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Re: Wednesday Workout

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DANG! Amazing.

I was choking when I read 20s for dumbbell chest flys! Way to go, !!



Re: Wednesday Workout


Daaaaaang!  Them are some HEAVY weights!  Fried indeed!


 Good morning!

    Today I did STS Total Body, but I did only one set of the legs.  They are still sore from AfterBurn the other day.  I also modified a few exercises so I could get in more biceps and triceps since this workout really lacks in both.  I was fried by the end.


Legs Dumbbell Squats 20Elevated Lunges 15Power Barbell Deadlifts - I did seated overhead tricep extensions using 1 25 DBChest

Barbell Bench Presses 50Dumbbell Flys 20Dips- I did lying tricep extensions using 10 lbBonus Burn: push-ups - I did the tricep extensions again using 10 lbBack/Biceps Barbell rows underhand grip 50One Arm Dumbbell Rows 25Dumbbell Curls 12Bonus Burn- T’s and curls w/ band - I did seated hammer curls for the first round and then did alternating curls for the rest- 12 lbLegs

Narrow Stance Dumbbell Squats 20Static Dumbbell Lunges 15Stiff Leg Barbell Deadlifts - skippedShouldersDumbbell Military Presses 12Barbell Upright Rows 12 DBLateral Raises 5Bonus Burn: Band rear delt raises- no band, used 5 DBLegs

Side Slide Plate Lunges 10Back Slide Plate Lunges 10Wide Stance Barbell Deadlifts- skipped Abs- band and 3 lb


The abs are really tough in this workout.

I had in my notes to wear my HRM next time, so I did.

I burned 294 calories, avg 116, max 154


Have a great day!


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I never thought of using a barbell for a front raise.   Hmm! GREAT weights, as usual, !  I'm impressed you did the tricep dips with 15 lbs - I have a a hard time with my bodyweight for those!



Good morning!


    I was looking forward to no cardio today, so this was good.   I did Muscle Max. I did the whole thing, but left out the abs since I did that yesterday.



Lower BodyDumbbell Squats 10Barbell Squats  35Barbell Static Lunges  30Chest Push Ups ( 2 sets of 12)   toesDumbbell Flys #1 15Dumbbell Flys #2  15Push Ups- toes and kneesBack Barbell Underhand Rows #1  40Barbell Underhand Rows #2   40Dumbbell One Arm Rows  25Barbell Pullovers  30Lower Body WorkoutBand Leg Presses #1  - I used 10 DBDumbbell Plie Squats #1  15Dumbbell Plie Squats #2   15ShouldersDumbbell Lateral Raise #1  10Dumbbell Lateral Raise #2   10Band Lateral Raise  (I used 5 DB)Dumbbell Upright Row#1  10Dumbbell Upright Row #2  10Barbell Front Raise/Delt    15Biceps Barbell Curls #1  32Barbell Curls #2  32Dumbbell Curls  10TricepsDumbbell Press/Dips #1   15Dumbbell Press/Dips #2    15Band Kickbacks -  (I used 5 DB)


Have a great day!

  `* ¸*´

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)

(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.

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GREAT weights, as usual, ! I'm impressed you did the tricep dips with 15 lbs - I have a a hard time with my bodyweight for those!

This was just dips, no weight, and after the dips we went immediately to seated overhead tricep extensions. Then we did it again. The second time around got me good.

`* ¸*´¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.

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LOL! I chuckled at your doggie getting her hair done - my Dad has 2 Shih-Tzus and they also get their hair done. I think Shenan (my dog) would bite the groomer....


Subject: Wednesday WorkoutTo: Cathe_Friedrich_Fans , exercisevideos , fitandthatsit Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2012, 9:16 AM

Good morning!

Just got home from walking the dogs. Its supposed to get to around 87 today and Lily (our shih tuz) can't stand hot temps. She over heats very easily. It looks like it will be morning walks the rest of this week. Tomorrow there won't be any walks because she gets her hair done in the morning and then later we have to get ready for our garage sale.

Today was Spreen's Combat from her Absolute KB and then straight to her combat from Progressive Strength along with abs. These workouts use a body bar.

This was so fun and SUPER tough. I worked my muscles in a completely different way. I won't be surprised at all if I'm not sure sore tomorrow. I'm sure I worked muscles that I haven't used in a while.

Funny, but during Absolute combat says that she recommends you don't use more than a 9 lb body bar. I was thinking my body bar was like 10? so after the workout I went and weighed it. No wonder I was frying, my body bar is 12 lbs lol.

I did the abs at the end of progressive strength and they were tough too, especially the side planks using a weight.

So all of this took me an hour and 5 minutes. I burned 379 calories, avg 127, max 158, steps 4,371

Have a great day!~~

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