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Re: Re: You don't have to be ruptured to be sick, but

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I had mine since 11/98. I agree with you completely. I would have only had

a mastopexy because I was just looking to shape them not increase the size.

The reason I ask is my scar capsule was very thin as well and there have

been people that have had theirs in a shorter time period than I did and

their capsule was thick? For example, Patty, she came to visit me after the

surgery and saw the implants and commented on how thin they were. I think

Patty had hers for 4mos? I am not sure on that but I remember it was

shorter than I had mine.

I spoke to Dr. Blais's wife yesterday and I asked her why the capsule would

be thin and she mentioned it could be because they were not in a long time

but she wasn't sure. I think I would have to disagree with that because of

the past women I have spokent to and now you have confirmed my question.

People heal differently. My skin is very sensitive how about yours? If I

talk a shower and wash my skin it looks that it was scratched afterwards.

In my explant photos you can see how read my skin is in the middle of my

breasts from the shower I just took and washing that area since it would

always get oily there. It started once I got the implants, I started to

perspire there when I never did prior and I also developed rashes on my




----- Original Message -----

From: " el_jeena " <el_jeena@...>

< >

Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 2:04 PM

Subject: Re: You don't have to be ruptured to be sick, but

> I had mine for 12, long, miserable years. If I had known what I know

> now, I would have had them removed immediately. In fact, if I had

> known what I know now, BEFORE, I would have had only mastopexy. How

> long did you have yours?


> And, would you consider submitting your story and photos to

> explantation.com? You came out so beautiful, and would encourage so

> many to take the plunge and be explanted.





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I don't know if I have capsule. The creep just made a huge incision beneath my breast and took the implants out whole and stapled me together like a piece of crap.


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Dear :

Hello. I tried to call the *JERK*, he won't return my calls. I had counsel obtain my medical records, but of course they were picked over. Recently, I went to see a PS and he thought my breast were hard so he thinks I might have capsule. I did feel sick only for 6 months after explantation. I'm tired a lot now, but attribute it to the debilitating depression that hair loss (and butchered breasts) can bring. I know you can relate to that. We need to find good surgeons who will help us. Any suggestions for and I?


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I am told the capsule forms within the first few weeks almost immediately.

----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 8:47 PM

Subject: Re: Re: You don't have to be ruptured to be sick, but

How long do implants need to be in to form capsule? Pearl

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Pearl: call the jerk of a surgeon you used and ask him if he took out your capsules. I think he would have written it on the op report. Maybe you didn't have any capsules b/c you had them in for such a short time. But if you do have capsules it sounds like you may still have them. I don't know hopefully we get some responses from this forum.

Believe me I know how you feel with this depression.

----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 4:48 PM

Subject: Re: Re: You don't have to be ruptured to be sick, but

I don't know if I have capsule. The creep just made a huge incision beneath my breast and took the implants out whole and stapled me together like a piece of crap.Pearl

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Pearl get the operative report first and then ask questions. I have been trying and trying to get mine from my implanting surgeon and just cannot get it because they are already suspicious. Just call them up and ask very nicely for it and say you just want it for your records, etc. Then once you get it, bust the questions.

----- Original Message -----

From: Katz

Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 4:56 PM

Subject: Re: Re: You don't have to be ruptured to be sick, but

Pearl: call the jerk of a surgeon you used and ask him if he took out your capsules. I think he would have written it on the op report. Maybe you didn't have any capsules b/c you had them in for such a short time. But if you do have capsules it sounds like you may still have them. I don't know hopefully we get some responses from this forum.

Believe me I know how you feel with this depression.

----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 4:48 PM

Subject: Re: Re: You don't have to be ruptured to be sick, but

I don't know if I have capsule. The creep just made a huge incision beneath my breast and took the implants out whole and stapled me together like a piece of crap.Pearl

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Thanks . As much as I hated my implants, I don't believe they were they causative factor in my hair loss (well in my case not directly). My hair loss was like clockwork after each operation. I have not had loss since then.

