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Wild weather & update from me

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We had some scary weather here this evening! Tornado warnings all around my area with touchdowns very near us and right where one of my friends lives (she, her husband, dog and house are fine, thankfully). Lots of damage but, so far at least, I haven't heard anything about injuries or deaths. This is unusual for March in Michigan as was the over 70 degree temps we had earlier in the day.

On a much happier note, I also saw my footie doc today and he adjusted my orthotics yet again, plus had an assistant massage my very sore heels with an ultrasound to soothe the inflammation and gave me an anti-inflammatory shot (this time in my hip which doesn't hurt so much going in but sure does for days after on that site, at least I know it will fade). I am thrilled to say that my feet have not felt this good in weeks! I was so excited earlier today I literally wanted to go for a run (and I am not a runner) in the gorgeous sunshine we were having at that time but I forced myself not to. Last week I didn't want to walk anymore than I absolutely had to my feet hurt so much. I asked about the pain in my left foot (same area as right) and he said it was something he was concerned about but was pretty sure the adjustments and other measures he'd taken today would do a lot of good. I sure hope so.

Tomorrow is my day off. I have to get some paperwork done very early in the morning, before the kids leave for school, then the rest of the day is mine. I'm scrapbooking the whole day I've decided. I got on a roll when I went to that retreat 2 weeks ago but then had to do taxes and work stuff and haven't been able to get back to it since so tomorrow is mine. After I workout that is! Not sure what I'm doing yet, but it definitely won't be high impact. I'm not sure it will last yet, so I definitely don't want to be totally stupid with not even 24 hours of feeling good! :-)

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