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Hi Martha,

Thank you for responding, but please believe me when I tell you, I'm not sharing this nightmare my life has become, to receive sympathy or pity. I'm hoping someone will eventually see how deeply corruption can penetrate a person's life.

You see, I'm a nobody. I'm nothing special. And I'm not anyone of importance. But I have spoken out, written letters and made phone calls, letting it be known how I felt about being chemically poisoned. And before I knew it, the most unusual happenings began in my life. And though it took me awhile, I finally realized that if a mega Corporation and affiliates are truly afraid, they will buy a PR Team, compromise a thousand women, Politicians, Medical Industry, Judicial System and Media, because they're not only corrupt, deceitful and greedy, but they are also cowards and they're afraid. "Afraid" of what the truth may do, then respond as the "cowards" they are, by trying to buy their way out of a situation that they, themselves created.

And I learned along time ago, "The best way to destroy anything, is from within" (Within our lives, within a support group).

All that I have said is supported with proof. And as angry as I am, it's a controlled anger that's within reason. As long as I can look in the mirror each day knowing I haven't taken on any of the characteristics of those that have hurt me, then I know they have not won!

Have a wonderful day Martha and please continue with your love and caring support. You're needed and very much appreciated.

Love and Hugs..........


Dear ,

My heart truly goes out to you, as well as many other women, however, your story is sooo incredible I continue to wonder if I could ever find enough 'forgiveness' within myself to be able to direct my anger appropriately. I think of you often and think to myself, "Thank you, Lord..... except by the Grace of God, there go I"! My first 'breast lump' was at age 27-years, and it was a 'nothing'!



Martha MurdockNational Silicone Implant Foundationwww.topica.com/lists/BreastImplantNews/

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Yes you need to rest.

Did he use the beveled skin technique like feng uses and also did he use internal stitches that disolve? I imagine he did from the look of your pics and aslo from the fact that you did not go back to have them removed.

Love ya,

----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 10:09 AM

Subject: Re: Martha


I have not been feeling very well so I haven't been able to contact the doc to ask about the specifics but from what I remember it is a revised version of the vertical techn. My sister was with me and she had to give me the info again, my memory is not too good. I hope that this answers your question. I am going to contact the doc to express my gratitude and at that time I will ask more about that technique. I have kind of overdone it in the last couple of days and really feel it now so I am trying to rest now and let me wounds heal. It feels like I tore my stitches the other day underneath. If you would like to see his website he is at the following link:



----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 12:59 AM

Subject: Re: Martha

Angelika,Would you care to further elaborate on your LV doctor? I asked you yesterday specifics about your surgery. Thanks.Pearl

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I have not been feeling very well so I haven't been able to contact the doc to ask about the specifics but from what I remember it is a revised version of the vertical techn. My sister was with me and she had to give me the info again, my memory is not too good. I hope that this answers your question. I am going to contact the doc to express my gratitude and at that time I will ask more about that technique. I have kind of overdone it in the last couple of days and really feel it now so I am trying to rest now and let me wounds heal. It feels like I tore my stitches the other day underneath. If you would like to see his website he is at the following link:



----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 12:59 AM

Subject: Re: Martha

Angelika,Would you care to further elaborate on your LV doctor? I asked you yesterday specifics about your surgery. Thanks.Pearl

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Oh my Gosh, I am so sorry e. You just gave me chills. I don't know what to say. I know what the feeling is to be almost homeless, because I was in the same sort of situation. I moved to NY when I was 17 and my parents and I had a horrible relationship at the time. They were divorced and it was just a big mess. Well, anyway, after the implants and in 5/99, I had my Jeep repossessed and my rent was almost 2mos behind. My credit was really bad also. I was in big trouble because the job I had at the time owed me two weeks worth of pay. I finally received the money from them in a check to pay the repo fees and bank fees which added up to $2000. After that I continued to work for the guy because of the money I made (as mortgage broker). Anyway, the situation happened again and after almost a week and a half I said I wasn't coming back until he paid me. I got another $200 and that was all I recd from him after that. He owed me another $1200 plus any commission. What a joke! I still was 2 mos behind on my rent, no job, dropped out of college my junior year from being so full of brain fog from the implants so I also had tons of school loans. I didn't know what I was going to do and then an angel came along right in time. It was my husband. I met him on 5/23/99 at the Dave s Band Concert. My friend had broke up with her boyfriend so I got his ticket. My husband was sitting right behind me and that is when we met. He moved in with me right away since he lived almost 2 hrs away from me. He commuted to work almost 4 hours total for me and helped me get back on track with everything. He paid the rent and I found jobs but just got sick and had to quit or be fired. We were engaged in 12/99 and married 8/6/00.