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Your medical records are YOURS, and yours alone. Not the doctors, not his offices, not his nurses. YOURS!! You have a legal right to request your medical records at any time without prior notice, as long as it is during normal business hrs. In my own personal experience, doctors can be very selective about what they want you to see. That is why I no longer give them a heads up. I show up at their office and ask to look at my records (providing I'm a current pt, or recent ex-pt), and that way, I can see my entire record without someone going through it and pullling out what they don't want me to have or see. Then I ask for copies. As a RN, I know my rights and no one tries to pull a fast one on me. Also, if your record is thick and lengthy, it is not uncommon for the doctor's office to contract out to a copy company to provide you with your records. I have at times sent a written request (released medical records must have your written permission to release them) for my records. I have specifically requested certain things, and if possible, I will view the record prior to my request. That way I can see what is in there, what exactly I need and is pertinent and so when I get the copies, if something isn't in there, I raise hell. My latest "practice" is when I see a doctor, I ask for the previous visit notes, and obtain them that way. If you do this, then not only are you getting your entire record, but you're not having to pay for it (and it can get expensive--I spent almost $100 once on my records there was so much). Just don't let anyone ever tell you that they can't get the records to you, or you can't see them. If they tell you that, they are breaking the law. Remember, those records are yours, and you are entitled to see them and have access to them at any time (within limits). e ----- Original Message ----- From: Angelika Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 6:49 AM Subject: Re: Re: You don't have to be ruptured to be sick, but Pearl get the operative report first and then ask questions. I have been trying and trying to get mine from my implanting surgeon and just cannot get it because they are already suspicious. Just call them up and ask very nicely for it and say you just want it for your records, etc. Then once you get it, bust the questions. ----- Original Message ----- From: Katz Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 4:56 PM Subject: Re: Re: You don't have to be ruptured to be sick, but Pearl: call the jerk of a surgeon you used and ask him if he took out your capsules. I think he would have written it on the op report. Maybe you didn't have any capsules b/c you had them in for such a short time. But if you do have capsules it sounds like you may still have them. I don't know hopefully we get some responses from this forum. Believe me I know how you feel with this depression. ----- Original Message ----- From: perlesetlacet@... Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 4:48 PM Subject: Re: Re: You don't have to be ruptured to be sick, but I don't know if I have capsule. The creep just made a huge incision beneath my breast and took the implants out whole and stapled me together like a piece of crap.Pearl

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So what if you have an idea on about how big your file is and when you get the copies it's about half the size?

Also, I was looking at my file in one doctors office and the nurse came in and took it from me. She said that was for the doctor to read to me. I did know my rights at the time. What should I do if I go in there again and they don't let me see them? I mean, even if I tell them I know it's my right to see them and she still says no.


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Thanks e. I really like the doctor but I can't stand his nurse. I'm possibly moving in the next few months and I'm going to have to switch doctors so I might wait until right before I move to request seeing them. That way if I piss him off I don't ever see him again as a treating physician. :)

....but just because I request all my tests...etc, doesn't mean he will actually give them to me right?

I let you know how it goes when I do request to see my file.


