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Re: Wife

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Dear Rob,

I am glad you came to this group I think it shows that you care allot about

your wife.

Please Rob tell your wife to really consider a good vertical mastopexy and

not to get implants. If she hasn't checked out all the info on the net then

she needs to at least do that before she rushes out to get implants.

I can only tell you that a great deal of women have had allot of problems

with implants,including saline filled silicone implants, everything from

autoimmune illness, to hair loss, to unexplained neurological symptoms and

other health related problems.

Also the implants do not last, they need to be replaced quite often and the

surgery itself carries risks, many of the women that get implants find that

they are unhappy with the way they feel and the way they look, sometimes

they are firm and ripple, they do not feel natural.

I hope that you will check out the files and links on this site and research

before you and your wife make this tremendous life altering decision.

I suggest your wife look into a good lift by a good PS there are many who

are doing really great things nowadays with the vertical mastopexy. This

procedure will provide your wife with a perkier, smaller, younger looking

breast, and the scars, if done correctly are usually faded and unoticeable

within 6-12 months.

Please research, and then ask yourself if it is worth risking your wifes

health and your families happiness for big fake breasts.

There are other options available today.

Good luck to you both,

----- Original Message -----

From: " robtherep " <robtherep@...>

< >

Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 8:39 PM

Subject: Wife

> Hello

> My wife reacently informed me that she had wanted a lift or implants

> for years well, before we met. She has droop and only wants to look

> better not get big.

> She feels a lift might not do the trick, and beleives that implants

> are now safe.

> She has tried all types of bras and they are uncomfortable and

> iritating.

> I like her just the way she is, but it means so much to her.

> any suggestions?

> Thank you

> Rob






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Hi, I felt the same way before I got implants. I got the implants thinking

they would help the shape of the breasts but I don't think they really do as

far as the droop. It makes the situation worse. Tell your wife just to get

the lift. It doesn't matter how small her breasts are, they will look

awesome! I had the lift and the nipple reduction after my explant and I am

so thrilled with the results.

All she needs is a lift, they will look bigger and perkier. Everyone thinks

I still have implants because of the lift I got. They look big and perky.

I became really sick as well as plenty of others. Please have her look at

the photos of breasts without the implants that had a lift. They look

awesome. Have her check out my photos. I think they came out pretty good.

Good luck,


----- Original Message -----

From: " robtherep " <robtherep@...>

< >

Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 10:39 PM

Subject: Wife

> Hello

> My wife reacently informed me that she had wanted a lift or implants

> for years well, before we met. She has droop and only wants to look

> better not get big.

> She feels a lift might not do the trick, and beleives that implants

> are now safe.

> She has tried all types of bras and they are uncomfortable and

> iritating.

> I like her just the way she is, but it means so much to her.

> any suggestions?

> Thank you

> Rob






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Hi Rob,

What a wonderful husband you are to take a proactive role in this important

decision for your wife! I am so glad you are taking the time to research

this issue. The information you will receive from plastic surgeons eager to

do this surgery for your wife probably will not include the type of

information you can find here on our group.

As you can tell from the introductory statements, ours is a group of women

harmed by saline implants. We thought they were safe, too, when we got

them. I was told that my implants would go with me to my grave. I was

delighted to know that implants would fix my post child bearing figure (the

droop and sag that alot of women experience after childbirth or from having

less than elastic skin, which you mentioned your wife suffers from.)

I went into this with my eyes wide open, I thought, but found out later that

my eyes were really half blinded by half truths, courtesy of my doctor.

The real risks are that your wife could sacrifice her health for a larger,

firmer chest if she opts for the implants. Most of us here have experienced

this horrible devastation, and you can read some of our stories in the files

section, under testimonies from victims. I urge you and your wife to weigh

the cost of a possible autoimmune disease in this decision, because that is

a very real possibility. I myself suffered from many symptoms of

autoimmune disease, including an elevated rheumatoid factor after

implantation. It has taken me four years to regain the health that I once

had, and even though I would like to say I am 100% better than I was, I can

honestly say it is really only 99%, because I have not regained all of my

former stamina.

Implants ruined my health, stole precious time from my family, altered the

course of my life down a path I would rather not have walked. I realize

this doesn't happen for all women, but I can only tell you that if it does,

you and your wife will both regret this decision enormously. I pray you and

she make a sound decision to protect her health.

God's best to you!


