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Re: Help with stomach

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I have the same problem from the Prednisone I take and the MTX. I am

on Nexium 40 mg a day and it is wonderful. Also, I have Compazine 5

mg to take if necessary for severe nausea that once in awhile I get

from the MTX. Sometimes it bothers me, sometimes it does not, you

just never know. Good luck. Hope this helps.



> I hardly ever get a chance to post but was wondering what the docs

> have given you all when your meds bother your stomach. I take

> Methotrexate and sometimes Aleve. Now I started Zoloft for


> and Klonopin for anxiety. My stomach has never done well with the


> and I have only been on it since Feb. Any advice would be great. I

> don't want my stomach tore up anytime soon.


> Thanks to you all,



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I was prescribed Zantac - you can buy it OTC, but my insurance covers it and

I get the generic for $5 which is cheaper than the OTC brand name.

-----Original Message-----

Behalf Of ktandtm

I hardly ever get a chance to post but was wondering what the docs

have given you all when your meds bother your stomach. I take

Methotrexate and sometimes Aleve. Now I started Zoloft for depression

and Klonopin for anxiety. My stomach has never done well with the MTX

and I have only been on it since Feb. Any advice would be great. I

don't want my stomach tore up anytime soon.

Thanks to you all,

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Guest guest

, if you are not already taking your MTX by injection, that may help.

Also, are you taking folic acid?

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Help with stomach

>I hardly ever get a chance to post but was wondering what the docs

> have given you all when your meds bother your stomach. I take

> Methotrexate and sometimes Aleve. Now I started Zoloft for depression

> and Klonopin for anxiety. My stomach has never done well with the MTX

> and I have only been on it since Feb. Any advice would be great. I

> don't want my stomach tore up anytime soon.


> Thanks to you all,


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---you did say any advice did you not

well you asked

be nice to gert rid of the zoloft and the klonopin and replace that

with a better more effective therapies --there are good ways of coming

off there of course so look into that carefully .

of course i suppose the first thing you should know is y you have been

recomended that route

Chapter 1 challenging

Let me pose this as a question to you for answering it will reveal a

lot about health care systems and how they have evolved .and what are

the implications to us and our health. This is the question.

Why are you being recommended the healing route which is being offered

to you.

Another point that is to be made very clear here this is just not me

saying this but also thousands of doctors, therapists all over the

world who are moving to a more holistic kind of approach in dealing

with illness and many are only to aware of the health care systems

which are in place now and how they evolved. Another point I am making

crystal clear some of the therapies offered to you maybe quite

effective also. But that is not to say they are the best or cannot be

improved upon substantially. And as you will know and see there are

some really big limitations which these principles will uncover. As I

see it these principles are irrefutable until the day comes where

research is done in an objective way funded by a party with no

interests but one and that is for the good of the patient with results

published good, bad, or indifferent.

Drugs and other treatments

There are a few very important points that I would like to cover on

the subject of drugs and research and treatment. At present the system

in England and in many countries is this.

Point 1

All treatment recommended by the health care people should be tested

and approved and quite rightly so. I am sure we would all want that.

Point 2

Obviously it costs vast sums of money to test and approve treatments

because of the possible damage to people and the subsequent litigation

costing millions of pounds.

Point 3

Where does this money come from to test and approve treatments? Does

the government fund much research into health care and what is its

agenda- a little yes but in comparison to drug companies the sums

are very small.

So by far the biggest source of money going into research is the drug


Do you think drug companies are some charitable institution – in the

main they are there to make profit.

What do you think the implications of that statement means. Well as we

speak there are already groups of people begging companies to find a

drug to deal with all sorts of problems .A lot of these groups are

turned down because there is not enough of them suffering to justify

the cost of research.

Also take for example a researcher might go along to his local drug

company and tell them his findings about this treatment he has been

working on which is of outstanding value but needs testing further or

approving, you might think they would be falling over themselves to

know more –right, you could not be more wrong.

By and large only treatments which show a potential for profit will

even get examined. Because they are in business to make a profit, not

for serving the people.

So many of the hundreds of therapies which they see as having no

profit potential do not get approved.

