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has anyone tried antipsychotic meds for pssd?

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> i would like to here from anyone that has tried any antipsychotic


> to treat pssd and what there experiences were?


> thanks...


i was on risperdal leponex and clopixol 2 yrs ago till september this

year.last drug i took was risperdal 1mg. they also affect erection

ability.i think i recovered from pssd but im on risperdal(atypical) and

leponex(typical antipsych.) again.i went into a relapse so i had to

take them again. they dont improve potency rather make it harder to

achieve. but im on small dosage so i think itll get better when my body

adapts to them.my pssd days are over thank God.without any supplements

taken.my prob is mostly psychological and a bit potented by psych

meds.i told my doc ill never take ssri-s again.but these antipsychotics

stabilise me and will,hopefully and eventually, get me back on track

sexwise. i hope i answered ur question.if not email me. bye for now

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I think I have pssd,

but this was mistakenly diagnosed as

schizophrenia, so I took Risperdal for 16 months,

there is no fast improvement (I think I improved

because of time), I was very tired, I gained a

lot of weight and was physically unable to have sex

(ssri made me only unable to enjoy sex). Risperdal is

probably a bad thing and certainly no easy cure.

I will now probably try tianeptine(Stablon)




> i would like to here from anyone that has tried any antipsychotic meds

> to treat pssd and what there experiences were?


> thanks...


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I was on Zoloft for 6 days in August 2004. Libido was 0% during those

6 days. It returned later on. At times it would disappear, but it

returned very strong. When I had a hot girlfriend I was always turned

on by her.

When she left, it went back off and on. But eventually it returned

very strong for most of the time.

Then came my hospitalization in March 2006. I was put on Risperdal.

4mg/ed for six weeks, then one more week to taper off. I tapered off

using my own judgment.

The antipsychotic experience wasn't for purposes of PSSD, but it was

after the SSRI.

The end result is that I'm still suffering with 0% libido.

I didn't have full blown PSSD before the Risperdal, but the SSRI did

have immediate and some lasting sexual loss.

From my experience, the idea of taking anti psychotics for PSSD is a

definite bad idea.

Your better off trying Cialis or HGH or steroids or GHRP-6 or an NGF

stimulating supplement or trying some kind of electrical stimulation


From experience I know that having a partner helps a lot.

The worse the PSSD is, the more understanding and patient the partner

needs to be.

I hope this experience helps others figure out what's right for them.


> i would like to here from anyone that has tried any antipsychotic meds

> to treat pssd and what there experiences were?


> thanks...


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have you spent a period of time off the medication?

if so was it for long and did you experience any positive sexual

efects after coming off them?

> >

> > i would like to here from anyone that has tried any antipsychotic


> > to treat pssd and what there experiences were?

> >

> > thanks...

> >


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did you spend any period of time off the medication?

if so did you experience any positive sexual effects during that time?

> >

> > i would like to here from anyone that has tried any antipsychotic

> meds

> > to treat pssd and what there experiences were?

> >

> > thanks...

> >


> i was on risperdal leponex and clopixol 2 yrs ago till september


> year.last drug i took was risperdal 1mg. they also affect erection

> ability.i think i recovered from pssd but im on risperdal(atypical)


> leponex(typical antipsych.) again.i went into a relapse so i had to

> take them again. they dont improve potency rather make it harder to

> achieve. but im on small dosage so i think itll get better when my


> adapts to them.my pssd days are over thank God.without any


> taken.my prob is mostly psychological and a bit potented by psych

> meds.i told my doc ill never take ssri-s again.but these


> stabilise me and will,hopefully and eventually, get me back on


> sexwise. i hope i answered ur question.if not email me. bye for now


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Risperdal has sexual dysfunction as possible side effects. And it

might possibly even cause a PSSD-like syndrome. So it seems strange to

me to try to cure PSSD with Risperdal. Maybe Risperdal was prescribed

as an alternative to the SSRI, hoping it would give less sexual

problems than the SSRI?

PSSD was diagnosed as schizofrenia? This sounds even stranger to me. I

don't know the details of your story though.

> >

> > i would like to here from anyone that has tried any antipsychotic


> > to treat pssd and what there experiences were?

> >

> > thanks...

> >


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I am now 1 month off the meds.

My problem is that I suffer from a lack of

feelings. I can have to orgasms a day, but

it is hard to get them and they are less nice

Regards Jean

--- " nemo.shark " wrote:

> have you spent a period of time off the medication?


