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RDI: REVISED Cheat Sheet for the Connections Center Web Site (Part 1)

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REVISED Cheat Sheet for the Web Site, Part 1

REVISED " Cheat Sheet " for the Connections Center Web Site (Part 1)

To read this newsletter online, visit: http://www.rdiconnect.com/archive/

New to the

RDI® Program?

Relationship Development Intervention® Program

Download the Introduction to the RDI Program (32-page Booklet)

Preview the 5-hour " Going to the Heart of Autism " DVD

How to Get Started with the RDI Program

10 " What to Do While You're Waiting " Tips



In this issue:

• News & Announcements

• Upcoming Live RDI® Events around the World

• New on the Web Site

• DVD Excerpt:

The Non-Verbal Aspects of Communication

• Research Summary:

Does teaching theory of mind have an effect on the ability to develop

conversation in children with autism? (1997)

• Dr. Gutstein Quotable

• Feature Article:

REVISED " Cheat Sheet " for the Connections Center Web Site

Brand new to the RDI® Program? Start here:

Want information about how to get started?

Looking for specific Program Tips?

• RDI Program Story of the Week

" Mom!?! I READ YOUR MIND! "

• 2-day Intro Workshops


Madison, WI

Winnipeg, Man. CANADA

Indianapolis, IN

Sacramento, CA

New Jersey

Denver, CO

Chicago, IL

Philadelphia, PA

Columbus, OH

Los Angeles, CA

Austin, TX

• 4-day Parent Seminars


London, UK area

St. Louis, MI area FULL

ville, FL area

Houston, TX

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Madison, WI

• Professionals: News and Announcements




Dr. Gutstein's &

Dr. Sheely's Chat Calendar

North America:

Tuesdays, 8 pm CST.

For upcoming Chats, please

check the Chat Calendar for any last-minute additions or changes.


All Chat Transcripts

Chat Index:

Children's Stories


Declarative Language

Executive System


General Topics (Autism)

Getting Started on RDI®

Language Issues

Declarative Language


Memory (EM)



Productive Uncertainty

Program Tips

RDI® Assessment (RDA)

RDI® Guidelines /Theory

RDI® History/ Research

RDI® Lifestyle


School Issues

Teens/ Young Adult/Adult Issues


Quick Links

Archive of Past newsletters

Find a Certified Consultant

RDI® Program Video Library

On-line Support Groups

Free downloads

RDI® Research Study Journal Article;

NAS Outcome Study;

RDI® Activity Selector;

and more!


Online Store

Featured Resources:


Under the Big Umbrella

Back by popular demand, this 60-page manual was originally designed for

parents of newly diagnosed children, and and is a great tool for anyone wanting

to learn more about the Pervasive Developmental Disorders. More information.


For those new to the RDI Program:

Going to the Heart of Autism DVD

The most concise overview of the Relationship Development Intervention

Program to date. Over 5 hours.

More information.


If you don't have a DVD Player:

The RDI Program Video

The 3-hour video contains highlights of a live, 2-day presentation by Dr.


More information.


Autism/Asperger's - Solving the Relationship Puzzle

Dr. Gutstein's first, ground-breaking book on the RDI Program, opening the

door to lifelong social and emotional growth. More information.


RDI Program Progress Tracking Form

Indispensable guide to anyone wanting to start an RDI Program. Includes a

detailed listing of all 28 stages. More information.



Many thanks to all those who contributed and helped put the newsletter



Bev C


Connections Center

4120 Bellaire Blvd.

Houston, TX 77025





© 2005, 2006

Connections Center.

All rights reserved

News & Announcements

New Book!

My Baby Can Dance: Stories of Autism, Asperger’s and Success through

the Relationship Development Intervention® (RDI®) Program, is a reflection of

the everyday lives of families with children on the autism spectrum. Laugh along

with the dark and light humor of everyday struggle and success, as families

learn intricate steps and finally dance together.


U.K. 4-day Parent Seminar - March 14-17, 2006

Registration Deadline Extended

There is room for just 2 more couples. For more information, email

parents@... or call Jill, our Parent Training Coordinator, at

001. ext. 108.