----- Original Message -----

From: " robtherep " <robtherep@...>

< >

Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 7:39 PM

Subject: Wife

> Hello

> My wife reacently informed me that she had wanted a lift or implants

> for years well, before we met. She has droop and only wants to look

> better not get big.

> She feels a lift might not do the trick, and beleives that implants

> are now safe.

> She has tried all types of bras and they are uncomfortable and

> iritating.

> I like her just the way she is, but it means so much to her.

> any suggestions?

> Thank you

> Rob






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Rob, Have your wife go to a surgeon who will do a vertical mastopexy and suture from the inside. The traditional anchor mastopexy is out dated so are sutures on the outside of the breast.


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Dear Rob,

You wife sounds like me. I wanted to have my " pre-baby " breasts back,

and it was such a strong desire that I actually became obsessive

about it. I wanted a LIFT, and really didn't care about implants. At

that time, there was no real warnings nor places to find out about

the risks and dangers.

My husband and I went to a P/S, and told him I wanted a lift, or

mastopexy. This surgeon talked to us for a couple HOURS, convincing

us that implants were not only SAFE, but would last a lifetime. I was

shown an actualy implant, read the insert with it's product claim of

lifetime longevity. He convinced us that I would not get what I was

looking for with merely a lift. He described a mastopexy as being

flat, pancakey, shapeless and needless to say, we agreed to have

implants with mastopexy.

My husband was AGAINST it altogether, telling me that he loved ME,

and my breasts, but I would hear of nothing else.

To make a long story short, I wish I had never had implants! I became

very ill, and went through a 12 year nightmare and that Drs.

description of life without implants scared me so badly, that I chose

to be ill rather than get them removed! Not only that, I found out

later they do not last a lifetime, but maybe about 10 years. By the

time I was willing to remove them, I was unable to work, broke and in

debt to the hilt.

The reason she may think mastopexy will not work, is because she has

heard the same logic as my plastic surgeon insisted. This is simply

NOT true. It may be true, when performed by a surgeon who does not

know what he is doing.

If she is adamant about getting her breasts fixed, save alot of money

and anguish and eliminate the RISK of breast implants. GO to an

artist and expert in mastopexy. One such surgeon is Dr. Lu-Jean

Feng. She knows how to make even small breasts perky and her scars

are almost undetectable. She used vascular microsurgery.

Lastly, have your wife go to http://explantation.com and read our

stories. There are many stories of breast implanted women who were

miserable with them and were explanted. She can not only see the

RISKS and complications in great detail, but see what our mastopexies

look like when performed by competent and gifted surgeons.

PLEASE, discourage her from taking the chance. There are few perfect


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  • 7 years later...

The responses, of course, look at it from strictly a male point of view. There

are several studies of adverse long term side effects from the standard estrogen

replacement therapy for women. As with men, the doctors typically focus on a

single hormone, rather than a mix, although that is changing. The problem still

remains that cancer rates are much higher in women who use hormone replacement.

As far as testosterone in women, the jury is still out on its effectiveness for

women. My wife and I were following this because my wife had a complete

hysterectomy including ovaries 18 years ago after the birth of our son due to

endometriosis. Her sex drive disappeared and estrogen replacement obviously did

nothing for sex drive. Testosterone for women is like Arimidex for men, some

doctors will do it, some will not. Read this from the Mayo Clinic:


I can tell you it is a struggle. It took me a long time to get used to little

or no sex. In the end, I love my wife and I take this as part of the " in

sickness and in health " thing. I know a LOT of guys probably won't agree with

me, but that's how I am.


> is not interested in sex--how many others have wifes that need help?i truck on

never the less.i am 17 days into andro-gel after being off 3 yrs.starting to

feel much better--thanks for the support richard


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There are a lot of studies that deal with small amounts of change in cancer and

other problems that have been blamed on hormone replacement therapy. Most deal

with small differences and the universe of the study group can be responsible

for these changes as there is little done to exclude those that smoke, are

before of after menopause, are overwieght, drink heavily, have other health

problems in their history, or have family genetics that may continue from

generation to generation.

Dr.'s Greenblatt, Sipi, Natrajan, and Gambrell have treated thousands with HRT

for both men and women. They have written extensively and do not agree hormones

are harmful.

Many women do have hormone level problems that go undetected as they are not

tested by a well informed endocrinologist.

After menopause the wife could not benefit from oral medications as her liver

would not metabolize the pills into hormone in her blood. Many women have this

problem and get no relief while the doctor tells them it is all in their heads.

