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Re: Side effects from Plaquenil?/hair loss

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Dear ,

I started on Plaquinel and MTX/Oral, and my long hair fell out - I was still

working- so I cut it. I talked to my friend who does my hair, and she

helped me find a style that was flattering, and we donated my pony tail. She


she could order pieces and patches that would fill in fullness or spots, so

I didn't worry as much. My hair is thinner than it was, and I haven't had it

long since, but it has turned curly??and I just wash and go now. I wouldn't

say anything about my hair on a job interview, they have never seen you

before so you will look perfect to them. Don't worry and good luck on your


Gentle Hugs & prayers

Carol M. in CA

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> Hi . Don't panic. I was on plaquenil first. I had no problems

> with it at all. My GP had the foresite to put me on Nexium so there

> was no gastric problems. My hair didn't start falling out until they

> put me on arava.

Seriously, what do you guys do when a drug makes you lose your hair,

especially when you need to stay on that drug for years? Do you just go

buy a wig, and if so, where does one even go and get one? Do you

explain it to people? I have a sort of job interview tomorrow and I

probably won't say anything about it, but I do wonder if he's going to

think I look rather odd.

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First: Do not worry about your job interview. If anyone you know can

supply you with a hat, go that route (no baseball hats). If not, tie a

scarf around your head that coordinates with your outfit the best you

can. If you ahve a long scarf, you can google different ways to tie it

to look very nice.

In September, my best friend was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It had

spread to her lungs, abdominal cavity, joints....it was so invasive the

oncologist couldn't even tell us where all it was. She started chemo as

a last resort to try to buy a little time, and after two weeks her hair

fell out. So she I and both shaved our heads! I know it was hard for

her to lose her hair, but it was a sign that the chemo was doing it's

job. At this point, she was homebound. I was the one who went out in

public bald and let me tell you, you do get looks!

I invested a few bucks in some cute hats (WalMart!), a few wide long

scarfs that you wrap around your head and then tie off to the side of

the neck as an " accessory " . I've had more luck finding hats and useful

scarfs at thrift stores than anywhere else. As for buying wigs, if you

will be facing this problem for some time, I would advise investing in

a human hair wig. They are more expensive, but they are also more

natural looking and in my opinion, easier to care for. Here is the

company I've had patients use and heard good things about.


BTW, I have wigs not because I shaved my head (which is now about 1/2

inch long) but because I used to sing Karaoke, and in some contests

dressing up like the artist you are impersonating helps win.

As for my friend, she had 5 good weeks with her family and friends

until she was forced to entire the hospice center for pain control. The

chemo had no effect at all. She spent one rough week there before her

pain finally ended. She was 27, has three small children and a husband

who adored her, and I am grateful for each of those days we had between

her diagnosis and her passing.

> Seriously, what do you guys do when a drug makes you lose your hair,

> especially when you need to stay on that drug for years? Do you just


> buy a wig, and if so, where does one even go and get one? Do you

> explain it to people? I have a sort of job interview tomorrow and I

> probably won't say anything about it, but I do wonder if he's going


> think I look rather odd.




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I meant to add to my last post that you might actually do well on the

plaquenil and not lose your hair at all. So you may be worrying for


Some people have taken the plaquenil for years with good results and

no hair loss, not me of course (ha!) I wish... but I have read about

others doing well on it. I like to believe them because it keeps me

hopeful about taking the meds.

Your emotions are so normal. We all worry about how we look at an

interview. I do wish you the best of luck on your interview and with

your new medication regimen.

Best wishes.


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