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Re: autoimmune hepatitis

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Hey Debbie,

I think it depends on how severe it is, then most docs prescribe steroids and recommend antiviral therapy.

But with hep c as well, I don't think that steroids would be good for your liver - here's more:

Q. How is Treatment for Patients with Autoimmunity Determined?

A. Interferon is the only approved treatment for HCV, but its use in people with autoimmune hepatitis has been shown to exacerbate symptoms. In general, steroids are used for people with autoimmune hepatitis due to non-viral causes, but in patients with hepatitis C, steroids can increase viral replication.

A liver biopsy is usually recommended to determine which disease process is causing the greatest damage to the liver: the HCV infection or the autoimmune hepatitis. In general, if the HCV infection were predominant and the autoimmune hepatitis mild, alfa interferon treatment would be considered. However, if the autoimmune hepatitis were severe, leading to such complications as kidney damage, rashes, or rapid liver failure, steroids or other immunosuppressant drugs would more likely be recommended.

The choice between these treatment options boils down to the immune system. Alfa interferon, which activates the immune system to reduce viral replication, could be problematic for those whose immune system was already over-activated due to severe autoimmune hepatitis. Steroids, which suppress the immune system, could be problematic for those with severe HCV-infection, leading to a compromise the body's ability to fight the infection.

The Connection Between Hepatitis C and Autoimmune Disorders


Isn't Dr. Berkson the one who diagnosed AIH? Hep C is associated with so many autoimmune disorders now - Dr. Berkson might just be treating it with the LDN as that is supposed to work really well on all autoimmune disorders. I'd call them and ask to make sure. Does your own doctor want you to take any meds for the AIH?

But as far as diet, there are many studies now that link AIH to celiac disease - going on a gluten-free diet can help according to the research and personal accounts. It has been suggested that AIH is also a genetic disorder as well. On the other hand, a lot of obese teenagers are being diagnoses with autoimmune hepatitis - so diet probably does have a lot to do with it.

Celiac disease in patients with severe liver disease: gluten-free diet may reverse hepatic failure.


CONCLUSIONS: The possible presence of celiac disease should be investigated in patients with severe liver disease. Dietary treatment may prevent progression to hepatic failure, even in cases in which liver transplantation is considered.

High prevalence of celiac disease in autoimmune hepatitis detected by anti-tissue tranglutaminase autoantibodies


The results of this study showed a high prevalence of CD in patients with AIH. For this reason, early serological screening testing for CD is strongly recommended for all AIH patients

Autoimmune liver disease associated with celiac disease in childhood: a multicenter study.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18258488?ordinalpos=1 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_Discovery_RA & linkpos=2 & log$=relatedarticles & logdbfrom=pubmed

Patients with autoimmune liver disease might have a hidden celiac disease, suggesting a rigorous check in any cryptogenic liver disease.

So, give the clinic folks a call to check, though Dr. B is probably treating it strictly with the LDN. I am hoping that it will help me with my own autoimmune stuff too..

Sometimes the celiac blood test is inaccurate too - so going gf might still help you - and since Dr. B's diet plan is almost gluten-free as it is - or very low on wheat products, it really shouldn't be that much of a stretch for you. And between doing that and the LDN, you should continue to improve - but call the clinic if you have questions about anything.

Hope this helps,


I was wondering if others have been tested for autoimmune hepatitis and if positive what is treatment or medicine they were put on. I have tested positive and put on LDN. I have read that cirrhosis may be reversible. Thank youDebbieMake your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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I was tested but am negative . Let me do some research and find out what the treatment is .

autoimmune hepatitis

I was wondering if others have been tested for autoimmune hepatitis and if positive what is treatment or medicine they were put on. I have tested positive and put on LDN. I have read that cirrhosis may be reversible. Thank youDebbieAlso I think you need to trust your doctor/doctors but what do they say "trust and verify". That is what I like about this group, it is a good place to verify.

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