When the wife received hormone pellets as a patient of two of the above doctors,

of both T and E that dissolve directly into the blood stream, I had my wife back

in 1991 in only a few days. The levels involved were what a woman would normally

have before menopause. She still receives them every 4 months at 76.


> >

> > is not interested in sex--how many others have wifes that need help?i truck

on never the less.i am 17 days into andro-gel after being off 3 yrs.starting to

feel much better--thanks for the support richard

> >


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noonanjg wrote:

> The responses, of course, look at it from strictly a male point of view.

There are several studies of adverse long term side effects from the standard

estrogen replacement therapy for women.

The negative studies use either premarin, a mixed extrogen that comes

from estrogens obtained from horse urin. This might be OK except it's

not bio-identical to human estrogens, but contains about 50% variants

that are particular to horses and not found naturally in humans.

Consequently, this " standard estrogen replacement " definitely NOT

hormone REPLACEMENT, but estrogen substitution. Secondly, there is a

second kind of " standard estrogen replacement " that includes unnatural

hormone - a drug if you will - that is not normal to humans under any


Real bio-identical hormone replacement will usually if not always

involve a prescription(s) from a compounding pharmacy. No doubt, an

endo is not the doctor to go to to get real bio-identical hormone

replacement for women.


Steve - dudescholar4@...

" The Problem with Socialism is that eventually you

run out of Other People's Money. " --Margaret Thatcher

" Mistrust of Government is the Bedrock of American Patriotism "

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


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Typically, most women don't go to endos for their hormone replacement. They go

to the guy who ripped out their parts in the first place (in my wife's case

anyway) which is their gynecologist. These guys are worse than endos because

their attitude literally is that a woman has certain parts and certain hormones

for one purpose: making babies. If the woman is not interested in that, the

doctor typically ignores their other complaints. I was reading a message board

the other day where one woman complained of a loss of libido after her

hysterectomy and her doctor, ironically a woman, told her that sex wasn't

important and she needed to learn to live with it and when she told her that her

husband had a big problem with it as well, the doctor replied " That's his

problem " . I really don't know where they find these folks.

> > The responses, of course, look at it from strictly a male point of view.

There are several studies of adverse long term side effects from the standard

estrogen replacement therapy for women.


> The negative studies use either premarin, a mixed extrogen that comes

> from estrogens obtained from horse urin. This might be OK except it's

> not bio-identical to human estrogens, but contains about 50% variants

> that are particular to horses and not found naturally in humans.

> Consequently, this " standard estrogen replacement " definitely NOT

> hormone REPLACEMENT, but estrogen substitution. Secondly, there is a

> second kind of " standard estrogen replacement " that includes unnatural

> hormone - a drug if you will - that is not normal to humans under any

> condition.


> Real bio-identical hormone replacement will usually if not always

> involve a prescription(s) from a compounding pharmacy. No doubt, an

> endo is not the doctor to go to to get real bio-identical hormone

> replacement for women.


> --


> Steve - dudescholar4@...


> " The Problem with Socialism is that eventually you

> run out of Other People's Money. " --Margaret Thatcher


> " Mistrust of Government is the Bedrock of American Patriotism "


> Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html


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A dab of compounded testosterone cream rubbed on the clitorus will work wonders

after about 30 minutes. Like viagra for men.

Many doctors are now prescribing this for females. Their " T " can get too low



> > > The responses, of course, look at it from strictly a male point of view.

There are several studies of adverse long term side effects from the standard

estrogen replacement therapy for women.

> >

> > The negative studies use either premarin, a mixed extrogen that comes

> > from estrogens obtained from horse urin. This might be OK except it's

> > not bio-identical to human estrogens, but contains about 50% variants

> > that are particular to horses and not found naturally in humans.

> > Consequently, this " standard estrogen replacement " definitely NOT

> > hormone REPLACEMENT, but estrogen substitution. Secondly, there is a

> > second kind of " standard estrogen replacement " that includes unnatural

> > hormone - a drug if you will - that is not normal to humans under any

> > condition.

> >

> > Real bio-identical hormone replacement will usually if not always

> > involve a prescription(s) from a compounding pharmacy. No doubt, an

> > endo is not the doctor to go to to get real bio-identical hormone

> > replacement for women.

> >

> > --

> >

> > Steve - dudescholar4@

> >

> > " The Problem with Socialism is that eventually you

> > run out of Other People's Money. " --Margaret Thatcher

> >

> > " Mistrust of Government is the Bedrock of American Patriotism "

> >

> > Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> > http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html

> >


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I feel the same as you I love my wife and feel dam sorry for her. When I was

very sick with low T and had ED problems I made it a point to have sex with her.

