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& , response re alternate therapy

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I appreciate our discussion.

As to whether my nephew and his friend's mother really had R.A., my

nephew went to at least one family Dr. and a Rheumatologist, I don't

know about the friend's mother. If my nephew was diagnosed by two Drs.

with R.A., but they were both wrong, then that would apply to everyone

posting on this list too, wouldn't it? Even if a Dr/Rheumatologist

diagnosed them with R.A., how do we know they really have R.A.? We need

to apply the same standard to everyone.

If I remember correctly as soon as the MIRA study results were

published, the AMA came out with a warning that antibiotics were being

used too frequently which seemed to cast doubt on the wisdom of using

antibiotics for Rheumatoid conditions. Also I don't think there was any

follow up after the 48 weeks to know if there was lasting help from

antibiotic treatment or not.

I will ask Dr. Sinnott if he has tried or intends to publish his

clinical information.

> Why doesn't Dr. Sinnott publish the findings from his practice in a

rheumatology journal? A few well chosen case studies complete with lab values

and x-rays and/or MRIs before and after treatment would go a long way. If he

could demonstrate that aggressive, erosive, deforming disease could be halted by

his methods, that would be impressive. That sort of evidence would be far more

convincing than testimonials.

I don't think he or other antibiotic therapy practitioners have ever

claimed they can restore previous damage. However, I've read

testimonials from Scleroderma patients whose skin has returned to normal

or almost normal after antibiotic therapy. Practitioners believe they

can put the R. diseases in remission in about 80% of the cases with low

dose, LONG term use of antibiotics. Some patients are on low dose

antibiotic therapy usually including IVs at times, for more than 48

weeks, more than a year, otherwise the disease flares again because the

cause has not been thoroughly eliminated.

I'll ask a lot of questions and report anything I think would be helpful

to this group in hopes that some are interested.

thanks for your responses and information.

Bev Hannon, Iowa

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