These may include osteopathy, Reiki, spiritual healing, nutrition,

EFT. Acupuncture, yoga, sound therapy, colour healing, NLP, light

therapy, psychic surgery ,earth energy, oxidation therapies ,ozone

therapies. Not to mention detoxing, colonics, enemas, crystal healing,

fume baths,castor oil packs ,grape packs, Epsom salt packs, herbs

Massage, Spiritual healing, Knieisiology Herbs, Light therapy, Colour

therapy, Regression therapy, Osteopathy, Zappers, Magnetic devices,

Electrical Frequency devices and so on .

And this is why by and large these things do not get recommended by

your local doctor or hospital despite the fact that some of them do

have overwhelming benefits, some which have saved needless operations,

needless amputations, needless pain and mental trauma, needless kidney

failures and much loss of life.

Point 4

Your local G.P/ doctor is not a researcher, what does this mean, he is

very taxed with his time in the main perhaps seeing 20-40 people per

day. That means he cannot do research, he finds it very difficult to

keep up with what is going on in the main. He is told what to

prescribe. He does not in may cases have the time often to look at


He may be very much frowned upon by some of his peers for

recommending alternative medicine, some doctors of course ignore those

pressures. Many doctors have suffered from prescribing other therapies

than the norm.

In the year 2004 approx. 5000 Beds in the UK alone are being taken up

by people who have had reactions to drugs.

Some will die others will be maimed. That is fact.

So Mr and Mrs to answer the question posed this is why are you

being recommended the healing route which is being offered to you .

Point 5

This is what we are calling for when the day comes when most of the

research and testing is done by an agency with no vested interests

attached and a clear agenda of being objective. Perhaps there will

from this little book a group of people form and act as a pressure

group to force our governments to act for the interests of the people.

To fund research with researchers who are objective. Make no mistake

about it we are talking about billions of pounds being jeopardised

here or being spent in another direction and there is a lot of people

who would not like that to happen I assure you.

There is clear evidence that some of these drug companies will even

go much further than just dismiss this proposed treatment especially

if it is going to affect their profits.

Imagine this 10 000 patients on some drug costing say 500-1000 pounds

each per year

Average time to get well 20 yrs –income in that time –go on work it

out .

That is around 10 million pounds

Then an invention comes along and hey presto we can get them well in

just 6 weeks at a cost of 200 quid

Do you think they will just sit around and go err – what planet are

you on jack?

Ever heard of a brilliant doctor with the name of rife the

gifted scientist and winner of 14 government awards including

scientist of the year award twice.

Rife discovered that some major diseases could be eliminated with

frequencies based on that diseases individual electromagnetic

signature. He uses the same effect, which causes a glass to shatter by

the use of some peoples voices.

These distinguished medical doctors who originally confirmed part or

this entire discovery included:

E.C. Rosenow, Sr. (Chief of Bacteriology, 32 yrs., at Mayo Clinic),

Fredrich Koch (Detroit, Brazil), Gaston Naessens (Quebec), Sakae Inoue

(Japan), s Mazet (France,), Franz Gerlach (Germany), Niello Mori

and Clara Fonti (Italy), Cameron Gruner (McGill Univ.), T.J. Glover

(Canada), Florence Seibert (V.A. Research Lab,Bay Pines, Fla.), Irene

Diller (Inst. of Cancer Research, Phila, Penn), Eleanor .

and Virginia Livingston (NJ & San Diego clinics).

But events started to happen; firstly, arsonists burned the Burnett

Lab in New Jersey, which was validating Rife's work.

Then, someone fatally poisoned Dr. Milbank , president of the

Southern California American Medical Association. He died just hours

before a scheduled press conference in which he was to announce that

Rife's electronic therapy cured every terminal patient in a study

supervised by the University of Southern California.

Dr. Nemes, who duplicated some of Rife's work just 40 miles from

Rife's lab, was killed in a mysterious fire, which destroyed his lab.

Rife stopped work, but died at Grossmont Hospital from a lethal dose

of Valium. Following Dr. Milbank 's murder, threats, other

incidents followed; 30 doctors once photographed honoring Rife at a

banquet now denied they ever knew him! Dr. Isaac Kendall, Rife's chief

research associate and Dean of Northwestern Medical School, received

$200,000 in " grants " & disappeared. Was this a bribe?

Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler in 1947 while studying tumors found

the same organism in all of them. Her findings were published in

August 1948 by the New York Microscopical Society Bullitin. Later in

Dec. 1950 Wheeler had an article published in the American Journal of

Medical Sciences on microbes cultures taken from both human and animal

tumors. On Sept. 10, 1953 The Washington Post reported the discoveries

of Dr. Wheeler and her team from Rutgers-Presbyterian Hospital

Laboratory which were disclosed at the 6 th International Congress of

Microbiology in Rome. They had found conclusive proof of a microbial

cause for cancer.

When Dr. Wheeler and her group returned from Rome to Rutgers-

Presbyterian Hospital they found that the funds for their laboratory

were being cut off. The laboratory was closed. This was the behind-

the-scenes work and doings of Dr. Corneluis P. Rhoads, the head of

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The fear of the cancer

industry elite is and was immense. If the truth about the true cause

of cancer becomes known a cheap cure will be found shortly thereafter.

This will kill the cancer goose which lays tens of billions of dollars

worth of eggs a year. Is there nothing these scum will not do for

their god money? No

And it does not stop there Walsh head of the cayce center in

Durham England had a stuttering problem which he cured using the

recommendations of Edgar cayce, osteopathic adjustments by the way

were done .

Naturally he wanted to share this with the stuttering society so that

others may alleviate their suffering, at a meeting he was going to

deliver a talk telling people of how he did it. But just as he was

about to speak, he was stopped and the only reason says is that

the organizers realized that if this information got out it could mean

the end of their society.

Doctors Hertal and Blanc undertook research on the effects of

microwave ovens and declared that foods cooked in this way posed a

greater risk to health than cooking by conventional means, food cooked

in this way seemed to have a cancerous effect on the blood. A gag

order was issued on both of these doctors .DR Hertal stood his ground

and fought the decision and the European court of Human rights issued

an order saying the gag order was contrary to the right of Human

expression and Switzerland was ordered to pay compensation.

Personally I have been extensively involved in sharing the Edgar Cayce

information, Spiritual healing and some information on the Rife

machine over the Internet on problems like MS, Parkinsons, Galucoma,

Myasthenia gravis etc. On the issue of M.S.thousands of groups who had

a site on the Internet were contacted including support groups,

hospitals etc. Major foundations and national societies were contacted

as well.

These people have clear mission statements saying for example, for the

treatment, support and research on M.S. The response from thousands of

contacts-only a few even replied with some interest despite numerous

approaches and despite mentioning the clear evidence which the

meridian research institute was getting using the Edgar cayce


The next to try was the Myasthenia gravis association which is located

in Derby England, Edgar Cayce gave a couple of readings on this

problem, despite phone calls and letters and e mails including letters

to the chairman not one person came back to me.

I tried a few hundred other M.G. Associations throughout the Internet

and only a very few were interested. The others did not even reply.

Information from Cayce on Glaucoma was also tried, again writing, and

e mailing to many National associations and support groups again with

very little interest. Also tried was posting information on the

discussion forums on the Internet, Many were removed, the " Wills eye

hospital in the USA were highly guilty of this. After this I tried

Cayce on Parkinson's again the same procedure was followed I even

tried writing and e mailing to Baker chairman of the Parkinson's

society in England, she did not even reply. National organisations

were contacted and support groups, the results only about 5% showed

any interest at all. Their reasons can only be guessed at but when

people make claims with clear mission statements for the alleviation

of suffering and don't even bother to enquire or to look into

promising information I put it to you that these organisations- a lot

of charities are diddling the public.

The conclusion: Clearly there are forces out there that would do

anything to protect their interests. Much apathy reigns that is until

the day comes to people where illness happens to them, then perhaps

there is much more interest shown.

Well that point covered we now can move on to a much more positive

approach in dealing with illness and depression specifically.