I used a penis pump and penis ring this is not fun for a man but it got it up

for sex and kept her happy. Now my hormones are leveled and my ED is gone with

my libido back I just told her If I could do this for her she can do the same

for me.

My wife was on HRT when the News came out saying it caused Cancer this was all

she needed to hear and went off HRT. She has a cousin that went through the

change and needed HRT but none of the meds or hormones the Dr.'s gave her


She was so bad off she could not work and was on sick leave she was a teacher.

About 4 yrs later she found a Dr. that used Natural hormone therapy,

bioidentical hormones in the form of pellets so he put pellets into her butt

with all the hormones she was low on and Testosterone was part of it. She said

her libido come back and her health she felt do dam good she went back to

Collage and got her masters degree and became the Principle of the school she

was a teacher at.

She told my wife about this when I wife was telling her she can't sleep. Her

cousin said she had a bad problem with sleep on Bio Hormones she now sleeps like

a baby. Still my wife wants nothing to do with HRT and still can't sleep good.




> From: noonanjg <jgnoonan@...>

> Subject: Re: wife


> Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 9:25 PM

> The responses, of course, look at it

> from strictly a male point of view.  There are several

> studies of adverse long term side effects from the standard

> estrogen replacement therapy for women.  As with men,

> the doctors typically focus on a single hormone, rather than

> a mix, although that is changing.  The problem still

> remains that cancer rates are much higher in women who use

> hormone replacement.  As far as testosterone in women,

> the jury is still out on its effectiveness for women. 

> My wife and I were following this because my wife had a

> complete hysterectomy including ovaries 18 years ago after

> the birth of our son due to endometriosis.  Her sex

> drive disappeared and estrogen replacement obviously did

> nothing for sex drive.  Testosterone for women is like

> Arimidex for men, some doctors will do it, some will

> not.  Read this from the Mayo Clinic:


> http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/testosterone-therapy/AN01390


> I can tell you it is a struggle.  It took me a long

> time to get used to little or no sex.  In the end, I

> love my wife and I take this as part of the " in sickness and

> in health " thing.  I know a LOT of guys probably won't

> agree with me, but that's how I am.





> >

> > is not interested in sex--how many others have wifes

> that need help?i truck on never the less.i am 17 days into

> andro-gel after being off 3 yrs.starting to feel much

> better--thanks for the support richard

> >





> ------------------------------------



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My wife seen her gynecologist 3 weeks ago and told her she can't sleep the Dr.

gave her a drug to help her sleep this made it worse she walked around in a fog

all day. So when she called her back the Dr. told her it's her Hormones and put

her back on the SHI* that is made from Horse Urine. This was the same meds my

wife stopped using when the big Cancer scare come out yrs ago. I told her don't

take that SHI* WTF after all these yrs. your dam gynecologist is still passing

out this SHI*. I told her stop seeing this Dr. and tell her new Dr. that put

her on Armour for her Thyroid to get tested and get some Bio. Hormones they come

in creams or pellets. Problem is men can't tell there wife's anything with the

kids grow up and leave they start on the old man.



> From: noonanjg <jgnoonan@...>

> Subject: Re: wife


> Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 5:00 AM

> Typically, most women don't go to

> endos for their hormone replacement. They go to the guy who

> ripped out their parts in the first place (in my wife's case

> anyway) which is their gynecologist.  These guys are

> worse than endos because their attitude literally is that a

> woman has certain parts and certain hormones for one

> purpose: making babies.  If the woman is not interested

> in that, the doctor typically ignores their other

> complaints.  I was reading a message board the other

> day where one woman complained of a loss of libido after her

> hysterectomy and her doctor, ironically a woman, told her

> that sex wasn't important and she needed to learn to live

> with it and when she told her that her husband had a big

> problem with it as well, the doctor replied " That's his

> problem " .  I really don't know where they find these

> folks.




> > > The responses, of course, look at it from

> strictly a male point of view.  There are several

> studies of adverse long term side effects from the standard

> estrogen replacement therapy for women. 

> >

> > The negative studies use either premarin, a mixed

> extrogen that comes

> > from estrogens obtained from horse urin.  This

> might be OK except it's

> > not bio-identical to human estrogens, but contains

> about 50% variants

> > that are particular to horses and not found naturally

> in humans.

> > Consequently, this " standard estrogen replacement "

> definitely NOT

> > hormone REPLACEMENT, but estrogen substitution. 

