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Is Hep C contagious?

If so, how is it passed?

I roll my own cigarettes and lick them shut. Can saliva transfer hep C ?

Should I work around food stuffs or in a resturant kitchen? Or have guests over for dinner.

I have bleeding hemmoroids. How about using a toilet? Or a tub/shower?

I have bleeding gums. How about sharing toothbrushes? Or sharing a drink?

I bite my nails, sometimes they bleed. Can I shake hands? Pass money to the store clerk?

If I have a cough, is it airborne?

Sex is a maybe, I know.


don in kansas

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are you for real? Have you read any of the information posted here? I am sorry but every day I read your posts and I am here because this is serious for me. Please read the 100's of posts that I have read in the past month alone and it will answer most of those questions. Or better yet go to Hep C on google and read about it.

Subject: THE BIG QUESTIONTo: Hepatitis_C_Central Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 2:19 PM

Is Hep C contagious?

If so, how is it passed?

I roll my own cigarettes and lick them shut. Can saliva transfer hep C ?

Should I work around food stuffs or in a resturant kitchen? Or have guests over for dinner.

I have bleeding hemmoroids. How about using a toilet? Or a tub/shower?

I have bleeding gums. How about sharing toothbrushes? Or sharing a drink?

I bite my nails, sometimes they bleed. Can I shake hands? Pass money to the store clerk?

If I have a cough, is it airborne?

Sex is a maybe, I know.


don in kansas

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HI don

Im quite surprised that you have asked these questions but Ill try to answer them for you as best I can..

Yes, Hep C IS contagious, it is spread by blood to blood transfer.

Can saliva transfer and spread HCV? Good question, technically I suppose it could if your tongue had blood on it and it got into someone elses blood via say a cracked lip etc. Its highly unlikely tho to spread it that way.

There is no reason that you cannot work around food.. most food service workers wear gloves while preparing food and as long as you dont cut yourself and then allow your blood into the food you are preparing for someone else, then NO, it wont be spread that way.

YOU certainly CAN have guests over for dinner. As I said above, as long as you dont cut yourself and bleed all over the food, there is no risk. I can't imagine anyone bleeding into the food they are preparing and then still serving it.. thats gross and I dont believe anyone would do such a thing. Enjoy your company, fix great meals for them..

If your hemmorhoids are bleeding, then you need to make sure that YOU CLEAN the toilet afterwards, with a bleach solution, bleach will kill the virus. There is no reason you cannot use someones shower either unless you are bleeding profusely.. once again, cleaning the shower with a bleach solution will kill the virus..

Bleeding gums can be a problem if you share toothbrushes.. but I can't imagine anyone doing that,, gross... Nail clippers CAN be a source of transmission if you clip yourself and bleed and then not clean the nail clippers in bleach before anyone else uses them.. The best thing to do is to NOT share nail clippers, nail files, toothbrushes, razors etc..everyone should have their own.. I've been clear now for 6 years and I will not share any of those things with anyone in my family still,, better to be safe than sorry..

Stop biting your nails! you can get your hands infected from that first and foremost and bitten nails kind of look bad too.. There is no reason for you not to shake hands with anyone unless you are bleeding and you wouldnt want to do that then anyway,, right?

Handling money is dirty and I'd be more worried about YOU getting an infection into one of your bitten nails.. make sure you wash your hands often or carry a little bottle of hand sanitizer with you.. money is just plain dirty..lol.. but unless you are bleeding onto the money you are handing out to others, you're not going to spread it that way..

No, it is NOT spread by coughing, it is NOT airborn.. only blood to blood..

and yep, sex is a maybe,, but I honestly do not know anyone who got it that way...

I hope this helps hon,, let us know if you have any further questions...



Subject: THE BIG QUESTIONTo: Hepatitis_C_Central Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 2:19 PM

Is Hep C contagious?

If so, how is it passed?

I roll my own cigarettes and lick them shut. Can saliva transfer hep C ?

Should I work around food stuffs or in a resturant kitchen? Or have guests over for dinner.

I have bleeding hemmoroids. How about using a toilet? Or a tub/shower?

I have bleeding gums. How about sharing toothbrushes? Or sharing a drink?

I bite my nails, sometimes they bleed. Can I shake hands? Pass money to the store clerk?

If I have a cough, is it airborne?

Sex is a maybe, I know.


don in kansas

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I have not heard of it being passed in saliva, but then again I don't

smoke after someone else. And well yuck.

Heck, I quit smoking.

You don't leave blood on the toilet do you? Keep Clorox Clean up Wipes in the bathroom and if you get blood on the toilet use them.

I have a file in the file section on how to clean up a blood spill.

Biting nails, another thing I don't do, but as long as you wash your hands regularly shouldn't be a problem. I deal with the public and take money all the time. I keep a bottle of hand sanitizer on my desk and use it all the time. Because I deal with money. It stinks.