> if so was it for long and did you experience any

> positive sexual

> efects after coming off them?



> > >

> > > i would like to here from anyone that has tried

> any antipsychotic

> meds

> > > to treat pssd and what there experiences were?

> > >

> > > thanks...

> > >

> >






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" Your better off trying Cialis or HGH or steroids or GHRP-6 or an NGF "

i was reading on bodybuilding.com how bodybuilders sort there

testosterone production by using things to reactivate the something

hyper pituitary axis(or some thing like that) after they have been on

steroids and wondered if anyone had tried to sort out there low t

levels using some of the things they use, do you know anything about


p.s do you recon its possible to masturbate for ridiculous amounts of

time over an extended period of time, as to really stimulate your own

testosterone levels into a high amount?

keeping in mind that article you posted about viagra (or pde5's) and

the testosterone levels of the people that took it and didn't have

sex having no increase in t levels and the ones that took it and did

have sex having an increase?

i suppose if chronic masturbation does stimulate higher t levels,

then when you stop you could experience what bodybuilders experience

when they come off the steroids and have problems with low libido ed

and excessive estrogen maybe???

id much appreciate your opinion on this......

> >

> > i would like to here from anyone that has tried any antipsychotic


> > to treat pssd and what there experiences were?

> >

> > thanks...

> >


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" Your better off trying Cialis or HGH or steroids or GHRP-6 or an NGF "

" i was reading on bodybuilding.com how bodybuilders sort there

testosterone production by using things to reactivate the something

hyper pituitary axis(or some thing like that) after they have been on

steroids and wondered if anyone had tried to sort out there low t

levels using some of the things they use, do you know anything about

this? "

It's clomid. The same thing an endo doc will use to figure out if you

have primary or secondary hypogonadism. Clomid side effects are:

visual blurs, flickers, trails. crappy mood changes. Increased semen

volume. Also if your testes have shrunk like raisins you can

reactivate them and make them grow again by shooting some HCG.

The clomid works by stimulating the pituitary, the HCG stimulates the

testes. This is basically the hypothalamus pituitary testicular axis

recovery. Also some aromasin will knock out estrogen problems and also

help stimulate T recovery. Also, as long as your checking body

building sites, is a phony, don't buy his sh!t.

I tried a little clomid once. It more than did the job. If you try it

on your own, don't go to your doctor to get your T tested. Get one of

those test kits online. It will save you from getting harassed by the

useless doctors. Or, if you do go to the doctor, lol, and he asks why

your T level is 200% higher than normal, you'll have to convince him

you took a crap load of tribulus.

" p.s do you recon its possible to masturbate for ridiculous amounts

of time over an extended period of time, as to really stimulate your

own testosterone levels into a high amount? "

I don't think that works. I've never seen any evidence of it.

But there is scientific study results showing that banging chicks and

getting lots of exercise raises T level. Or try some tribulus. You can

get it at health/herb stores. Beware, it has a diuretic effect. Don't

take any more than the recommended dose (500mg?)or you'll be on the

toilet all day.

" keeping in mind that article you posted about viagra (or pde5's) and

the testosterone levels of the people that took it and didn't have

sex having no increase in t levels and the ones that took it and did

have sex having an increase? "

That is correct. The viagra itself does not raise the T level.

The folks in the study that actually had sex showed raised T levels.

It was also assumed that any PDE5 inhibitor could be used to have sex

and get the resulting raised T level. But that assumption hasn't had a

confirmatory study.

" i suppose if chronic masturbation does stimulate higher t levels,

then when you stop you could experience what bodybuilders experience

when they come off the steroids and have problems with low libido ed

and excessive estrogen maybe???

id much appreciate your opinion on this...... "

I'd say that it is possible that T level would decline because the

testes will shrink from non-use. I also think that excess estrogen

would not occur since the T level was never at super physiological

levels if you don't take steroids. If you do have high levels of

estrogen, it must be from psych drugs disturbing aromatase activity.

This has to do with enzymes that doctors don't include in any standard

tests. The T and E level should be in a certain proportion. If they

aren't out of balance already, it shouldn't be a problem later.

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The Antipsychotics Drugs i.e Zyprexa

Risperidal,Seroquel etc will damage you further I do

not know about PSSD improvement but who wants

permanent brain damage TD and Drug Induced

Parkinsonism to name a few if you must be on them do

so very sparingly get monitored by neurologist

frequently so the the offending meds can be

immediately stopped general practioners and

psychiatrists do not care.


