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Re: Mannatech

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Caroline and others interested in Mannatech -

I was just reading your post.

I have been with Mannatech since 1997. I can tell you the products

have helped me soooo much with health issues that I had in the past.

(I broke my back in a car accident - cancerous cells on cervix -

endometriosis -

and no period for 7 months). Mannatech gave me my life back after


in pain for more than 8 years.

Mannatech has also helped me with this disease. I have wanted to

mention it

to the group, but wanted to get more of an understanding of how I could


with so many unknowns. I do know - that Ambrotose and Plus are


for Stills! I also have helped many people with Lupus and Rheumatoid


I just wanted to know more specifics for Stills before mentioning

it. Also - the MannaCleanse - is so important - especially since so

many of you

are on so many drugs.

YOU can get the products for much cheaper and even for free. My

products have

been free for years which is what interested me in the " business "

aspect in the first

place. I felt that if others were suffering like I was and I could

help them feel better

and get their products for free that I would really be making an impact!

Unfortunately - many doctors who sell the products - do it for retail

and do not understand

how to help people get their products for free. And - so like you

Caroline - people are left

paying higher prices for the products and never have the chance to get

them for free.

I have helped so many people get their products for free - that is

always my main goal.

I have studied the plan and know it inside and out and know how to

maximize the

plan to help each person get the best value for their money and get

their products

for free as quickly as possible.

If anyone would like information about the products or how to get them

- please feel

free to e-mail me or call me and I would be glad to help you! I work

with many doctors

who can advise as well. The important thing to remember about these

products though

is that they are just " food " and you can not overdose on them like a


The Ambrotose is the most important product and when I got my first

inflammation in my

foot - before I knew I had Still's - I took 4 tablespoons of Ambrotose

and the pain

went away!!! From then on out - I just used the Ambrotose to help and

was fine.

My problem now - I found out yesterday - is that I have an infection in

my tooth which

has been stressing my immune system for some time. I do know - that


the products I would be much worse off and I feel that the products

have helped

to keep this disease at bay for some time. I'm going into the dentist

for the next

few weeks to get my teeth worked on - so I'll let you know how it goes

and how

I improve.

Anyway - if anyone would like information on the technology behind the

products - you can visit my

website - http://www.findhealth4life.com

If you are interested in the science behind the products go to the


website. This site won an award at the 8th World Congress in Geneva,


where Mannatech was the only nutritional company invited to present.

There is much science here and a lot of studies which are being done


for auto-immune diseases. I have linked three articles I think you


be interested in reading:

Introduction to Glyconutrtionals:


Glyconutritionals: Implications in Inflammation:


Glyconutritionals; Implications in Rheumatoid Arthritis


If you want to order products retail - you can go to my website -


The only thing there - you will be paying retail. BUT - if you want to

look at the

products and learn about them and want to place an order for less than


wholesale cost - I can place it for you to get you that cost!

So - please - don't pay retail when you don't have to!

I do love all the people in this group and all the support you have

given me.

I do not want anyone to think that I am sharing this with you just to

make a buck.

In fact, if I place it for you wholesale - then I am not making any

extra money.

Making money is not my intention at all and that is why I have been

hesitant to share

before now. My reason for being with this company is to help people.

I feel that

my breaking my back in the car accident is what led me to this company

and that

in some way breaking my back was a huge blessing as I found a passion

in my

life that allows me to help others with their health.

I would be more than happy to help any of you and it would be my prayer

that these

products could help you as much as they have helped me and as much as I


seen them help others in the 8 years I have been taking the products


With Much love,



> The doctor I am working with who uses Mannatech products has

> prescribed for me various mega doses of Ambrotose powder (for energy),

> Ambrotose AO, GI Zyme (Digestive aide), Plus (hormone regulation),

> Cardio Balance (Heart health since I've had a heart attack in the past

> 18 months), Sport (for the muscle deterioration), Manna Cleanse (to

> help finish the digestion process), GI Pro (intestinal health),

> Calcium (for bone disease care), and Soy powder (aids the

> Ambrotose to work twice as well). Despite costing me a small fortune,

> I must say the doctor who manages my daily Mannatech stuff HAS

> benefited me tremendously. Under his care, my temps dropped for the

> first time in 5 years and I can semi function again. Yipee! .


> Nobody said being the Empress was without cost. LOL Collecting all

> these rare diseases, syndromes and illnesses does have it's price.

> LOL.... But I'm worth it!  LOL   LOL   LOL   Hey, isn't that some

> commercial? I think I should find another hobby than collecting this

> stuff so you won't have to. Nope, too late. I'm sort of " attached " to

> everything now.


> (FYI Note:This doctor lives near me but will work with folks by phone

> so ... if you sell this stuff or are interested in more information,

> call him. He can tell you how to use it to make you better. He works

> for free, you buy the products and get better I have gotten a LOT

> better but it's so expensive that I don't know how long I can keep it

> up. I am going to call the company to see if they have a program for

> low income folks who really need the stuff. Email me privately if you

> want his phone number. blacklionent@.... Put Manatech doctor in

> the subject line so I don't miss it, k? )


> Back to topic - Do I feel like tossing the pills in the trash instead

> of down my throat? Absolutely ! ... given the correct mind set and

> daily frustration HOWEVER.... I have learned through the trial and

> error method of stopping one med at a time that I honestly need

> everything I am on... unfortunately. Check with your doctor. Get

> prepared for this " I've had enough of this " thinking to strike again.

> Know in advance what you can do to make you feel better. For me, being

> allowed to try reducing by even 1 drug makes me feel like I'm in

> control. Seeing that I need something and am much worse without it re

> enforced my desire to NOT stop taking it.


> Just a thought from the Empress of CUS. Praying for better days ahead

> for us all.


> Smiles, Caroline

> Empress of CUS


> ph Faulk wrote:

> i went back on all meds just two days after stopping all of them

> because i got too sick.  i did not stop taking steroids because i know

> you just can't do that.




> (Beautiful Southern Oregon, USA)


> We may not be able to change the direction of the wind, but we can

> adjust our sails.


> May you have enough happiness to make you kind, enough trials to make

> you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you

> happy.







> __________________________________________________


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