Florida - RDI® Program News:


4-day Parent Seminar - ville

May 8-11, 2006

This was a fantastic workshop. I actually felt myself coming out of

a fog. I for the first time felt confidence in myself as a mom of a neurotypical

child and of my child that needs remediation. I believe in myself now to step in

to help my son and know I can do a better job than any other person.–

Samter (Tampa, FL)

To receive your Free Parent Seminar Info-Pak, email us at

parents@... or call Jill, our Parent Training Coordinator, at

ext. 108. If you are interested in this seminar, we suggest you

register now to hold your space, as almost all of our seminars have waiting



Parent Support Group

ville, FL - March 23, 2006 (6:45 pm to 8:00 pm)

For any families interested in the RDI® Program. Meetings are held

at Spectrum Therapies of North Florida, Inc., at 340 Third Avenue South, Suite

B. Space is limited, so please contact Certified Consultant, April Choulat at

RDIFL@... or .


RDI-FL - An on-line support group for Florida parents and

professionals who are interested in sharing experiences and knowledge relating

to the RDI® Program.



We welcome our first Certified Consultant from Montana:

Missoula, MT: Abigail Reid, B.A.

and another Certified Consultant in Canada:

Winnipeg, Manitoba: nne Brezden Papadopoulos OT Reg. (MB)

Currently, there are 65 Certified Consultants in the United States

as well as 1 Certified Consultant in Australia, 4 in Canada, and 1 in Japan.


Congratulations to a newly Re-Certified Consultant:

Bloomington, MN: Cheryl Shachaf, OTR/L

All RDI® Program Certified Consultants are re-certified annually, by

completing additional requirements for their continuing education in the RDI®



" Mom!?! I READ YOUR MIND! "

Last November, my 2.5 year old neurotypical son, Sam, went " fishing "

and killed one of our goldfish without our knowing (not a brutal death--Sam just

simply didn't know that fish can't live out of water). ... Read the rest of the



Featured Resources in our on-line store

Only a few Copies Left!

How to Discipline Without Feeling Guilty: Assertive Relationships

with Children

We're now down to the last few copies of " How to Discipline Your

Child Without Feeling Guilty " by Melvin Silberman and Wheelan. Once these

books have been sold, it will officially be out of print and will no longer be

available in our online store. Don't miss out on getting your own copy.


back to top

Upcoming Live RDI® Events Around the World:


Santa Clara, CA - March 1, 2006 (7 to 9 p.m.)

2-hour Mini-Presentation on the RDI® Program, by Certified

Consultant Maisie Soetantyo for " Parents Helping Parents (PHP) in Santa Clara. "

Location: 3041 Olcott St. For more information: call x118 or

register on-line at the PHP site.


Madison, WI - March 4 -5, 2006

2-day Intro to RDI® Program Workshop presented by Dr. Gutstein.


Tidewater, VA - March 7, 2006 (7:00 pm to 9:00 pm). Support Group

for families participating in an RDI Program. Contact Certified Consultant,

Tracie Mauch at tlmauch@... or for information.


London, UK area - March 14-17, 2006

4-day Parent Seminar. - Just 2 spaces available.


Tidewater, VA - March 21, 2006 (7:00 pm to 9:00 pm). Support Group

for families participating in an RDI Program. Contact Certified Consultant,

Tracie Mauch at tlmauch@... or for information.


ville, FL - March 23, 2006 (6:45 pm to 8:00 pm)

Parent Support Group for any families interested in the RDI Program.

Meetings are held at Spectrum Therapies of North Florida, Inc., at 340 Third

Avenue South, Suite B. Space is limited, so please contact Certified Consultant,

April Choulat at RDIFL@... or .


Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA - March 23-24, 2006

2-day Intro to RDI® Program Workshop presented by Dr. Gutstein.


Singapore - April 1, 2006 (9 am to 5 pm)

1-day Seminar on the RDI® Program, presented by Certified

Consultant, Maisie Soetantyo. Click here for more information.


back to top

New on the Web Site:


Tuesdays, 8 p.m. CST: Live Chats

Dr. Gutstein's Chats:

February 28 Experience Sharing

March 7 Cancelled

March 14 Appraisal

March 21 Episodic Memory

March 28 Self Awareness

April 4 Creative Thinking

Dr. Sheely's Chats:

All welcome, especially Beginners, to ask questions and discuss the

RDI® Program with Dr. Sheely.