> Secondly, there is a

> > second kind of " standard estrogen replacement " that

> includes unnatural

> > hormone - a drug if you will - that is not normal to

> humans under any

> > condition.

> >

> > Real bio-identical hormone replacement will usually if

> not always

> > involve a prescription(s) from a compounding

> pharmacy.  No doubt, an

> > endo is not the doctor to go to to get real

> bio-identical hormone

> > replacement for women.

> >

> > --

> >

> > Steve - dudescholar4@...

> >

> > " The Problem with Socialism is that eventually you

> > run out of Other People's Money. " --Margaret Thatcher

> >

> > " Mistrust of Government is the Bedrock of American

> Patriotism "

> >

> > Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> > http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html

> >





> ------------------------------------



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My wife tested to low for testosterone when she first seen her new Dr. for her

thyroid. He told to he could give her some androgel and she said I was on it he

told her how much to take and when she did her Clit got hard and stayed that way

she could not stand this it was very uncomfortable. I don't think Androgel is

the right T for women it's to strong women need a compounded cream or Pellets.



> From: gin2c <no_reply >

> Subject: Re: wife


> Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 7:45 AM

> A dab of compounded testosterone

> cream rubbed on the clitorus will work wonders after about

> 30 minutes.  Like viagra for men.


> Many doctors are now prescribing this for females. 

> Their " T " can get too low also.


> G




> > > > The responses, of course, look at it from

> strictly a male point of view.  There are several

> studies of adverse long term side effects from the standard

> estrogen replacement therapy for women. 

> > >

> > > The negative studies use either premarin, a mixed

> extrogen that comes

> > > from estrogens obtained from horse urin. 

> This might be OK except it's

> > > not bio-identical to human estrogens, but

> contains about 50% variants

> > > that are particular to horses and not found

> naturally in humans.

> > > Consequently, this " standard estrogen

> replacement " definitely NOT

> > > hormone REPLACEMENT, but estrogen

> substitution.  Secondly, there is a

> > > second kind of " standard estrogen replacement "

> that includes unnatural

> > > hormone - a drug if you will - that is not normal

> to humans under any

> > > condition.

> > >

> > > Real bio-identical hormone replacement will

> usually if not always

> > > involve a prescription(s) from a compounding

> pharmacy.  No doubt, an

> > > endo is not the doctor to go to to get real

> bio-identical hormone

> > > replacement for women.

> > >

> > > --

> > >

> > > Steve - dudescholar4@

> > >

> > > " The Problem with Socialism is that eventually

> you

> > > run out of Other People's Money. " --Margaret

> Thatcher

> > >

> > > " Mistrust of Government is the Bedrock of

> American Patriotism "

> > >

> > > Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> > > http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html

> > >

> >





> ------------------------------------



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It's painful because the wall of her vig. is thin from lack of Hormones. Just

the other day or was a week ago on CNN they said a new study said that older

people that had sex 2 or more times a week live longer.



> From: richard <lakeerie332000@...>

> Subject: wife


> Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 8:51 AM

> sounds like a lot of us have the same

> concerns about our wives--they seam to be happy being a

> nun--but is it healthy? when she first started with this no

> sex business she said it was to painful--would not do

> anything to make it better-the yrs.go bye she likes it this

> way--i live my own life --but we are a happy couple it

> appears. but keep trying to get her to try and get the

> hormone business balanced out.thanx




> ------------------------------------



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When either a woman or man looses interest in sex because of hormonal problems,

they do not feel a loss and have trouble remembering how great their sex was.

There should be a realization they are not living their marriage vows correctly.

It is an uphill struggle to get them involved in something intended for both of

your benefits.



> sounds like a lot of us have the same concerns about our wives--they seam to

be happy being a nun--but is it healthy? when she first started with this no sex

business she said it was to painful--would not do anything to make it better-the

yrs.go bye she likes it this way--i live my own life --but we are a happy couple

it appears. but keep trying to get her to try and get the hormone business

balanced out.thanx


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The effects of menopause are different for different woman.

My wife had breast cancer 20 years ago and Chemo. This caused her to go into

menopause early. But for her, her vaginal wall never thinned nor her libido and

sex was ever great. Tragically she passed away 2.5 years ago when the cancer

spread to her liver.

When I started dating 1.5 years ago the first woman I had sex with said she had

early menopause and she couldn't have intercourse because it was too painful,

her vaginal wall was to thin and would rip. She also would not go on

bio-identical HRT because of the cancer scare from the " horse " estrogen

replacement therapy. So it was mostly oral sex and rubbing. The second

girlfriend I went with didn't have these problems at all and was not on HRT.