--- survivor030406 wrote:


> I was on Zoloft for 6 days in August 2004. Libido

> was 0% during those

> 6 days. It returned later on. At times it would

> disappear, but it

> returned very strong. When I had a hot girlfriend I

> was always turned

> on by her.

> When she left, it went back off and on. But

> eventually it returned

> very strong for most of the time.

> Then came my hospitalization in March 2006. I was

> put on Risperdal.

> 4mg/ed for six weeks, then one more week to taper

> off. I tapered off

> using my own judgment.

> The antipsychotic experience wasn't for purposes of

> PSSD, but it was

> after the SSRI.

> The end result is that I'm still suffering with 0%

> libido.

> I didn't have full blown PSSD before the Risperdal,

> but the SSRI did

> have immediate and some lasting sexual loss.

> From my experience, the idea of taking anti

> psychotics for PSSD is a

> definite bad idea.

> Your better off trying Cialis or HGH or steroids or

> GHRP-6 or an NGF

> stimulating supplement or trying some kind of

> electrical stimulation

> therapy.

> From experience I know that having a partner helps a

> lot.

> The worse the PSSD is, the more understanding and

> patient the partner

> needs to be.

> I hope this experience helps others figure out

> what's right for them.



> >

> > i would like to here from anyone that has tried

> any antipsychotic meds

> > to treat pssd and what there experiences were?

> >

> > thanks...

> >





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Yes Antipsychotics will stabilise the mood however in

as little as 1 month apparently they can damage you in

other horrific ways.

I think there is a Database called the " Dex Drugs

Database " according to my Pharmist its very expensive

but its a wealth of info on the damaging effects of

meds stats wise,I think its United States based.


--- " nemo.shark " wrote:

> did you spend any period of time off the medication?


> if so did you experience any positive sexual effects

> during that time?



> > >

> > > i would like to here from anyone that has tried

> any antipsychotic

> > meds

> > > to treat pssd and what there experiences were?

> > >

> > > thanks...

> > >

> >

> > i was on risperdal leponex and clopixol 2 yrs ago

> till september

> this

> > year.last drug i took was risperdal 1mg. they also

> affect erection

> > ability.i think i recovered from pssd but im on

> risperdal(atypical)

> and

> > leponex(typical antipsych.) again.i went into a

> relapse so i had to

> > take them again. they dont improve potency rather

> make it harder to

> > achieve. but im on small dosage so i think itll

> get better when my

> body

> > adapts to them.my pssd days are over thank

> God.without any

> supplements

> > taken.my prob is mostly psychological and a bit

> potented by psych

> > meds.i told my doc ill never take ssri-s again.but

> these

> antipsychotics

> > stabilise me and will,hopefully and eventually,

> get me back on

> track

> > sexwise. i hope i answered ur question.if not

> email me. bye for now

> >





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hello jean did those problems start when you took the antipsychotic

meds or after you quit them?

> > > >

> > > > i would like to here from anyone that has tried

> > any antipsychotic

> > meds

> > > > to treat pssd and what there experiences were?

> > > >

> > > > thanks...

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >







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wouldn't the things that you take to raise or stimulate the testes

again have to taken constantly though?

or could you just stop taking them and they would continue to

function at the t levels these things raised them to?

so would you say that chronic masturbation (im talking 6 or more

times a day for over 12 months) could raise t levels to a point that

your just used to functioning at for that amount of time, then when

you stop you could experience low libido and ed as a result of

stopping and your testosterone production returning to its original

levels that you would have to adjust to??

> " Your better off trying Cialis or HGH or steroids or GHRP-6 or an



> " i was reading on bodybuilding.com how bodybuilders sort there

> testosterone production by using things to reactivate the


> hyper pituitary axis(or some thing like that) after they have been


> steroids and wondered if anyone had tried to sort out there low t

> levels using some of the things they use, do you know anything


> this? "


> It's clomid. The same thing an endo doc will use to figure out if


> have primary or secondary hypogonadism. Clomid side effects are:

> visual blurs, flickers, trails. crappy mood changes. Increased semen

> volume. Also if your testes have shrunk like raisins you can

> reactivate them and make them grow again by shooting some HCG.

> The clomid works by stimulating the pituitary, the HCG stimulates


> testes. This is basically the hypothalamus pituitary testicular axis

> recovery. Also some aromasin will knock out estrogen problems and


> help stimulate T recovery. Also, as long as your checking body

> building sites, is a phony, don't buy his sh!t.