Recent Live Chats Posted:

February 21, Dr. Sheely's Chat: Getting started (discussion);

Funding in Canada (update); Sensory Motor Regulation Ideas; Emotional issues.

February 21, Dr. Gutstein's Chat: Special topic: Level 3 (Stages



Recent discussions on the Message Board

|Adult With Autism | Could RDI Help Our 25 Year Old Son? | Digital

Camcorder | Getting RDA? | New to RDI and was wondering how to get started | Any

up and coming consultants on Gulf Coast?? | Aspergers - RDI - New Zealand

Have a question of your own?

Community Board | Professional Board


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DVD Excerpt

The Non-Verbal Aspects of Communication

The last piece that is critical, is to emphasize the non-verbal

aspects of communication. As I said before, we know how important the non-verbal

aspects are–whether those are pauses, whether those are gazes, whether those are

facial changes, intonation–in determining the meaning of a communication.

Ideally, we like the non-verbal aspects to develop prior to the verbal, but

certainly if we are dealing with a very verbal child, we want to minimize the

language for a period of time until the non-verbal aspect of communication has a

chance to catch up with it.

From Chapter 38, Principle #5. Modify Family Communication

DVD Preview: If you're interested in learning more about the DVD,

view the video preview or see the DVD Release Notes and Unpublished DVD Index

which appeared in recent newsletters. The five-hour Going to the Heart of Autism

DVD can be ordered on-line from our secure, on-line store.


Research Summary

Does teaching theory of mind have an effect on the ability to

develop conversation in children with autism? (1997)

Authors: Hadwin, J., Baron-Cohen, S., Howlin, P. & Hill, K.

Publication: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 5,


Summary: Children with autism who can pass tests assessing

understanding of mental states have been found to have better conversational

abilities. However, children who had been specifically trained to pass such

tasks did not show any improvement in conversational abilities. The results are

discussed in terms of real improvement versus artificial improvement in ability

to pass specific tasks.

Read about the Participants, Methods, Results, Conclusion and the

Critical Review.

This summary is just one example of the dozens that are available

from our Research Summary Database.

NOTE: © Copyright 2004. This summary and all others in the Database

cannot be published elsewhere in any form without the written consent of

Connections Center.

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Dr Gutstein Quotable:

You cannot separate language from our motivation to communicate.


Going to the Heart of Autism

REVISED " Cheat Sheet "

for the Connections Center Web Site (Part 1)

Welcome to New Members!

With so many new members and so many new resources on the web site,

this week and next we are providing a revised " cheat sheet " to help both new and

long-time members find information more easily. Here is an updated list of

" quick links " :


Brand new to the RDI® Program? Start here:

• " I haven't even explored the web site yet and would like a quick

introduction. "

• " I'm brand new and want to get an overview of what the RDI®

Program is and what it looks like. "


Want information about how to get started?

• " I am seriously interested in getting started on the RDI® Program.

What should I do next? "

NEW! I would like more information about the Relationship

Development Assessment™ (RDA™) - Includes links to all RDA™ video clip examples.

• " I am looking for a Certified Consultant and/or I want more

information about working with a Consultant.


Looking for specific Program Tips?

• " I want more help with Stage 1 (or other stages). "

• " I want more help with some of the RDI® Program basics (the

meta-functions.) "


" I haven't even explored the web site yet and would like a quick

introduction. "

This Connections Center Web Site Guide is a short guide to the web site

which provides a good overview of everything the site has to offer.


" I'm brand new and want to get an overview of what the RDI® Program is and

what it looks like. "

Download the Introduction to the RDI® Program (32-page booklet). (Download

it automatically by clicking on this link or download it from our Downloads

Page.) For video examples of families participating in RDI® Program activities,

see our Video Resource Library.


" I am seriously interested in getting started on the RDI® Program. What

should I do next? "

The foundations of a solid RDI Program are built on Parent Education and

the customization of a Treatment Plan, which work together as a whole. Your

child's treatment plan will be unique and customized by a Certified Consultant,

based on the comprehensive Relationship Development Assessment™ (RDA™) Planning

Week. We recommend doing things in this order: (1) attend the 2-day Introductory

Workshop (or view the Going to the Heart of Autism DVD if attending a workshop

is not possible); (2) attend the 4-day, Intensive Parent Seminar; (3)

participate in the RDA Planning Week; (see " What does the Assessment entail " )

and (4) receive on-going support and follow-up.

