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Fw: Subject Reference: Fw: WHA Health Flash #125: Taking Care of Yourself

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----- Original Message ----- From: Martha Murdock & (gigi*) Lawrence


Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 12:18 AM

Subject: Subject Reference: Fw: WHA Health Flash #125: Taking Care of Yourself


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----- Original Message ----- From: Barry Mizes


Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 3:58 PM

Subject: WHA Health Flash #125: Taking Care of Yourself

Dear Friends: February is often a time we find ourselves focusing on others in our lives, from finding the perfect Valentine’s Day card to express our feelings, to planning a romantic getaway. Unfortunately, often we become so focused on others in our life that we forget to take care of our own needs. It is important to remember that taking care of and loving yourself is an important way to maintain your health and happiness. Lower your stress: Researchers at the University of Rochester and the University of Missouri have found that our sense of happiness is related to how well we are able to satisfy three basic needs. The first of these is autonomy, which refers to being able to function without feeling you are being controlled by others. The second is competence, which is the ability to meet the demands and challenges you face. The last of these needs is relatedness, which is belonging to and participating in positive relationships with others. The study showed that the more that these three needs were met, the happier the person perceived him- or herself to be, and the less illness-related symptoms he or she experienced. It is possible that by engaging in more behaviors where you do not feel controlled by others, finding challenges that match your abilities, and participating in positive relationships, you will live a healthier and happier life.Spend time with your pet: The Baker Medical Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia compared blood pressure and plasma cholesterol and triglyceride values in pet and non-pet owners. They found that pet owners had significantly lower systolic blood pressure and plasma triglycerides, raising the possibility that pet ownership reduces cardiovascular risk factors.Eat the right foods: A balanced diet gives you the energy needed to function and prevent the nutritional deficiencies that can undermine your health. Additionally, one long-term study of 116,000 women found that almost 40 percent of coronary heart disease could be attributed to being overweight.Cut or decrease caffeine: Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that actually causes a stress reaction in the body. People who have decreased or stopped caffeine use have noted that they feel more relaxed, sleep better, have improved energy, and experience less heartburn.Exercise regularly: Inactivity increases the risk of heart disease, as well as increasing the risk of a fall in older women who are not physically active. The Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health found that 60 percent of American women do not get the recommended amount of physical activity and more than 25 percent are not active at all. Both the Surgeon General’s report and the NIH Consensus Development Conference on Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health agree that as little as 30 minutes of moderate activity (daily is preferred) helps to protect your heart health. Moderate levels of activity include: brisk walks, raking leaves, and gardening.Take time to have fun: Watch a comedy, sing out loud, learn a new hobby, read a book, go camping, plant a garden, go for a picnic in the woods or on the beach, or build a snow fort.Stop smoking: Approximately 23 million American women are smokers. Smoking by women in the United States will cause almost as many deaths from heart disease as from lung cancer. A woman who smokes is two to six times more likely to have a heart attack as a nonsmoking woman. Share your feelings: Several studies have shown that putting stressful events into words, either through writing or talking about them, can help us to cope with the stressful event and the emotions it causes. Check your blood pressure: High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is another major risk factor for heart disease. Nearly 25 million American women have high blood pressure. Hypertension can be controlled with proper treatment that can include weight loss if needed, regular exercise, and reducing use of table salt, sodium, and alcohol. Additionally, your physician may prescribe medication to treat your hypertension. Pamper yourself: Take a bubble bath, get a manicure, a pedicure, or a new hairdo. Buy yourself flowers. Further reading and information:The Essential Heart Book For Women by Notelovitz, M.D. Click here to order online.February Special:In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, take care of your loved ones. Our February Special is CoEnzyme Q-10 50mg for cardiovascular support. Regularly $16.40 for 30 caps; purchase it this month for only $13.12. Click here to order online.New Education Service from Women's Health America!Sign up for our new free six-week