My sister, who is a family therapist in Calif and who is in her 50s

and who is on bio-identical HRT said that from observations from her practice

only 20-30% of women have vaginal wall problems after menopause. My sister said

she did the research on bio-identicals and there is no way she would stop.


> It's painful because the wall of her vig. is thin from lack of Hormones. Just

the other day or was a week ago on CNN they said a new study said that older

people that had sex 2 or more times a week live longer.

> Co-Moderator

> Phil


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I am not sure which of the medications you describe might be a problem. Hope I'm

not missing what you are addressing.

There was a study, WHI or WIH, going on that involved a pill that contained both

estrogen and progesterone and Dr. Gambrell warned the company this would cause

great harm.

The progesterone level normally comes up for several days in the cycle of a

woman and causes her period. The pill was intended to bring in great profits by

eliminating the woman's period. The constant progesterone prevented some of the

receptors in the body from receiving the estrogen needed for good health.

The study was stopped but instead of giving up the idea, as I understand, the

company merely reduced the amount of hormone involved and continue to market

these pills. I assume they will not be of benefit in any way and may still do


I was told there is no chemical difference or effectiveness if the source of the

estrogen comes from horse urine.


> > > > The responses, of course, look at it from

> > strictly a male point of view. There are several

> > studies of adverse long term side effects from the standard

> > estrogen replacement therapy for women.

> > >

> > > The negative studies use either premarin, a mixed

> > extrogen that comes

> > > from estrogens obtained from horse urin. This

> > might be OK except it's

> > > not bio-identical to human estrogens, but contains

> > about 50% variants

> > > that are particular to horses and not found naturally

> > in humans.

> > > Consequently, this " standard estrogen replacement "

> > definitely NOT

> > > hormone REPLACEMENT, but estrogen substitution.

> > Secondly, there is a

> > > second kind of " standard estrogen replacement " that

> > includes unnatural

> > > hormone - a drug if you will - that is not normal to

> > humans under any

> > > condition.

> > >

> > > Real bio-identical hormone replacement will usually if

> > not always

> > > involve a prescription(s) from a compounding

> > pharmacy. No doubt, an

> > > endo is not the doctor to go to to get real

> > bio-identical hormone

> > > replacement for women.

> > >

> > > --

> > >

> > > Steve - dudescholar4@

> > >

> > > " The Problem with Socialism is that eventually you

> > > run out of Other People's Money. " --Margaret Thatcher

> > >

> > > " Mistrust of Government is the Bedrock of American

> > Patriotism "

> > >

> > > Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> > > http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Amen to that when I had bad ED problems in my 50's I made it a point to have sex

with my wife at least 2x's /wk. Even when I did not feel like it. Why women

feel they are to old for sex or don't what to have it because they lost there

libido is not right to me unless it hurts them to have it. Most women will not

tell there husband that is hurts and the reason for the pain is low hormones the

walls of there parts down there get thin when in need of hormones. This is the

first sine one needs HRT.



> From: ernestnolan <ernestnolan@...>

> Subject: Re: wife


> Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 2:10 PM

> When either a woman or man looses

> interest in sex because of hormonal problems, they do not

> feel a loss and have trouble remembering how great their sex

> was.


> There should be a realization they are not living their

> marriage vows correctly. It is an uphill struggle to get

> them involved in something intended for both of your

> benefits.


> ernestnolan



> >

> > sounds like a lot of us have the same concerns about

> our wives--they seam to be happy being a nun--but is it

> healthy? when she first started with this no sex business

> she said it was to painful--would not do anything to make it

> better-the yrs.go bye she likes it this way--i live my own

> life --but we are a happy couple it appears. but keep trying

> to get her to try and get the hormone business balanced

> out.thanx

> >





> ------------------------------------



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Yes poor women when they are young they needed birth control this messed with

some of them and then they get older and the change hits them and more pills to

take. I don't understand Dr.'s most I feel are full of SHI* they can't tell me

they don't know about Bio. Hormones because they do I feel the Drug have most of

the Dr.'s in there pocket and don't give a dam if they give a women cancer on

them Drug Hormones made from horse urine. All they care about is the bottom

line this is where the buck stops. I often wonder when sitting at a Dr. office

and siting there a dam good hr. after my appointment time watching the parade

for Drug Reps going in and out of the Dr.'s office wile I sit and wait. I know

for a fact they pay for there golf outings and such by the amount of scripts

they wright.