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Shirl, It absolutely amazes me that medical personnel are so damn idiotic!! The hospital that I worked at before I started traveling offered physicians and nurses ethics classes. I am very interested in ethics, so I took quite a few. One of the classes focused on patient records and patient rights. We had little scenarios to play, and one involved us being employed either in a physicians office or in the hospital. A patient approached us and asked to look at their medical record. Our choices in the scenario were to a)refuse to let the pt see his/her medical record, citing that it is not for them to see; b)tell them they would have to ask the doctor to see it; or c)allow them to see the record. The correct action was to let the pt see the record. Again, these are your records---not the doctors, not the nurses, not anyones but yours. What is contained in those records can ultimately harm you and you have every right to know what is contained in them. Any nurse who told you that the doctor "can read it to you" is misinformed and is breaking the Patient Rights portion of the Patient Rights and Responsibilities. Most people feel that if they look at their medical records, they need to "sneak" a look (such as when you're in your doctor's office and your chart is left in the room). Even I sneak a peek, feeling that I'm going to be yelled at or reprimanded if the doc catches me. But the public has got to realize that we are entitled to see and look at our medical records, and the physician does not have to be present nor does he have to read them to you. In the case of psychiatric records, however, the law can vary. Many doctors want to be present when you read/see the records, as reading them could adversely affect your mental health and make you very upset. As for your file size. Do you know for a fact that you have a large file? And how long have you been seeing this particular doctor. If your file is thick and you've been seeing him for a while, they could have thinned the chart. And perhaps when you requested your records, they just copied the current file in his office. Did you specify exactly what you wanted? I have also seen doctors copy only visit notes going back to the last 3 visits or so. If you want everything, you need to specify that you want EVERY visit note going back to your first visit. Also, specify what labs (if any) you want, as well as consents. It shouldn't have to be this hard, but unfortunately, it is. If you know for a fact that your file is much larger than what was sent to you, I would go to this doctor's office and tell them that you requested all of your medical records and only received (what you believe) to be half. Tell them you would like to review your file in the office and will let them know what you did not receive, then would like copies. Make notes of the dates you did not receive and a brief synopsis of what the notes contain. If there is a fair amt, then it is possible that they will tell you that their copier service will send you copies. That is why it is so impt to make notes of what you want. Regardless, it is a violation of the law if the doctor and his staff do not allow you full access to your records, or deny you access to them. If they give you a hard time, politely tell them it is the law and you want your records. I have never had to do this, but am prepared to say this, because it usually scares them, or makes them just want to get rid of you. I tell them that if they don't provide you with your full medical record, I will have an attny subpoena the records as well as the doctor and his staff as to why he is not providing me the records in their entirety. If you go into this doctor's office again and this nurse tells you that you cannot see the records, get her full name and indeed whether she is an RN, LPN, MA, PA, NP, etc and file a complaint with the respective board. Don't play their games anymore. Also, be aware that you have every right to file a complaint, grievance, or concern against the person who denies you you records. However, you need to look at exactly what they tell you. If they flat out say no, you can't see the records, and offer no further explanation, then by all means, I would file a complaint. If they say no,you can't see them now, but if you come back tomorrow you can see them, then that is okay. But if you come back and you are still denied, then file a complaint. I wouldn't pussyfoot around anymore. To file a complaint against a doctor or nurse, contact your State Medical/Nursing Board. On the official complaint form, there is even a place to check medical records withheld, or denied access to medical records, or would not release medical records. Don't be afraid to file the complaint, but be prepared to find another doctor. Hope this helps. And I would be more than happy to help you obtain your records if you would like. e ----- Original Message ----- From: blksvr@... Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 12:45 AM Subject: Re: Re: You don't have to be ruptured to be sick, but eSo what if you have an idea on about how big your file is and when you get the copies it's about half the size?Also, I was looking at my file in one doctors office and the nurse came in and took it from me. She said that was for the doctor to read to me. I did know my rights at the time. What should I do if I go in there again and they don't let me see them? I mean, even if I tell them I know it's my right to see them and she still says no. Shirl

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Shirl, Yes, if you request any tests, he has to legally give copies to you, or let you see your records. If he doesn't, he is breaking the law, and you have every right to file a complaint to the Medical Board. Just know exactly what tests you want copies of, and state the dates the tests were performed so that you get what you want. Let me know if I can help you anymore. e ----- Original Message ----- From: blksvr@... Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 12:42 AM Subject: Re: Re: You don't have to be ruptured to be sick, but Thanks e. I really like the doctor but I can't stand his nurse. I'm possibly moving in the next few months and I'm going to have to switch doctors so I might wait until right before I move to request seeing them. That way if I piss him off I don't ever see him again as a treating physician. :)...but just because I request all my tests...etc, doesn't mean he will actually give them to me right?I let you know how it goes when I do request to see my file.Shirl

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