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Warning New Hepatitis Vaccine Recs Can Devastate Newborn's Health 1-23-02

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January 23, 2002

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Warning: New Hepatitis Vaccine Recs Can Devastate Newborn's Health

The newly released 2002 immunization schedule encourages the routine use of hepatitis B vaccine for all infants before hospital discharge to

Safeguard against maternal hepatitis B testing errors and test reporting failures

Protect neonates discharged to households in which hepatitis B chronic carriers other than the mother may reside

Enhance the completion of the childhood immunization series

The annual "Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule" of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) is issued in January of each year.

Pediatrics Vol. 109 No. 1 January 2002, pp. 162


Folks I am outraged. We need to take action now. These recommendations are inexcusable.

There is no possible logical recommendation for this action. All of these arguments are fatally flawed.

If you are new to the site these may sound like lunatic ramblings of some quack, but before you come to that, or a similar conclusion, I challenge you to examine the facts.

The central fact, and the one that helps to explain these insane recommendations, is that the maker of hepatitis B vaccine, Merck, makes one billion dollars a year from this vaccine.

A billion dollars a year goes a long way toward influencing public policy.

Who is Behind This?

The group that is pushing this through is called The Hepatitis B coalition. Part of the Immunization Action Coalition, this group was started by a $750,000 grant from the CDC. It is supported by the World Health Organization, World Bank, Rockefeller Foundation and ongoing funding from -Kline, Merck, Aventis and & .

Let us not forget that it has been less than three years since the federal government asked the drug companies to take mercury out of this vaccine, and they still haven't complied.

I have seen many dozens of children who were given this vaccine on the first day of life and subsequently developed autism. Others, like Belkin's daughter, weren't as likely and died immediately after the vaccine.

is a successful Wall Street Financial analyst with his own company, and has testified to Congress on this issue and regularly forwards news health stories to me.

Well the drug companies have replaced the mercury with aluminum, which is another potent neurotoxin that has been associated with Alzheimer's. But who knows what damage it will do to the immature central nervous system of a one-day old infant.

Folks, hepatitis B is about as difficult to catch as AIDS. Namely, you nearly always need to have blood or sexual contact of some sort. That is why the main risk factors are IV drug abusers and those who engage in sex with multiple partners.

Is Hepatitis Vaccine Safe?

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was developed by the government to report vaccine reactions. Many experts believe that only 10% of the adverse reactions are reported though as reporting is not mandated by law.

Even with only 10% of the problems being reported there were nearly 25,000 VAERS hepatitis B reports from July 1990 to October 31, 1998, showing 439 deaths and 9673 serious reactions involving emergency room visits, hospitalization, disablement or death.

The presence of findings such as brain edema in healthy infants who die very soon after receiving hepatitis B vaccine is profoundly disturbing, especially in view of the frequency of neurologic symptoms in the VAERS.

Does this make any sense?

Is Hepatitis B Vaccine Effective in Newborns?

Vaccine derived immunity is thought to be short lived. Between 30-50% of vaccinated individuals lose their antibiodies within 7 years.

Up to 60% of persons who initially respond will lose detectable antibodies within 12 years.. So that means that these vaccines will provide little to no protection to the real risks of acquiring hepatitis B, promiscuous sexual behavior and IV drug abuse.

Does this make any sense?

How Many Children Are Hurt or Helped By Hepatitis B Vaccine?

Hepatitis B is a rare, mainly blood-transmitted disease. In 1996 only 54 cases of the disease were reported to the CDC in the 0-1 age group. There were 3.9 million births that year, so the observed incidence of hepatitis B in the 0-1 age group was just 0.001%. In the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), there were 1,080 total reports of adverse reactions from hepatitis B vaccine in 1996 in the 0-1 age group, with 47 deaths reported.