> From: Mike Symth <alphadennis@...>

> Subject: Re: wife


> Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 2:24 PM

> The effects of menopause are

> different for different woman.


> My wife had breast cancer 20 years ago and Chemo. This

> caused her to go into menopause early. But for her, her

> vaginal wall never thinned nor her libido and sex was ever

> great.  Tragically she passed away 2.5 years ago when

> the cancer spread to her liver.


> When I started dating  1.5 years ago the first woman I

> had sex with said she had early menopause and she couldn't

> have intercourse because it was too painful, her vaginal

> wall was to thin and would rip. She also would not go on

> bio-identical HRT because of the cancer scare from the

> " horse " estrogen replacement therapy. So it was mostly oral

> sex and rubbing.  The second girlfriend I went with

> didn't have these problems at all and was not on HRT.


> My sister, who is a family therapist in Calif and who is in

> her 50s

> and who is on bio-identical HRT said that from observations

> from her practice only 20-30% of women have vaginal wall

> problems after menopause.  My sister said she did the

> research on bio-identicals and there is no way she would

> stop.



> >

> > It's painful because the wall of her vig. is thin from

> lack of Hormones.  Just the other day or was a week ago

> on CNN they said a new study said that older people that had

> sex 2 or more times a week live longer.

> > Co-Moderator

> > Phil

> >






> ------------------------------------



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I just looked up what her Dr. put her back on and it's the same thing that she

was on yrs ago when the big cancer scare come out in the news.

Provera/Medroxprogesterone Aceta 1 x's/day 2.5 mgs. and

Estrace/Gynodiol/Estradiol 1 x's/day .5 mgs.

Here is a cut and paste to a reply to me by Dr. no at this link.


Even after showing her this reply she still will not go to her new Thyroid Dr.

and ask for Bio. Hormones and he is up on this.


The question is: how does one keep hormone replacement therapy safe?

There is some risk of breast cancer with Estrogens and Progesterone.

There is a significant risk of blood clots and heart problems with the use of

Progestins ( artificial progesterones ).

Thus, how does one keep safe? How does one lower the risk?

When it comes to the risk of heart attacks and blood clots, clearly

(particularly since Provera + Estradiol = PremPro), the World Health

Organization's study showed the use of Provera increased the risk for both


As a result of this study, I prefer Estradiol alone to Estradiol + Provera.

I prefer Estrogen and Progesterone to Estradiol alone for the health benefits

and to reduce the risk of using Estradiol alone.

And I prefer Estradiol + Estriol to Estradiol or Premarin when it comes to

choosing an Estrogen.

When it comes to reproductive system cancers, such as breast cancer, there are

ways to reduce the risk.

Three modifiable factors which may reduce the risk for breast cancer while on

hormone replacement therapy are:

1. Adequate Iodine intake

2. Adequate Vitamin D intake.

3. Using Estradiol with Estriol (Bi-Est)

A good reference to iodine is Dr. Browntein's excellent book on iodine: Iodine -

Why you need it. http://www.drbrownstein.com/

Even if a woman is not on hormone replacement therapy, when iodine and vitamin D

are both low, the risk of developing breast cancer is significantly higher than

with adequate levels of both.

When it comes to adequate iodine levels, I agree with Dr. Brownstein, though I

don't advocate using 50 mg of iodine a day all the time.



> From: ernestnolan <ernestnolan@...>

> Subject: Re: wife


> Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 2:27 PM

> I am not sure which of the

> medications you describe might be a problem. Hope I'm not

> missing what you are addressing.


> There was a study, WHI or WIH, going on that involved a

> pill that contained both estrogen and progesterone and Dr.

> Gambrell warned the company this would cause great harm.


> The progesterone level normally comes up for several days

> in the cycle of a woman and causes her period. The pill was

> intended to bring in great profits by eliminating the

> woman's period. The constant progesterone prevented some of

> the receptors in the body from receiving the estrogen needed

> for good health.


> The study was stopped but instead of giving up the idea, as

> I understand, the company merely reduced the amount of

> hormone involved and continue to market these pills. I

> assume they will not be of benefit in any way and may still

> do harm.


> I was told there is no chemical difference or effectiveness

> if the source of the estrogen comes from horse urine.


> ernestnolan



> > > > > The responses, of course, look at it

> from

> > > strictly a male point of view.  There are

> several

> > > studies of adverse long term side effects from

> the standard

> > > estrogen replacement therapy for women. 