> I tried a little clomid once. It more than did the job. If you try


> on your own, don't go to your doctor to get your T tested. Get one


> those test kits online. It will save you from getting harassed by


> useless doctors. Or, if you do go to the doctor, lol, and he asks


> your T level is 200% higher than normal, you'll have to convince him

> you took a crap load of tribulus.



> " p.s do you recon its possible to masturbate for ridiculous amounts

> of time over an extended period of time, as to really stimulate your

> own testosterone levels into a high amount? "


> I don't think that works. I've never seen any evidence of it.

> But there is scientific study results showing that banging chicks


> getting lots of exercise raises T level. Or try some tribulus. You


> get it at health/herb stores. Beware, it has a diuretic effect.


> take any more than the recommended dose (500mg?)or you'll be on the

> toilet all day.



> " keeping in mind that article you posted about viagra (or pde5's)


> the testosterone levels of the people that took it and didn't have

> sex having no increase in t levels and the ones that took it and


> have sex having an increase? "


> That is correct. The viagra itself does not raise the T level.

> The folks in the study that actually had sex showed raised T levels.

> It was also assumed that any PDE5 inhibitor could be used to have


> and get the resulting raised T level. But that assumption hasn't

had a

> confirmatory study.



> " i suppose if chronic masturbation does stimulate higher t levels,

> then when you stop you could experience what bodybuilders


> when they come off the steroids and have problems with low libido


> and excessive estrogen maybe???

> id much appreciate your opinion on this...... "


> I'd say that it is possible that T level would decline because the

> testes will shrink from non-use. I also think that excess estrogen

> would not occur since the T level was never at super physiological

> levels if you don't take steroids. If you do have high levels of

> estrogen, it must be from psych drugs disturbing aromatase activity.

> This has to do with enzymes that doctors don't include in any


> tests. The T and E level should be in a certain proportion. If they

> aren't out of balance already, it shouldn't be a problem later.


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Hello nemo,

I suddenly lost ALL my emotions one week after

taking Seroxat(Praxil ion the US). Two months after

that I took the antipsychotic. It improved

when I was taking the antipsychotic, and it

improved when I stopped taking it after 16 months.

But it only improved very slowly and it took almost

2 years to improve



--- " nemo.shark " wrote:

> hello jean did those problems start when you took

> the antipsychotic

> meds or after you quit them?



> > > > >

> > > > > i would like to here from anyone that has

> tried

> > > any antipsychotic

> > > meds

> > > > > to treat pssd and what there experiences

> were?

> > > > >

> > > > > thanks...

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >



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You might actually be on to something. I was on SSRIs for about 8

months in 2005. Shortly before discontinuing them, I started taking

Lamictal (an antispychotic). I noticed no change in libido. After

stopping SSRIs, I continued to take Lamictal for about half a year.

My libido had improved but was nowhere near where it used to be.

Then, I weaned off Lamictal and - surprise, surprise - I fully

recovered ... for about a week before I took Stablon (SSRE) (I still

hate myself for that absolutely stupid decision; I just didn't feel

ready to cope without an antidepressant). Since then, I've not

recovered again.

I really wonder if Lamictal might have played a role in my short and

- to me at least - miraculous recovery.

I guess the only way to find out if it might work is taking Lamictal

again, but I really don't want to.

Thanks anyway for bringing up that idea. I had never ocurred to me

that Lamictal might possibly have helped me recover back then.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > i would like to here from anyone that has

> > tried

> > > > any antipsychotic

> > > > meds

> > > > > > to treat pssd and what there experiences

> > were?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > thanks...

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >



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> > > Be a better friend, newshound, and

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> >

> http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

> > >

> >

> >

> >







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Somebody was asking if it was a good idea to take anti-psychotic drugs

in an attempt to recover from PSSD. I want to show people how

dangerous these drugs are. Here is a document showing that after only

2 weeks and 3 days, a 23 y.o. lady developed neuroleptic malignant


This is a very serious life threatening injury.

" tremor in the extremities, mild muscle rigidity, psychomotor

retardation, diaphoresis and altered mental status "

These troubling and painful symptoms can last a lifetime.

And she has to take more drugs to treat this injury.

Believe me, these injury's make life suck worse than ever.

Don't take anti-psychotic drugs.

Title:Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and aripiprazole.(Case

Reports)(Brief article).

Source:Brown University Psychopharmacology Update 17.4 (April 2006):

p.8(1). (261 words) From General OneFile.

Document Type:Magazine/Journal

Bookmark:Bookmark this Document


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