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Re: Re: Hello Jenna

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No, you certainly don't " need " fibro too, but it would

not be unusual for you to also have this with RA.

Many of us here in the group have fibro, either pre-RA

or post-RA, and understand what you are going through.

Your doctor should test you for fibro, for him to say

he won't do the testing because he feels you don't

need fibro, is ridiculous. I think you might need a

new rheumy, one who will test you for symptoms you

have that might be fibro, and also treat your RA,

someone who will not decide which disease you need and

which you do not need, a

--- siofra520 <siofra520@...> wrote:

> -Kathy,

> I am writing in response to something wyou wrote to

> a new member. I

> have been on MTX ,Placquenel,and Prednisone. With a

> lot of side

> effects which put me into the hospital and made me

> ery sick for 5

> months and led to my asking the rheummy to take me

> off the MTX and

> Placquenel-....which he did yesterday. I am waiting

> for the insurane

> comany to approve the Humera and am looking forward

> to trying

> it .....hopefully without the nausea/vomiting

> problems that I had

> before on the other meds. My question is this...you

> mentioned that

> you were on meds for Fibro....can you tell me what

> you are on for

> that. My PCP says I have Fibro, the Rheummy won't

> even check me over

> and do the trigger point testing........ " you don't

> need to have fibro

> too " is what he says....no I don't need to but my

> other Dr thinks I

> do...I would like it confirmed and would like to be

> on any meds that

> would help me to move my arms and neck without pain

> in the muscles.

> And I would like to find out why I havea MASS under

> the skin on my

> right hip...a mass the size of my hand (with finger

> spread out). Is

> this a fibro thing ??? It is only on the one side

> though. Rhuemmy

> felt it and said it was inflamation of the

> muscle....isn't that part

> of FIbro???? AM I missing something here???? any

> enlightenment by

> anyone is requested! just jump on in here and

> enlighten me!! please!!

> thanks jenna



> >Kathy said


> > > > The pain I am having now

> > is predominantly fibro pain, and my rheumy and I

> are

> > working on getting that under control too. I take

> > different meds for the fibro, blood pressure,

> asthma,

> > and anti-depressant, so I have a very crowded

> bathroom

> > counter lol.

> > Kathe in CA


> >

> >

> > >

> __________________________________________________

> >

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Guest guest


No, you certainly don't " need " fibro too, but it would

not be unusual for you to also have this with RA.

Many of us here in the group have fibro, either pre-RA

or post-RA, and understand what you are going through.

Your doctor should test you for fibro, for him to say

he won't do the testing because he feels you don't

need fibro, is ridiculous. I think you might need a

new rheumy, one who will test you for symptoms you

have that might be fibro, and also treat your RA,

someone who will not decide which disease you need and

which you do not need, and treat those you have. It's

not unusual to have more than one autoimmune disease -

they seem to like to run in packs ..... lucky us.

Anyway, for my fibro I take medication for nerve pain

which is Lyrica, and I take this twice a day; for

muscle relaxants I take Skelaxin 3 times a day and

Zanaflex at bedtime; I take an anti-depressant which

is also good with fibro nerve pain and that is

Cymbalta (this is new to me and replaced Effexor XR);

and I take Ambien CR as a sleep medication.

Yes, muscle spasm is a problem with fibro, and it is

not uncommon to find bunched muscles - like that which

you describe - throughout the body. Nerve pain is

also common, shooting, burning pain, numbness and

tingling in the extremities - mine is worse in my

legs and feet (fronts of my legs, especially my shins,

and down into the tops of my feet). Sometimes it is

hard to decide if it is fibro pain or RA pain -

sometimes my joints and my entire body hurt. Fibro

for me also includes balance problems, fibro fog or

mental fogginess, excessive fatigue, and difficulty

sleeping. My body is pretty much constantly tense and

in pain. No, nobody " wants " or " needs " fibro lol.

Again, I think you need a rheumy who believes in

fibro, will test you for it, and treat you for it. If

this rheumy will not, then move on! There are meds

that can possibly help you with your fibro pain, and

you need have that medication accessible to you.

I wish you the best of luck - let me know what happens

with your rheumy - get tough with him, and tell him

you need treatment for your fibro - he is you

employee, and you can fire him and move on if he is

not doing his job. My rheum treats both my RA and

fibro, and yours should too!

Kathe in CA

--- siofra520 <siofra520@...> wrote:

> -Kathy,

.. My question is this...you> mentioned that > you were

on meds for Fibro....can you tell me what> you are on

for > that. My PCP says I have Fibro, the Rheummy


> even check me over > and do the trigger point

testing........ " you don't> need to have fibro > too "

is what he says....no I don't need to but my> other Dr

thinks I > do...I would like it confirmed and would

like to be> on any meds that > would help me to move

my arms and neck without pain in the muscles. > And I

would like to find out why I havea MASS under> the

skin on my > right hip...a mass the size of my hand

(with finger> spread out). Is > this a fibro thing ???

It is only on the one side> though. Rhuemmy > felt it

and said it was inflamation of the> muscle....isn't

that part > of FIbro???? AM I missing something

here???? any> enlightenment by > anyone is requested!

just jump on in here and> enlighten me!! please!!

> thanks jenna



> >Kathy said


> > > > The pain I am having now

> > is predominantly fibro pain, and my rheumy and I

> are

> > working on getting that under control too. I take

> > different meds for the fibro, blood pressure,

> asthma,

> > and anti-depressant, so I have a very crowded

> bathroom

> > counter lol.

> > Kathe in CA


> >

> >

> > >

> __________________________________________________

> >

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