it but can't find her email. I believe she is

> the one who I was talking to last month about it. How long did you

> have to wear the camouwalker Mine is still not healed and I was


> wondering I go back in the middle of June and hopefully get to stop

> wearing it I can't tell if it is any better as I am having constant

> pain in that foot and leg. When I go back it will be over 3 months

> that I have used it. Also did your arthrist get worse in the foot

> with the fracture. Thanks for any help


> Thanks

> Angie

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Yes I got your email. You should be recieving one from me soon..

Thanks for your great listening skills and your support I really to

appreciate it.



> > I have a question for anyone who has had a foot fracture I was

> going

> > to email Marina about it but can't find her email. I believe

she is

> > the one who I was talking to last month about it. How long did


> > have to wear the camouwalker Mine is still not healed and I was

> just

> > wondering I go back in the middle of June and hopefully get to


> > wearing it I can't tell if it is any better as I am having


> > pain in that foot and leg. When I go back it will be over 3


> > that I have used it. Also did your arthrist get worse in the


> > with the fracture. Thanks for any help

> >

> > Thanks

> > Angie

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  • 1 year later...

I was wondering if anyone out there has had any problems with

fractures to the feet. I had a stress fracture to my right foot and

had to wear a camowalker for at leat 3 months. Have had pain off and

on in the foot ever since but withnin the last 2 weeks it has gotten

so severe it hurts to put weight on it. I go to the rheumy tomorrow

am wondering if it is fractured again. It is very swollen in one

area, tender to touch in a couple of areas Just trying to figure out

if this is going to be onging issue or what. THanks for any info



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> I was wondering if anyone out there has had any problems with

> fractures to the feet. I had a stress fracture to my right foot and

> had to wear a camowalker for at leat 3 months. Have had pain off and

> on in the foot ever since but withnin the last 2 weeks it has gotten

> so severe it hurts to put weight on it. I go to the rheumy tomorrow

> am wondering if it is fractured again. It is very swollen in one

> area, tender to touch in a couple of areas Just trying to figure


> if this is going to be onging issue or what. THanks for any info


> thankd

> angie


Hi Angie

I have RA. I have had 3 stress fractures in foot and ankle. The areas

still flare occasionally. One is over 10 years old. I had to start

taking Fosamax for brittle bones.


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  • 4 years later...

Veri, I was just about to ask the very question.  Hannah's issue is not from


way they casted her.  Hers was on her foot ending below the knee.  She has


out of the cast since the end of December.  Went temporarily back into a


boot and now is in the brace where she can wear regular shoes.


Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music.  ~ Reagan


From: " veristroud@... " <veristroud@...>

Sent: Tue, February 8, 2011 2:03:43 PM

Subject: Re: Fractures



Why did they cast her like that? That does not make sense to me but they must

have had a reason. How old is Jackie now?

Veri & Jaye 17 poly

RE: Fractures

i Beth

y daughter, Jackie, broke her femur in 2004. She has syst poly JRA and her hips

nd knees are among the worst damaged joints. She was casted from her ribcage

nd past both hips to the knee on one leg and to the ancle on the second leg.

he was in the cast for 8 weeks. When she got out off the cast she could not

ove her hips or knees. I took her to PT for 6 months. They thought the hip and

nee joints had froozen but they were just very stiff and painful to move.

think the critical thing with a fracture and JRA is to move the joints and not

ave them still while the fracture is healing. Jackies fracture healed normaly

ut still today she can not walk . She was casted as if she was sitting and her

oints want to be in that position. We are now going to start a long

ehabilitation where we use sprints to try and straighten out the joints.

would do small soft and gentle movements to your daughters ancle and let time

elp to get the normal movement back. It took 6 months of PT to straighten out

y daughters knees from a sever contraction. The ligamenst get stiffer with JRA

n think.

ood luck



rom: aokmom67@...

ate: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 09:21:54 -0800

ubject: Fractures

I have a question for those of you who have kids with arthritis who have also

uffered a fracture. Hannah fractured her foot 16 weeks ago (injury date was

0/22). While the fracture is healed, she still has a lot of pain in that area

ith certain movements. We go back to the ortho doctor on March 9. Is this

ormal for kids with arthritis to take this long to bounce back? Hannah is very

athletic so this pain still concerns me. She has restrictions from the ortho

octor for gym class and I did speak with his nurse yesterday. She is also

till wearing a brace on that foot anytime she is awake per his order.

They also noted that since the time of inury and her initial xray her growth

late in the foot seemed to have closed (was not found on her last xray on

/20/11). Does a growth plate close just like that?



Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music. ~ Reagan

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