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To Dr. KOLb-

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To Dr. Kolb, I have had a hair analayis which has not done anything for me, but

open my wallet, and take food from my table and proper treatments from me! I

have done every detox, tried every herb, vitamin, therapies, with no avail. It

is all about you making money off us sick disabled people. I am one of the

fortunate ones who functions at 10 percent of a real person. I think your

supplements are WAY OVER PRICED. I can get the SAME supplements you sell for

half the price. You seem to be about the american dollar. Oh yeah I have a

bridge I would like to sell you for cheap, which one would you like to buy, the

London Bridge or the Sanfransico bridge? It might make you feel better too! I

think you feed off the sick ill women and promise them hope. WEll Miss Kolb

WHERE are all the implant people you have cured? It has been 2 years, and my

health is getting worse.I am to blame, I put the implants in, there was no gun

to my head. But it is people like you who really just want to make money! I am

alot wiser and smarter than you think. I used your protocol, vitamins, ect.

Where are all the women you 'made better that could not walk down the stairs, or

where in bed for a year. AND why do you have Salines if you were " supposidly so

sick from your Silicones...Do you have proof you were sick from silicones???WE

will never know will we???? YOu put the poision in, yet you take them out. Must

be nice to live the good life, in a nice house. Hope you can look yourself in

the mirror everynite and be happy with yourself! I really think you should stop

trying to publisize your business on the internet, because my friend went to you

for explant,,,,and I have no comment on it.........MissBoop...P.S. If you write

back I will not be reading anymore emails I am officially off the group because

I don't believe you are honest...By the way, You cannot get me for slander,

because this is AMERICA and we have the write to FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!!P.s I

don't see any other dr.s trying to get clients to come and see them.....you must

be real


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