I guess the point I am trying to make is just when you think nobody is there for you an Angel will show up and you won't be alone. I thought that noone really was there for me. He had to bust down my stone hard wall to get through to me that people do care about you and you can be loved.

You have to fight this, I know you probably feel weak but you need to fight. You will get the positive attitude back, once you do you will feel like you can overcome anything. I feel it now. I really do. Please don't give up on life again and people. I have tried suicide several times and what stopped me from attempts again is my husband and my two little pugs that need me. You little kitty needs you. She looks up to you. Fight this and you will feel better about things once you overcome it and then you will feel stronger and stronger.

I live in VA so I am so far from you. I just spent the $6000+ on the surgery I just had and am still recovering. We took out a loan.... well my husband did. Anyway, if I were there I would really try to help you. I will try now. I really do care about people and I care about your welfare. I will try to help you stay positive and get you help. You are in Denver?

I know you are probably thinking, great another person who thinks they can help me. I am sure you have heard it before, but I really want to help if I can. Just let me know what I can do? I don't know anything about you except that when you were off the board for awhile everyone was really concerned with what happened to you. I understand how you feel and would be bitter about everything. I have had hated life and didn't understand what was the point? I do now. There is something else out there for you that you don't know is ahead of you. There is a purpose for your life. :)

If there is something I can do please let me know.



----- Original Message -----

From: e Rene

Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 10:15 PM

Subject: Re: Martha


First, I want to say I'm so happy that your surgery went so well and you are starting to feel better. I admire your positive attitude, and only wish that I had a positive attitude. But you provide the encouragement and strength for many women to go on. I hope that you continue to progress and feel better.

And I also want to thank you for your kind words, support and encouragement regarding my parents. I, too, used to forward my parents information and articles about implants. I sent them pictures and stories and testimonies. Before I had my implants out, I think there was a point when my parents believed that my implants were the cause of all my health problems. But now, the whole idea is so difficult for them to comprehend and the implant debate/issue is so intangible, that I sincerely think they feel that it's easier to discredit the information I've provided them than it is to believe me. What a shame. I have not sent my parents any info re implants in about 1 yr. I'm so emotionally tired of defending something that should be so crystal clear to everyone, that I've essentially given up on trying to convince everyone.

Everyone in this support group has been so caring and supportive, but without the support of family and having lost every so called "best friend" since I've been so ill, I feel like I no longer have anyone or anything. On Feb 13, I will officially be a homeless person. Just me and my kitty out on the streets of Denver. My credit is so bad because of all the bills I have and the debt I'm in that I am unable to rent an apt. And even knowing that I will be homeless, my parents refuse to help me out or allow me to stay with them until I find another job. Now if that doesn't knock you down a few rungs on the ladder, I don't know what will. Regardless, I am unable to trust anyone because I no longer believe anyone truly wants to help me.

But again, thank you for your kind words. I do appreciate it.


----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 9:39 AM

Subject: Re: Martha


I am sorry to hear about the fight with your mother. I feel the same frusteration at times with a lot of my own family members and just want to let you know that I can understand where you are coming from. That is the main reason I am here and a member of the group. I am tired of trying to make others understand. They just never will so I just don't discuss it with them anymore. Now and then I will forward informative articles that I receive from the group to my friends and family just to help them understand a little and that I am not the only one. I don't say much, I just forward them the article. I think that says it all and it makes them feel bad for assuming it was all in my head, etc. Anyway, this isn't about me, it is about you. I hope that us a group can give you the support that you need. I am here for you if you need me. I understand and my thoughts and prayers are with you.



----- Original Message -----

From: e Rene

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 6:56 PM

Subject: Re: Martha


I understand where you're coming from. It was just 2 days ago told by my own mom that I am a liar. She accused me of making up all my health problems, and that I had surgeries I didn't really need!! She feels that if all my health problems were related to implants, then doctors would "surely not be implanting women with them anymore." Of course my mom is very narrow-minded and doesn't understand that I am only 1 of hundreds (thousands?) who have been made seriously ill and just because I'm sick doesn't mean that this proves implants are bad. She also doesn't understand that not one ps out there is refusing to implant women. And as long as ps' continue to implant women, our voices will never be heard and/or taken seriously.

