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] DSAA Spring Conference March 10th

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Dear Parent Mentors, Please forward the attached information on Down Syndrome Research Conference. This is a unique opportunity for the Down syndrome community! Atlanta Down Syndrome Research Conference March 10, 2012 8:30-5:00 PM Emory University School of Medicine B. Medical Education Building Auditorium 110 1648 Pierce Drive Atlanta, GA 30322 Agenda and Registration: http://atlantadsaa.org/images-tinybrowser/files/research_conference_program.pdf <http://atlantadsaa.org/images-tinybrowser/files/research_conference_program.pdf> Roche pharm representatives will be there.. this is the first time that a major pharm company is conducting DS research to help cognitive and memory, and it is important that parents show interest in this type of clinical trial so they can continue to provide funding. We need as many parents as possible at this meeting.. Please, please encourage all parents or anyone you know to attend this important conference!! Zoila ez Fulton County Schools Services for Exceptional Children Bilingual Parent Mentor martinezz@... Mrs. Michal Parent Mentor County Schools michaljones@...LOCAL RESOURCES:www.LifeLineFamilies.orgFIRST STOP FOR RESOURCES.........www.p2pga.org *** This Email was sent by an educator.

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