In , " ktandtm " <ktandtm@...> wrote:


> I hardly ever get a chance to post but was wondering what the docs

> have given you all when your meds bother your stomach. I take

> Methotrexate and sometimes Aleve. Now I started Zoloft for


> and Klonopin for anxiety. My stomach has never done well with the


> and I have only been on it since Feb. Any advice would be great. I

> don't want my stomach tore up anytime soon.


> Thanks to you all,



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---here is alittle on what i do recomend and there is a lot more

but you have to be willing to try a few things .or you have to be at a

point where you are sick of just pills and more pills.

Massage, learning to rub people the right way

One of the first things we will look at and give the merits for is

massage, known and applied for thousands of years .In todays society

at least in the UK touch is almost alien through whatever reason be it

n or upbringing .Yet touch can convey so much and the UK in

general has to learn this very important role. For in my experience

touch can be life changing ,yet I still meet nurses who have never had

a massage in their life. Clearly there is much to change for these

people are supposed to be at the very front to treating the ill but as

the previous chapter has explained modern conventional treatment has

almost obliterated one of the prime tools for healing. Massage should

be done to babies, children and adults and much soothing would take

place were this in place without need for drugs, sedatives alcohol or

other stimulants. if only this would go into every would be mums

repertoire of dealing with their children. The results I am sure

would be impressive.

Various combinations of oils for massage can be used however I have

only experience with using the oils of peanut /olive and almond and I

am sure there are many others which are of real benefit too. Also very

good results have been obtained using tincture of myrrh.

Research in massage therapy has been ongoing for more than 120 years.

Here are some reported benefits of massage:

Preliminary results suggested cancer patients had less pain and

anxiety after receiving therapeutic massage at the Cancer

Hospital and Research Institute in Columbus, Ohio.

Women who had experienced the recent death of a child were less

depressed after receiving therapeutic massage, according to

preliminary results of a study at the University of South Carolina.

Medical school students at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of

New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School who were massaged before an exam

showed a significant decrease in anxiety and respiratory rates as well

as a significant increase in white blood cells and natural killer cell

activity, suggesting a benefit to the immune system

Studies funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have found

massage beneficial in improving weight gain in HIV-exposed infants and

facilitating recovery in patients who underwent abdominal surgery. At

the University of Miami School of Medicine's Touch Research Institute,

researchers have found that massage is helpful in decreasing blood

pressure in people with hypertension, alleviating pain in migraine

sufferers and improving alertness and performance in office workers.

An increasing number of research studies show massage reduces heart

rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph

flow, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion, and increases

endorphins (enhancing medical treatment). Although therapeutic massage

does not increase muscle strength, it can stimulate weak, inactive

muscles and, thus, partially compensate for the lack of exercise and

inactivity resulting from illness or injury. It also can hasten and

lead to a more complete recovery from exercise or injury.

Research has verified that:

Office workers massaged regularly were more alert, performed better

and were less stressed than those who weren't massaged.

Massage therapy decreased the effects of anxiety, tension, depression,

pain, and itching in burn patients.

Abdominal surgery patients recovered more quickly after massage.

Premature infants who were massaged gained more weight and fared

better than those who weren't.

Autistic children showed less erratic behaviour after massage therapy.

According AMTA, massage helps both physically and mentally.

" Often times people are stressed in our culture. Stress-related

disorders make up between 80-and-90 percent of the ailments that bring

people to family-practice physicians. What they require is someone to

listen, someone to touch them, someone to care. That does not exist in

modern medicine.

One of the complaints heard frequently is that physicians don't touch

their patients any more. Touch just isn't there. Years ago massage was

a big part of nursing. There was so much care, so much touch, so much

goodness conveyed through massage. Now nurses for the most part are as

busy as physicians. They're writing charts, dealing with insurance

notes, they're doing procedures and often there is no room for massage

any more.

I believe massage therapy is absolutely key in the healing process not

only in the hospital environment but because it relieves stress, it is

obviously foundational in the healing process any time and anywhere. "

Joan Borysenko - Massage Journal Interview, Fall 1999

Physical Benefits of Therapeutic Massage

Massage also provides another therapeutic component largely absent in

today's world: tactile stimulation, or, more simply, touch. In 1986,

the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami published

groundbreaking research on the effects of massage on premature babies.

