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Yup, he's so right...

----- Original Message -----

From: " i4crob " <i4crob@...>

<notmilk >

Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 5:21 AM


> Dear Friends,


> Yogi Berra would say:


> " It's deja vu all over again. "


> Yesterday, I asked you to watch last

> night's (1/17/02) NOTMILK CBS expose.


> In my column, I wrote:


> " A few years ago, my NOTMILK campaign

> appeared on HARD COPY. Minutes before

> the segment was to air, HARD COPY ran a

> Domino's Pizza ad. I knew right then and

> there that I was in trouble. "


> Last night, the same exact thing happened,

> but I found last evening's experience to

> be even worse. Last evening's so-called

> hard hitting expose became nothing more

> than a commercial for the dairy industry.


> The producer of the NOTMILK segment should

> hide his head in shame. Finnegan

> has earned the right to know how pathetic

> he is from your comments. His phone number

> is 212-975-7486. 's EMAIL address is:


> kpf@...


> I began watching CBS an hour before the

> show was to begin. All week, CBS had

> been promoting the NOTMILK show. What

> actual words would they use as teaser

> promotions during the early news

> for the 6:30 PM show?


> At 5:44 PM, a reporter on the scene in

> Israel was commenting on the latest

> terror attack. He then read this promo:


> " A number of nutritionists are souring

> on milk, but is milk really dangerous? "


> Immediately after that, CBS (New York)

> broke for series of commercials. We

> viewers were treated to a DOMINO'S PIZZA

> ad at 5:50 PM. It looked delicious!


> During the CBS national news broadcast,

> another promo announced at 6:41 PM:


> " The health benefits of milk are now

> the topic of healthy debate. "


> CBS returned for another story, then

> ran an additional teaser promo at 6:47,

> saving the best (NOTMILK story) for last:


> " Next on CBS. Milk is: good for you;

> bad for you; the subject of an udderly

> confusing health debate. "


> After a few commercials which included

> a plug for Kraft (America's largest dairy

> producer), CBS returned with a 15 second

> lead in:


> " Heart disease is the leading killer

> in America... "


> They tied that story directly into milk:


> " A new debate is underway on the

> health benefits of milk... "


> They introduced Neal Barnard and the

> Physicians for Responsible Medicine

> this way:


> " Critics are citing studies that are

> designed to scare. "


> Designed to scare? CBS subliminally biased

> their viewers, and dampened credibility

> of the critic, Neal Barnard, M.D.


> I felt bad for Neal. He was ambushed.

> I imagine that they spent a lot of time

> interviewing him, then carefully

> edited out all things of substance, and

> gave him one or two sentences comparing

> dairy to cigarette smoking. They

> presented Neal as an anti-milk fanatic

> with no substance. Believe me when I

> say that I've been there, done that.


> The bulk of the report showed consumers

> drinking milk, pouring milk, loving milk.


> The last image consumers were left with

> was a nutritionist who said said that

> milk is a food, and all foods are fine.


> CBS concluded:


> " Like anything else we eat, the easist

> way to digest milk is in moderation. "


> CBS immediately went to the ads, and

> there, before my non-believing eyes,

> was an older gentleman enjoying a thick

> milky-white drink that had been

> temptingly poured into his glass. The

> product was Glucerna, an alternative

> product for diabetics. The voiceover

> announced:


> " It's time for a taste of freedom. "


> Glucerna products are made with non-fat

> dried milk and whey protein.


> Whey contains the same bovine blood

> proteins that have been identified as

> triggers for diabetes.


> http://www.notmilk.com/d.html


> This commercial was followed by another

> ad for an asthma product. Eighty percent

> of milk protein is casein, a tenacious

> glue. Eat casein, and your body produces

> histamines, then mucous. For some

> people, mucous clogs the lung's

> bronchioles and triggers asthma attacks.


> Where would CBS be without dairy

> and pharmaceutical ads (made

> necessary by dairy consumption?)


> Charlie Brown attempts to kick a

> football. Lucy is the holder. At

> the last second, Lucy pulls away the

> ball and Chuck is out of luck. Poor

> Chuck. Poor . We never give

> up. We trust that the other person

> will do the right thing. We are

> both continually kicked in the teeth.


> I naively get my expectations up when

> network television hints at a fair

> coverage of the milk debate. Television

> does not exist to entertain or inform.

> I continually remind myself of the

> one and only purpose of television:




> Cohen

> http://www.notmilk.com



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> Forward this message to your milk-drinking friends:

> Learn about MILK from A to Z: http://www.notmilk.com/milkatoz.html

> PLAY 2O QUESTIONS: http://www.notmilk.com/notmilkfaq.html



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