For more detailed information, see the newsletters, " How to Get Started

with the RDI Program " and " What to do While You're Waiting. "


NEW Quick Links!

" I would like more information about the Relationship Development

Assessment™ (RDA™) " :

See a recent 5-part newsletter series which covered the RDA™ in-depth: (1)

complete Introduction and Overview of the RDA™, (2) all of the Steps involved in

a typical RDA™, (3) How the RDA™ and the 4-day Intensive Parent Seminar work

together, (4) Questions & Answers about the RDA™, and (5) More Questions and

Answers about the RDA™. Note the final newsletter in the series has links to all

of the RDA™ video clips in the Video Archive.


" I am looking for a Consultant and/or I want more information about

working with a Consultant. "

See our list of Certified Consultants, the newsletter, " Why a Certified

Consultant? " and Important Information for Parents Purchasing RDI Program

Services. Many families work with a " long-distance " consultant through

video-tape review, and this has proven to be so empowering to parents, that we

recommend families working with a local consultant also take advantage of the

video review process. Parents wanting help in choosing a Consultant can email us

at FindAConsultant@....

NEW! Also available: the C.A.T.Ch. F.I.R.E. (Family Immersion RDI® Program

Enhancement) - Intensive RDI® Program Immersion for the whole family: See

Introduction to the C.A.T.Ch. F.I.R.E. Program and One Family's Story.


NEW Quick Links!

" I want more help with Stage 1 (or other stages). "

These refer to the most recent version of stages as found in the Progress

Tracking Form, which provide all of the objectives of every stage, including all

of the sub-functions and mastery-criteria. Use the following Quick Links to find

video examples, plus information from chats, newsletters, etc.:

Stage 1 - Emotion-Sharing

Stage 2 - Social Referencing

Stage 3 - Coordinating Actions

Stage 4 - Variations

Stage 5 - Reversals and Transformations

Stage 6 - Co-Regulation

Stage 7 - Caring for Others

Stage 8: Collaboration - NEW Chats on Stage 8.

Stage 9: Co-Creation


NEW Quick Links!

" I want more help with some of the RDI® Program basics. "

Often called the " meta-functions, " the following are a part of every Stage

of the RDI® Program. At the earliest Stages, they start very simply, with each

step becoming a building block to the next. Use the following Quick Links for

video examples, plus information from chats, newsletters, etc.:

(1) Regulation-Dysregulation-Regulation (RDR); (Note: In RDI® 4.0, this

concept is now called Regulation-Challenge-Regulation (RCR).

(2) Master-Apprentice (Guided Participation);

(3) Declarative Communication;

(4) Lab/Lifestyle;

(5) Framing;

(6) Productive Uncertainty;

(7) Scaffolding;

(8) Episodic Memory;

(9) Competence and

(10) Mindfulness.

NOTE: A 25-page Glossary of Terms can be found at the back of the book, My

Baby Can Dance: Stories of Autism, Asperger's and Success Through the

Relationship Development Intervention® (RDI®) Program.


Next week: More Quick Links.


back to top


RDI® Program Story of the Week

" Mom!?! I READ YOUR MIND! "

Last November, my 2.5 year old neurotypical son, Sam, went " fishing " and

killed one of our goldfish without our knowing (not a brutal death--Sam just

simply didn't know that fish can't live out of water). We found it dead on the

floor the next morning. My older two children (Lincoln and Joy) and I suspected

the cat...until I put 2-and-2 together and figured out it was my 2.5 year old,

Sam!! I got him to confess, so I knew it was the truth...Still, I let the older

two kids think it was the cat so they wouldn't get mad at their little


Later that day, Joy was telling a friend of mine that her cat had " gone

fishing. " Behind her back, I nonverbally told my friend, that no, it was really

Sam...to which Lincoln, my ASD son, said, " SAM did it!?....Mom!?! I READ YOUR


Now, is that power or what?!?

I had never used that term with him--it was a big 'aha' for him...

Then one night the next week, I was very tired, having spent half the

previous night with Sam in the Emergency Room–so Lincoln decided he would put me

to bed. I was very cold (I get cold when I'm tired), so he reached for another

couple blankets to put on me. I told him, " Oh, I was just thinking about getting

some more blankets! " ...to which he answered, " I read your mind again, Mom! " Now

isn't that just so sweet? He's not only thinking about how " mind-reading " is

powerful– it's relational, caring/empathy, etc. Wow. Huge strides here.