> > > >

> > > > The negative studies use either premarin, a

> mixed

> > > extrogen that comes

> > > > from estrogens obtained from horse

> urin.  This

> > > might be OK except it's

> > > > not bio-identical to human estrogens, but

> contains

> > > about 50% variants

> > > > that are particular to horses and not found

> naturally

> > > in humans.

> > > > Consequently, this " standard estrogen

> replacement "

> > > definitely NOT

> > > > hormone REPLACEMENT, but estrogen

> substitution.

> > > Secondly, there is a

> > > > second kind of " standard estrogen

> replacement " that

> > > includes unnatural

> > > > hormone - a drug if you will - that is not

> normal to

> > > humans under any

> > > > condition.

> > > >

> > > > Real bio-identical hormone replacement will

> usually if

> > > not always

> > > > involve a prescription(s) from a

> compounding

> > > pharmacy.  No doubt, an

> > > > endo is not the doctor to go to to get real

> > > bio-identical hormone

> > > > replacement for women.

> > > >

> > > > --

> > > >

> > > > Steve - dudescholar4@

> > > >

> > > > " The Problem with Socialism is that

> eventually you

> > > > run out of Other People's Money. " --Margaret

> Thatcher

> > > >

> > > > " Mistrust of Government is the Bedrock of

> American

> > > Patriotism "

> > > >

> > > > Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> > > > http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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Phil: You are so spot on. Most of the time when I go to my PCP (who is next to

useless), there is a drug rep bringing in trays of hot food for his lunchtime

presentation on the latest " wonder " drug. Wonder my a$$!


> > >

> > > It's painful because the wall of her vig. is thin from

> > lack of Hormones.  Just the other day or was a week ago

> > on CNN they said a new study said that older people that had

> > sex 2 or more times a week live longer.

> > > Co-Moderator

> > > Phil

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Androgel is not to be rubbed on the clit. It can burn & be painful.

A compounded 2% T cream is needed.


> > > > > The responses, of course, look at it from

> > strictly a male point of view.  There are several

> > studies of adverse long term side effects from the standard

> > estrogen replacement therapy for women. 

> > > >

> > > > The negative studies use either premarin, a mixed

> > extrogen that comes

> > > > from estrogens obtained from horse urin. 

> > This might be OK except it's

> > > > not bio-identical to human estrogens, but

> > contains about 50% variants

> > > > that are particular to horses and not found

> > naturally in humans.

> > > > Consequently, this " standard estrogen

> > replacement " definitely NOT

> > > > hormone REPLACEMENT, but estrogen

> > substitution.  Secondly, there is a

> > > > second kind of " standard estrogen replacement "

> > that includes unnatural

> > > > hormone - a drug if you will - that is not normal

> > to humans under any

> > > > condition.

> > > >

> > > > Real bio-identical hormone replacement will

> > usually if not always

> > > > involve a prescription(s) from a compounding

> > pharmacy.  No doubt, an

> > > > endo is not the doctor to go to to get real

> > bio-identical hormone

> > > > replacement for women.

> > > >

> > > > --

> > > >

> > > > Steve - dudescholar4@

> > > >

> > > > " The Problem with Socialism is that eventually

> > you

> > > > run out of Other People's Money. " --Margaret

> > Thatcher

> > > >

> > > > " Mistrust of Government is the Bedrock of

> > American Patriotism "

> > > >

> > > > Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> > > > http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Yes this means I am not seeing things your spot on this is what is wrong with

Health Care Drug Co.'s don't care about the cure all they care about is the

money way cure it if you can treat it for life. It's other country's that

expose this just look at the vac. for survival cancer it's been out for yrs. not

here just over seas until someone informed the News about it. The Dr.'s are in

bed with the Drug Co.'s they could have saved a lot of lives but bring out this

Vac. but no they kept it under raps until some other Country came out with it.



> From: noonanjg <jgnoonan@...>

> Subject: Re: wife


> Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 6:31 PM

> Phil:  You are so spot on. 

> Most of the time when I go to my PCP (who is next to

> useless), there is a drug rep bringing in trays of hot food

> for his lunchtime presentation on the latest " wonder "

> drug.  Wonder my a$$!


> Joe



> > > >

> > > > It's painful because the wall of her vig. is

> thin from

> > > lack of Hormones.  Just the other day or was a

> week ago

> > > on CNN they said a new study said that older

> people that had

> > > sex 2 or more times a week live longer.

> > > > Co-Moderator

> > > > Phil

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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