Let us put this in simpler terms. For every child with hepatitis B there were 20 that were reported to have severe complications. Let us also remember that only 10% of the reactions are reported to VAERS, so this means:

Traditional medicine is harming 200 children to protect one from hepatitis B.

Does this make any sense?

How Serious Is a Hepatitis B Infection?

The numbers speak for themselves.

Approximately 50% of patients who contract Hepatitis B develop no symptoms after exposure.

However, the exposure ensures that they will have life-time immunity. An additional 30% develop only flu-like symptoms, and again, this group will acquire life-time immunity.

Of the remaining 20% exposed to Hepatitis B will develop the symptoms of the disease. 95% of this 20% will fully recover, with life-time immunity.

Therefore, less than 5% of people who contract Hepatitis B will become chronic carriers of the infection.

The numbers get even smaller: of that 5%, nearly 75% (or 3.75% of the total exposed) will live with an asymptomatic infection and only 25%, (or only 1.25% of the total number of people exposed) will develop chronic liver disease or liver cancer, 10-30 years after the acute infection. (Hyams, K.C. (1995) Risks of chronicity following acute hepatitis B virus infection: A review. Clin. Infect. Dis. 20, 992-1000.)

Think of that in terms of probability: the possibility of contracting the disease is exceedingly difficult for children and only 1.25% of those that are exposed will actually develop the most serious complication!

This type of a "protecting the needle in the haystack" medicine is absurd at best, dangerous at worst.

Does this make any sense?

How Many Safety Studies Have Been Done On Hepatitis B Vaccine?


A manufacturer's representative was asked in a 1997 Illinois Board of Health hearing to show evidence that the hepatitis B vaccine is safe for a 1-day old infant. The representative stated:

"We have none. Our studies were done on 5- and 10-year-olds."

--The Congressional Quarterly, August 25, 2000, pg. 647

One would think that these would be mandatory, but they are not. All that is required is to show efficacy, (i.e. that the vaccine stimulates an antibody response after it is give), not safety.

In most other industries the fraud represented here would lead to criminal charges.

Does this make any sense?

What Can You Do?

Please tell every pregnant woman you know who about this issue. They need to know the facts BEFORE they are in the hospital and have time to make an informed objective decision. If they are still convinced their child needs hepatitis B vaccine, beg them to make sure their child does not receive the vaccine as a newborn. Delay the vaccine until they really are at a possible risk, like late adolescence.I am not asking much here. Only some compassion for the helpless. If you have ever seen the agony of families who are struggling with caring for brain injured children you will know what I mean.I have shown dozens of times in this newsletter, drugs that are thought to be safe are pulled from the market after they have killed dozens or hundreds of people. I am hopeful that hepatitis B vaccinations in newborns will be stopped. Medical science will have to recognize the truth sooner or later. Folks, drug deaths pale in comparison to the devastation in lost lives that is resulting from implementation of this hepatitis B recommendation. You can play a large role here. Most of all us did not have a chance to make a difference in the 9/11 tragedy, but nearly everyone of us can help protect the precious brain cells of a newborn.Don't Delay.

Contact every pregnant woman you know immediately. Save a life.God Bless you in your efforts to protect the future of our civilization.

Note To Physicians: I am a member of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). This is a group of over 10,000 US medical doctors, and most of us have reached the conclusion that the head of the organization, Dr. Jane Orient, has about this issue.

To the extent that the physician simply complies without making an independent evaluation of the appropriateness of the vaccine for each patient, he is abdicating his responsibility under the Oath of Hippocrates to:

"prescribe regimen for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone."

My thanks to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny for her editing assistance on this important topic.

Related Articles:

Beware the FDA Approves Combined Hepatitis Vaccine

The Fallacy of the Hepatitis A Vaccine

Hepatitis B Vaccinations: Belkin Testimony to Congress Tuesday May 18, 1999

Hepatitis B Vaccine

Mercury in Vaccines

Autism 'Linked to Mercury Vaccine'

Follow the Money on Vaccines

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