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from Majesty Farm in Va

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Good idea, !

Don't know how old-timer I am, but it would be nice to have the review.

Name, farm if appropriate, and area would be a nice subject header.

I'll Start.

I am , and run a small share operation in west-central

Virginia. I have both cows and goats, as well as raise a small number of

sheep and beef for eating and sale. I have 8 children and 4 grandchildren. I

was in a low impact auto accident 12 years ago and developed Fibromyalgia.

Raw milk has eliminated 95% of my fibromyalgia symptoms, and several years

ago became aware of WAPF, and have since become the Charlottesville Area

Chapter leader. We are a heavy VEGAN area, but interest is growing. I am

involved in VICFA, whose purpose is to promote and preserve unregulated

direct farmer-to-consumer trade that fosters availability of locally grown

or home-produced food products. We have been active in raw dairy promotion,

and have partnered w/ WAPF to promote VICFA and WAPF at the Farm Foods

Symposium, and at several area fairs.

I love cows, and like my goaties a lot, and am grateful to have the

opportunity to provide others with white gold....


" Few Men desire Liberty; most Men only wish for a just master. " Sallust

Old-Timer Re-introduction

Hey all,

I had an idea. Our raw dairy group here is up to around 700 members,

and we are growing every day. That means that there are a lot of

newbies and people here who don't know each other.

I was wondering if any of the old timers, like myself, Blair, and

others, who have been on the list since it's inception, would like to

re-introduce themselves to everyone--saying where they stand on dairy

issues, where they are from, and who they are in general. It is fun

to get to know people and I think personally that I would like to do

this. Anyone else who wants to participate can. What do you think?




Visit our Raw Dairy Files for a wealth of information!


Archive search: http://onibasu.com

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