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NEWS - AMA calls for limits on drug advertising

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AMA calls for limits on drug advertising


By: Reuters Health

CHICAGO (Reuters), Jun 15 - The American Medical Association on Wednesday

called for moratoriums on consumer advertising promoting new drugs and

medical devices until the products have shown they work and are safe.

In a new policy, the AMA urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to

require manufacturers to wait for an unspecified period after a drug or

device obtains regulatory approval before launching direct-to-consumer

advertising in print, on television, or elsewhere.

The association had considered a years-long moratorium, but decided to let

the FDA set the time span, which could depend on whether the drug or device

breaks new ground.

Physicians have complained about patients who demand inappropriate drugs

after being persuaded by a drug company's advertisement. Drug makers have

said the ads educate the public and only advise patients to ask their


The AMA's House of Delegates, setting the group's policy at its annual

meeting, recommended the FDA preapprove such advertisements and ensure they

are based on objective information from clinical trials, reveal the balance

between a product's benefits and risks, and define warnings and potential

adverse reactions clearly and understandably.

" Physicians will have the opportunity to become better educated on the pros

and cons of prescription drug uses before prescribing them, and will be

better able to determine when they are best suited for their patients'

medical needs, " the AMA's president-elect, Dr. , said in a


A drug industry group said it shares the AMA's goal of educating the public,

citing last year's agreement among manufacturers to voluntarily inform the

healthcare community before launching consumer ads.

" The length of time this requires will vary from medicine to medicine, and

companies will likely meet this goal in different ways, " said Dr.

Antony of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America.

By Stern

Last Updated: 2006-06-14 16:25:26 -0400 (Reuters Health)

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