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First, may the high power you worship, bless you and make you better.

I recently tested positive for hep c. I went to a leading hospital in

Mi for treatment (Ann Arbor). After consulting with a endo, it was

decided that treatment would be started in June 09. I don't think I was

a good patient. I have been a loner all my life and have little trust

in the medical system. I have medical insurance (luckily) and feel that

the doctors are more interested making money than fixing what ails you.


My mental state is poor and I presently see a pschcologist, preparing

for my next appointment in June. Also, I attend religious services

daily after a 40 year absence, and changed my diet along with changeing

my life style. I wish I'd made these changes long ago. I feel much

better. My main problem is the " loner " thing and that i've never

handled stress well, though in time i've been able to work things

out.After my diagnosis i didn't want to continue. It amazes me how some

people keep upbeat. I do wish i could be that way.

My life as a loner was swell, I helped people at every opportunity and

stayed hidden the rest of the time. Sadly now, I have no one to lean on.

I don't want pity, I've had many good breaks in life and didn't have to

deal with people.

With the info I receive from this group and future support groups, I

hope to make the correct decisions and be a better people person and

get well. Thanks for reading this post. I'm quite scared now and could

use any advise. My very best wishes to all . May God Bless you all.

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