You don't know where that money has been. When I was a kid, I used to keep my money in my shoe. I imagine kids still do that.

So I use the hand sanitizer all the time. Besides as I said in another email, I am a clean nut.

Just use good common sense about cleaniness and if you have a cut or scrape. If it is open clean it, put a bandaid on it as a barrier




"There are souls in this world that have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go"

Frederick Faber

Subject: THE BIG QUESTIONTo: Hepatitis_C_Central Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 4:19 PM

Is Hep C contagious?

If so, how is it passed?

I roll my own cigarettes and lick them shut. Can saliva transfer hep C ?

Should I work around food stuffs or in a resturant kitchen? Or have guests over for dinner.

I have bleeding hemmoroids. How about using a toilet? Or a tub/shower?

I have bleeding gums. How about sharing toothbrushes? Or sharing a drink?

I bite my nails, sometimes they bleed. Can I shake hands? Pass money to the store clerk?

If I have a cough, is it airborne?

Sex is a maybe, I know.


don in kansas

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Now be nice.

We get this kind of question over and over again. And we never get tired of answering questions like this. It is a valid concern for a

lot of folks and no question is a dumb question.

And that is the truth.

The boss


"There are souls in this world that have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go"

Frederick Faber

From: Christ <ludichrist2000@ yahoo.com>Subject: [Hepatitis_C_ Central] THE BIG QUESTIONTo: Hepatitis_C_ Central@yahoogro ups.comDate: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 2:19 PM

Is Hep C contagious?

If so, how is it passed?

I roll my own cigarettes and lick them shut. Can saliva transfer hep C ?

Should I work around food stuffs or in a resturant kitchen? Or have guests over for dinner.

I have bleeding hemmoroids. How about using a toilet? Or a tub/shower?

I have bleeding gums. How about sharing toothbrushes? Or sharing a drink?

I bite my nails, sometimes they bleed. Can I shake hands? Pass money to the store clerk?

If I have a cough, is it airborne?

Sex is a maybe, I know.


don in kansas

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Good answer and like I said. The only stupid question is the un asked question.



"There are souls in this world that have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go"

Frederick Faber

From: Christ <ludichrist2000@ yahoo.com>Subject: [Hepatitis_C_ Central] THE BIG QUESTIONTo: Hepatitis_C_ Central@yahoogro ups.comDate: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 2:19 PM

Is Hep C contagious?

If so, how is it passed?

I roll my own cigarettes and lick them shut. Can saliva transfer hep C ?

Should I work around food stuffs or in a resturant kitchen? Or have guests over for dinner.

I have bleeding hemmoroids. How about using a toilet? Or a tub/shower?

I have bleeding gums. How about sharing toothbrushes? Or sharing a drink?

I bite my nails, sometimes they bleed. Can I shake hands? Pass money to the store clerk?

If I have a cough, is it airborne?

Sex is a maybe, I know.


don in kansas

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somehow I missed this email, never came to my inbox, probably was in the spam folder which I just delete anyway... sorry I missed it Janet.. I agree,, be nice.. everyone has the right to ask questions over and over if necessary.. I kind of think that Don wanted to have the answers in writing to those specific questions for a reason...

From: Christ <ludichrist2000@ yahoo.com>Subject: [Hepatitis_C_ Central] THE BIG QUESTIONTo: Hepatitis_C_ Central@yahoogro ups.comDate: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 2:19 PM

Is Hep C contagious?

If so, how is it passed?

I roll my own cigarettes and lick them shut. Can saliva transfer hep C ?

Should I work around food stuffs or in a resturant kitchen? Or have guests over for dinner.

I have bleeding hemmoroids. How about using a toilet? Or a tub/shower?

I have bleeding gums. How about sharing toothbrushes? Or sharing a drink?

I bite my nails, sometimes they bleed. Can I shake hands? Pass money to the store clerk?

If I have a cough, is it airborne?

Sex is a maybe, I know.


don in kansas

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Yeah it happens. I get them in my spam folder all the time.

Especially if they are a bit long.



"There are souls in this world that have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go"

Frederick Faber

From: Christ <ludichrist2000@ yahoo.com>Subject: [Hepatitis_C_ Central] THE BIG QUESTIONTo: Hepatitis_C_ Central@yahoogro ups.comDate: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 2:19 PM

Is Hep C contagious?

If so, how is it passed?

I roll my own cigarettes and lick them shut. Can saliva transfer hep C ?

Should I work around food stuffs or in a resturant kitchen? Or have guests over for dinner.

I have bleeding hemmoroids. How about using a toilet? Or a tub/shower?

I have bleeding gums. How about sharing toothbrushes? Or sharing a drink?

I bite my nails, sometimes they bleed. Can I shake hands? Pass money to the store clerk?

If I have a cough, is it airborne?

Sex is a maybe, I know.


don in kansas

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