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Patty and

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Hi Patty and ,

First I would like to thank you Patty for helping me to understand, why those of us that are ill from these toxic implants, easily become even more ill from the external toxins that we're forced to live with each day. There are things that bother me now that never used too, including certain material against my skin. Thank you again, for taking the time to explain.

And - I don't know what to say, except I must be on a roll. You're the second person who's feelings I've hurt, within the last couple of days and it was never intentional. Perhaps I should do more reading and less typing. As a matter of fact, I wasn't even going to say anymore about my previous email to you, but decided you needed an explanation. You see, I was responding to your message when you referenced "All the toxic pollutants we contaminate ourselves with: "Implants, lead pipes, vaccines, toxic waste in our water system, toxic pollution in general...air, water, radiation, thermal, land, ragon (this one occurs naturally), sewage-oil-mining pollution, solid waste, incineration, electramagnetic, you being sure the list could go on."

You see, I'm not arguing with you on this. And what you said, I too have been saying for along time. But the point I was trying to make was - not anyone of these pollutants is what took my health, quality of life or longevity of life from me. It was these damn implants, the chemicals used to make their toxic silicone gel and how they were presented all gift wrapped in lies. I didn't write you for sympathy and I am angry with good reason (not because of what's happened to me - I'm only one person), I am really angry over what these implants have done to millions of others and this does not include the children! I too am an advocate on the issues of dying babies and harmed children. My goodness, I too was a child once. :-) I also have grown children and twelve Grandchildren.

, I was only trying to voice my opinion - That these toxic fake boobs have devastated more lives and harmed more innocents (based on "greed"), than anything else during my 54 yr's of life! People have died and lives have been destroyed not because of war, poverty or epidemic! But because of power, position and money. And all of this began with a lie! Continuing to this very day!

Now, please, please, do not let your feelings get hurt! I'm not attacking you in any way. I do understand what you have been saying. I guess I just wanted someone to try and understand what I've been saying since 1994.

Yes, I am angry! I am so angry with the injustice that's been done here. I'm angry over yr's of cover-up. But I'm mostly angry over the lives that have been lost and that we will continue to loose, unless this is stopped and the truth comes out.

No, I do not want you to leave this group. I think each person has a very important roll in this support group and each one of these ladies are very important to me (as we are to each other) and that includes you. Forgive me for any pain I may have inflicted on you, for I believe there is just to much of that going on in this world already. Have a wonderful week-end and always listen to your heart.

Love and Hugs..........

Patty <fdp@...> wrote:

Hi , and ,

I want to add to this discussion by saying that vaccinations and toxic pollution do have an effect on us, even more so after exposure to implants.

Once our immune systems have been compromised as much as they have been through implants, every additional assault on our bodies, (whether it be vaccinations, toxic pollution, pesticides on our foods, additives, food colorings, hormones in dairy products, or whatever), is an additional burden that can prevent us from attaining better health. The detoxification of the body is a most important goal in our journey back to health, and it takes a very concerted effort to be watchful of where those additional toxins are coming from, and to prevent exposure as much as possible. We certainly can't avoid all toxins in the world today because they are everywhere, but we CAN take definite steps to reduce that exposure greatly. That includes avoiding vaccinations, avoiding polluted areas, eating organic fruits and veggies whenever possible, avoiding foods that are preserved, dyed, and otherwise tampered with, eliminating animal products that are laden with additional antibiotics and hormones, eliminating animal fats that are filled with the toxins that the animal has processed and stored, drinking filtered water, taking liver supportive herbs, exercising to sweat out toxins, avoiding layering our skin with chemical filled cosmetics, and keeping our homes aired out with fresh air and filled with house plants to cleanse the air for us. These are just some of the things we can do to keep our toxic load to a minimum. All are helpful in the attainment of better health.


----- Original Message -----

From: DanzButterflies@...

Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 5:36 PM

Subject: Curry

Dear Carman,

I am very sorry to hear about your health. But I'm afraid you must of missed some posts in between, I'm not quite sure why you would say a few things you did. As far as the vaccines there had been an earlier post directed to me and my questions about breast-feeding while having saline implants. Someone told me that some children are suffering from ill effects and they are just discovering it at later ages - I think it was said around ages from 10 up to around 14, I'd have to go check the post to be exact. Anyhow, my original reference to vaccines referred to the possibility that some of these children should be studied to see whether some of their illnesses could not have been possibly caused by other means such as vaccines and in some cases toxic pollution. So it was sort of a thread that was going on. Hope that gives a little clarity.

Also, I felt free to make my statements as I see a variety of health issues being addressed in this support group. I did note at the end of a series of about 3 or 4 posts where I was interacting with a few individuals that there are some egroups that address vaccines. In addition, I've responded to some others who had something to say as well. So I hope you can see it in the context of the discussion.

Again, I am very sorry about your ill health. But, I am an advocate when need be to address the serious issues about dying babies and harmed children when people make comments to me saying that vaccines are necessary and essential for the health of the society and so on. I did not appreciate someone telling me such a thing when I have corresponded personally to people who have lost their children due to vaccines without a doubt. So I was mentioning in a prior post when responding to such a strong statement that I felt it was wrong to say one group of people's experience is invalidated while yet claiming their own experience to be valid, that the doctor's are right with one and wrong with the other - so to say. Personally I believe both groups of people are harmed and are very serious issues. So I really don't want to go on about it here. If you would like to discuss it privately we can do so, without getting off topic in the support group.

I too, am very thankful for the support group for offering the information, personal experiences and answering questions. So, I'm not sure why you wrote to me - except that I understand you are angry about your health and what has happened to you and that I can understand.

I almost thought you wanted me to leave the group, until I got to the end and saw that you actually welcomed me aboard. I didn't know whether to fight for my right to be here or to give up and hope I could find information elsewhere.


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