Many thanks to Sherri , M.S., CCC-SLP, RDI® Program Certified

Consultant, Everett, WA, for her story.

Do you have a story to share?

If you have a story of a child, teen or adult, please email it to

feedback@... for possible inclusion in a future newsletter.

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Upcoming 2-day Introductory Workshops

for Parents & Professionals:

Psychologists: Connections Center is approved by the American

Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists.

Connections Center maintains responsibility for this program. All of our 2-day

and 4-day workshops for professionals are certified for CE credits. Each

participant will receive certification of contact hours attended. 2-day

workshops are certified for 10 CE credits.

Case Managers: Commission for Case Manager Certification, 11 Clock Hours.

Counselors: National Board of Certified Counselors, 11 Clock Hours.

Speech-Language Pathologists: American Speech-Language Hearing

Association, 1 CEU.


Madison, WI (March 4 -5, 2006)

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (March 23-24, 2006)

NEW! Indianapolis, IN (May 3-4, 2006)

Sacramento, CA (June 9 - 10, 2006)

New Jersey (July 7 - 8, 2006)

Denver, CO (July 28-29, 2006)

Chicago, IL (August 25-26, 2006)

Philadelphia, PA (September 15-16, 2006)

Columbus, OH ( October 6-7, 2006)

Los Angeles, CA (November 3-4, 2006)

Austin, TX (November 17-18, 2006)

Group rates available

Email , at Adiska@... for information.

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4-Day Intensive Parent Seminars

" I thought that I got a great sense of what autism really is and how it

affects my child. I have a much clearer understanding of where we need to go

with my son in his RDI® Program and also how our lifestyle can change to benefit

our whole family.” - Maynard (Clearwater, FL)

Read what other parents have said about the 4-day Parent Seminars on our

web site. Learn effective ways of teaching emotion-sharing, social motivation,

flexibility, creative thinking and executive functioning; design an optimal RDI®

Lifestyle to suit your family; develop customized activities tailored to your

particular child, and much more. Parent Seminars are limited to small groups of

no more than 25 couples. Includes large-group lectures with the very latest

information about RDI®, including new research; small group practice and

discussions, and a one-on-one meeting with a Certified Consultant. You will also

receive the RDI® Program Parent Training Book, which includes all the workshop

slides, the Progress Tracking Forms, Planning Forms, etc.

To receive a complete Parent Seminar Information Package, email us at

parents@RDIconnect or call Jill, our Parent Training Coordinator, at

, ext. 108.

2006 Dates:

London, UK area: March 14-17, 2006

St. Louis, MO area: April 10-13, 2006 FULL

ville, FL area: May 8-11,2006

Houston, TX: May 30-June 2, 2006

Vancouver, BC, Canada - June 13-16, 2006

Madison, WI - June 26-29, 2006

Visit our website for more information

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Professionals: News & Announcements


Professional News

• Transcripts of all professional chats

(for Registered RDI® Program Professionals only)

• Upcoming topics for Professional Chats:


• On the Resources Group (for Professionals only): Join the lively

discussion about the new Parent Objectives!


Professional Certification Information:

Next Seminar Dates for Professional Certification:

Beginning: Register for the May 16-19, 2006 session.

Intermediate: Register for the April 4-7, 2006, session.


April 18-21, 2006

August 29-September 1, 2006

November 28-December 1, 2006

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are automatically subscribed. If it was sent to you by someone else, you can

subscribe by visiting our web site,

If you know others who would enjoy this newsletter, please forward it to

them and invite them to subscribe.

RDI® is a federally-registered service mark of Gutstein, Sheely &

Associates, P.C., d/b/a Connections Center.

Recipients may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this document to

friends, family, colleagues or professionals, as long as the following copyright

notice and information is included intact:

" © Copyright 2006, Connections Center, All rights reserved.

www.rdiconnect.com "

Important Disclosure: We respect your privacy and your wishes.

If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, please unsubscribe

yourself at: http://www.rdiconnect.com/newsletter/unsubscribe.asp. Note: It may

take up to 10 days for you to be unsubscribed from the system once we receive

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