Furthermore, after a very emotional and hate filled conversation with my mom, I asked her how she suddenly was granted a medical degree and could back up what she was saying? I told her that my heart surgery was needed because there was a hole in the septum, and I had had a stroke. I was at great risk for future debilitating strokes if that hole wasn't closed. I also was looking at a life of having to take coumadin or plavix. My neck surgery was needed because of the severity of my neurological symtoms, and the risk of permanent paralysis (of which I am facing now). My sternal wires were removed because of the multiple infections and granulomas in my chest. Since removal of the sternal wires, I have had NO problems with sternal infections or development of granulomas. And of course my explantation surgery was necessary. I went on to tell her the last surgery I had that wasn't needed was the placement of my implants. And that all of my health problems and "unnecessary surgeries" occurred after my implants were placed.

Needless to say, my mom and I are again on nonspeaking terms (the 2nd time in a yr). No love lost. I'm tired of fighting with my doctors and now I'm tired of fighting with my own parents. If they don't believe their own daughter, then they can rot in hell!

And if anyone accuses me of being angry, you're damn right! I know how my life took a turn for the worse after my implants and I know that all of my health problems are both directly and indirectly related to my implants. I have struggled with the medical system for almost 5 yrs now; trying to convince them of my symptoms and their severity, of the fact that I truly believe the implants are related to everything that has happened to me medically. And 5 yrs after this all started, I am still arguing with and trying to convince most docs that implants nearly killed me. I currently have only 2 docs I'm seeing now, my neurosurgeon and oncologist, who believe me, and only because of the fact that things that shouldn't have happened, did. And things that aren't supposed to happen to someone my age, did. I hate the medical establishment and what it stands for. And I can honestly say that docs don't care and most are only in it for the money. It's sad, and disheartening, and unfortunately, I don't ever see it getting better.


----- Original Message -----

From: Curry

Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 4:02 PM

Subject: Martha

Hi Martha, Thank you for your email. But I personally don't know if my threshold of pain is low, 'cause I live with pain 24/7 and somedays I feel that it's more than I can stand. All I do know is, I requested and Anesthesiologist for my explant surgery, telling the Doctor I felt she was going to find my explant more difficult than she thinks. She said to me, that she will have me out of surgery within one and a half hours to two hours. Then she told me a week later, that she was only trying to save me $ 800.00 by not having an Anesthesiologist there. That wasn't her decision to make! And you're right, medical professionals do think that people like you and me are exaggerating, or are just out right lying. Yet no one can tell me what I have to gain by exaggerating or lying about my health. It certainly isn't money! If that was the case, I would've invested my hard earn money to make my older yr's more comfortable. Not given it to soooo many Doctor's, to help make their older yr's more comfortable. It can't be for prestige, 'cause I no long am able to work. Instead I just continue to be humiliated and degraded for the past four yr's and two months, because I always believed that while a person is employed (paying into their Social Security), would be there for them to apply for when (due to health problems) were no longer able to work. I guess I was wrong. I am so tired Martha. I'm tired of the pain and "all" of the lies (not just about me, but about this whole implant issue). My God! I had a life once! I was happy! And I had a wonderful career! I had dreams and goals to fulfill. My husband and I were buying a home, living and loving every minute of life with excellent credit and money in the bank. Not anymore! We've lost all that, but we still have each other and the Lord! So, if that's all I have from now until the Lord calls me home, then I have allot more than all of the people who have hurt us for their own personal gain. I wouldn't trade places with anyone of them. They can keep their damn money and I'll keep the pain, just as long as I never become like them! Oh well. You have a wonderful evening Martha and I'll work on my anger issue and everything will be okay. Love and Hugs...............


Hi ,

I Believe you, as my threshold of pain is soooo low, and I know what it's like to have medical professionals think I'm simply exaggerating because I'm not "normal" in this area!



Martha MurdockNational Silicone Implant Foundationwww.topica.com/lists/BreastImplantNews/

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  • 7 months later...

Thank , I am very nervous, but really finally feeling that I have some type of control now in my life. Seems like the last two years, I felt"owned" by my implants. I can't wait to "disown" them. You are truely a great friend in this !

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----- Original Message ----- From: Beckman


Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 11:11 AM

Subject: Martha

Martha is having a contest for the next big idea. A magazine for food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances is on the top of her list. Please click on the link below and vote for is to make this happen!


All the best,


Director of Development / Administrator

Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University

Harkness Pavilion

180 Fort Washington Avenue

Suite 934

New York, NY 10032

Tel (212) 342-4529

Cell (646) 812-1212

Fax (212) 342-0447

Email cb2280@...


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