The preterm babies who received massage therapy showed 47% greater

weight gain and six-day shorter hospital stays than the infants who

were not receiving massage. But is this study evidence of what loving

touch can do spiritually, or rather what massage can do on a

physiological level? Regardless, babies are not the only benefactors

Helps relieve stress and aids relaxation

Helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness. Alleviates discomfort

during pregnancy

s faster healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments;

reduces pain and swelling; reduces formation of excessive scar tissue

Reduces muscle spasms. Provides greater joint flexibility and range of


Enhances athletic performance; Treats injuries caused during sport or


Promotes deeper and easier breathing Improves circulation of blood and

movement of lymph fluids

Reduces blood pressure Helps relieve tension-related headaches and

effects of eye-strain

Enhances the health and nourishment of skin Improves posture

Strengthens the immune system Treats musculoskeletal problems

Rehabilitation post operative Rehabilitation after injury (Source:


Mental Benefits of Massage Therapy

s peace of mind Promotes a relaxed state of mental alertness

Helps relieve mental stress. Improves ability to monitor stress

signals and respond appropriately.

Enhances capacity for calm thinking and creativity.

Emotional Benefits.

Satisfies needs for caring nurturing touch s a feeling of well-


Reduces levels of anxiety. Creates body awareness. Increases awareness

of mind-body connection


In , " ktandtm " <ktandtm@...> wrote:


> I hardly ever get a chance to post but was wondering what the docs

> have given you all when your meds bother your stomach. I take

> Methotrexate and sometimes Aleve. Now I started Zoloft for


> and Klonopin for anxiety. My stomach has never done well with the


> and I have only been on it since Feb. Any advice would be great. I

> don't want my stomach tore up anytime soon.


> Thanks to you all,



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Yes, I take 2 mg folic acid a day plus whatever is in my multi



> , if you are not already taking your MTX by injection, that

may help.

> Also, are you taking folic acid?




> Not an MD


> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org



> [ ] Help with stomach



> >I hardly ever get a chance to post but was wondering what the docs

> > have given you all when your meds bother your stomach. I take

> > Methotrexate and sometimes Aleve. Now I started Zoloft for


> > and Klonopin for anxiety. My stomach has never done well with

the MTX

> > and I have only been on it since Feb. Any advice would be

great. I

> > don't want my stomach tore up anytime soon.

> >

> > Thanks to you all,

> >


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Guest guest

Yes, I take 2 mg folic acid a day plus whatever is in my multi



> , if you are not already taking your MTX by injection, that

may help.

> Also, are you taking folic acid?




> Not an MD


> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org



> [ ] Help with stomach



> >I hardly ever get a chance to post but was wondering what the docs

> > have given you all when your meds bother your stomach. I take

> > Methotrexate and sometimes Aleve. Now I started Zoloft for


> > and Klonopin for anxiety. My stomach has never done well with

the MTX

> > and I have only been on it since Feb. Any advice would be

great. I

> > don't want my stomach tore up anytime soon.

> >

> > Thanks to you all,

> >


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Thanks for your replies. I am going to talk to my doc when I see


> >

> > I hardly ever get a chance to post but was wondering what the


> > have given you all when your meds bother your stomach. I take

> > Methotrexate and sometimes Aleve. Now I started Zoloft for

> depression

> > and Klonopin for anxiety. My stomach has never done well with



> > and I have only been on it since Feb. Any advice would be

great. I

> > don't want my stomach tore up anytime soon.

> >

> > Thanks to you all,

> >

> >


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My doc recently switched me to injectable Mtx, which seems to have

much less side effects. I'm actually taking a higer dose of MTX now,

with WAY less side effects than with the oral. She also has me on

Nexium every other day to protect my stomach from the NSAIDS I take.



> I hardly ever get a chance to post but was wondering what the docs

> have given you all when your meds bother your stomach. I take

> Methotrexate and sometimes Aleve. Now I started Zoloft for


> and Klonopin for anxiety. My stomach has never done well with the


> and I have only been on it since Feb. Any advice would be great. I

> don't want my stomach tore up anytime soon.


> Thanks to you all,



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