course on PMS, Perimenopause, or Menopause. Visit our website at http://www.womenshealth.com/minicourses.html and subscribe today!HORMONE LEVEL TESTING As the ability to measure and monitor hormones becomes more precise, women and their providers have the option of testing hormone levels to determine if there is a hormone deficiency, and to assess dosage requirements.To determine if you are a candidate for natural hormone replacement therapy, Women’s Health America provides saliva testing for hormone level monitoring. Visit our website at www.womenshealth.com for more information about BioBalance and RestoreSM Clinical Services. If you are a health professional, please contact us at 1-800-558-7046 for information about referring patients to our programs. We encourage you to visit our updated website on PMS that includes symptom evaluation, easy-to-read information about PMS, and treatment options at http://www.womenshealth.com/gma/pmsgma.html To your good health, Marla Ahlgrimm, R.Ph. Women's Health America 1289 Deming WayMadison, Wi 53717 www.womenshealth.com 1-800-558-7046 toll-free voice number 1-888-898-7412 fax Disclaimer This information is provided for educational use only and is not intended for diagnostic purposes. Please consult with your health care provider for further information. New Products from WHA: Advanced Vaginal Moisturizing Cream, $19.95 Our vaginal cream is intended for women whose chief complaints are vaginal irritation, dryness,itching, and painful intercourse. These symptoms are commonly caused by Atrophic Vaginitis, a skincondition of the vulva and vagina. It occurs when the hormone estrogen is out of balance in thebody. Atrophic Vaginitis can occur at any age, but is more common in menopausal women. Click here to order online. Active Ingredients: aloe vera gel, vitamin E, proprietary herbal blend of chamomile, comfrey, goldenseal, and grapefruitseed extract. Natural Progesterone Cream, $24.95 Our Natural Progesterone Cream is an advanced, transdermal cream designed for women of all ageswho experience symptoms relating to PMS, menopause, and osteoporosis. Transdermal dosingdelivers continuous, consistent absorption. Our progesterone cream is derived from wild yam andsoy and is bioidentical to the hormones produced in the body. Click here to order online.Active Ingredient: USP natural progesterone extracted from wild yam and derived from soy. Natural Progesterone plus PhytoEstrogen Cream, $29.95 Our two-in-one transdermal cream is designed to balance the female hormonal system naturally. Theformulation is different from other progesterone creams because it is one-half natural progesterone(derived from wild yam and soy) and one-half natural phytoestrogens. Click here to order online.Ingredients: USP natural progesterone extracted from wild yam and soybean, with natural phyto-estrogens extracted fromblack cohosh, licorice, wild yam, red clover blossom, and dong quai. Maximum Performance Gel For Men, $24.95 Natural Androstenedione Cream is an advanced transdermal cream for men. It is designed to increasetestosterone levels naturally. Natural Androstenedione Cream: Converts to testosterone in the body. Increases muscle strength and endurance. Promotes weight loss by increasing fat metabolism through thermogenesis. Improves memory; increases energy; increases libido.Click here to order online. Active Ingredients: androstenedione, progesterone, liposomes, grapefruit seed extract, and vitamin E acetate. Longevity Gel For Men, $29.95 Longevity Gel For Men is an anti-aging formulation of DHEA, progesterone, pregnenolone, andandrostenedione. This formula for men contains the “mother” steroid pregnenolone, which has manybenefits including memory enhancement and anti-depressant effects. It enhances the DHEA levels byfueling the biosynthetic pathway with its primary precursor. An increasing number of scientificstudies show that pregnenolone may increase resistance to stress through its impact on adrenalfunction. Longevity Gel for Men: Converts to testosterone in the body. Increases muscle strength, endurance, and libido. Promotes weight loss. Improves memory. Strengthens immune system.Click here to order online. Active Ingredients: DHEA, progesterone, pregnenolone, androstenedione, phenoxyethanol, menthylparaben, andpeppermint oil. All of these new creams and gels can be ordered online, or you may call toll free at 1-800-558-7046 to order any of these items. 1. The archives for past issues of the Health Flash are at www.womenshealth.com/hf_archive.html 2. We encourage your comments on the content of the Health Flash. In particular, if you have a topicthat you would like us to address, please let us know by sending an email towha@... , or you can complete our feedback form on our website atwww.womenshealth.com/formwhaemail.html 3. If you have questions on any topic concerning women's health, please feel free to contact us at theemail or website address shown in item 2. Questions that might benefit all of our subscribers may beincluded anonymously in one of our Health Flash Letters. To unsubscribe, send a blank email to: womenshealth-unsubscribe@... © Women's Health America, Inc. ==^================================================================

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