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Re: PSSD and emotional numbness/lowered functioning or productivity

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I've been walking around feeling half dead from pssd. I don't know if what causes pssd, causes increased emotional numbness. It may just be the shock that I may have to deal with these symptoms for the rest of my life. It's a bitter pill to swallow, for all of us.

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My emotions have been pretty blunted. I feel the system in my brain responsible for pleasure, motivation, and passion has been severely damaged by antidepressants. I don't get the same urges and feelings I use tomagurkin52 wrote: Has anyone here experienced emotional numbness or lowered level of functioning along with your PSSD? I'm bipolar and before the PSSD I used to have mood swings and intense emotions and since the PSSD symptoms set in about 4 years ago my emotions have been dulled and my bipolar symptoms have actually been

counteracted and I can't feel happy or sad, it's so messed up. Along with this flatness, my motivation and level of functioning have also decreased. Has anyone here experienced or heard about any of these symptoms?

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Yes I would agree with your observation of generalized emotional


I have also noticed that without feeling depressed I may present as

though I am depressed, that is, given a situation that should depress

me I tend NOT to feel depressed but will show other symptoms, for

example, mild insomnia and demotivation. Comparatively, prior to

SSRIs I would have said that I only presented with mild insomnia when

I was cronically depressed. i.e. The depression is replaced with the

emotional flatness (apathy) and the other symptoms remain intacted.

Loss of motivation may be a problem to some extent but I cannot

cleanly judge this. I am currently demotivated, but cannot honestly

say that I was overly motivated prior to SSRI exposure. Also given my

observation that I can present will the symptoms of depression, which

in my case included demotivation, it is possible that I could have

been depressed and demotivated at the moment had I never taken SSRIs.

Alternatively though I did spend a year working in a stationery

shop after I stopped taking SSRIs despite having an MSc in Elec

Engineering . I could just not have been bothered to look for a job.

The only thing that I would like to add is that I think you are

pointing to a larger problem that encompasses PSSD. I have noticed

that, in general, any neurological function that requires a

" chain-reaction " has been inhibited since SSRIs. Sexuality and the

physical aspects of sexuality are just an extreme example of a self

reinforcing condition in the brain. Another example would be your

" survival instinct. " To understand what I mean you must consider my

model of suicide. I noted that there were essential three broad

phases to the process.

1. The practicality of your chosen method.

2. Emotional acceptance of the sitation.

3. Overcoming your " survival instinct. " This would present itself as

a strong and building " shock " and hence prevent you from doing

anything silly. Your brain essentially produced a " chain reaction " of

emotion that would avert the disaster.

I have not been pushed the limits of level 3 in years but I have this

nasty suspicion that this mechanism is not completely intact.



> Has anyone here experienced emotional numbness or lowered level of

functioning along with your PSSD? I'm bipolar and before the PSSD I

used to have mood swings and intense emotions and since the PSSD

symptoms set in about 4 years ago my emotions have been dulled and my

bipolar symptoms have actually been counteracted and I can't feel

happy or sad, it's so messed up. Along with this flatness, my

motivation and level of functioning have also decreased. Has anyone

here experienced or heard about any of these symptoms?


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> Has anyone here experienced emotional numbness or lowered level of

functioning along with your PSSD? I'm bipolar and before the PSSD I

used to have mood swings and intense emotions and since the PSSD

symptoms set in about 4 years ago my emotions have been dulled and my

bipolar symptoms have actually been counteracted and I can't feel

happy or sad, it's so messed up. Along with this flatness, my

motivation and level of functioning have also decreased. Has anyone

here experienced or heard about any of these symptoms?


In a word, yes.

This has actually been more disturbing than the sexual aspects of it.

Sure, I miss digging girls, but it's even worse when NOTHING is fun.

See if you can get a doctor to check your testosterone and thyroid.

In my case at least, the drug seems to have jacked up my pituitary

and given me secondary hypogonadism. In other words, my testosterone

is low because my pituitary doesn't tell my balls to make enough,

which effects not only sexual desires but also motivation and energy

in general.

As for how to fix it... well...

I've found that Zoloft, Remeron, Wellbutrin, and Requip all didn't

effect anything. Between those drugs, seretonin, dopamine, and

norepinephrine are all raised a bit and this made no difference. So

if you find your problems mirror mine, that might not be your first

place to look - I personally don't think neurotransmitters are the

issue for me, at least not directly.

Although I am interested in this Tianeptine possibility. Apparantly

it is the Anti-SSRI, so maybe that would get me back to where I was

before all this mess... I'd take OCD over feeling like this any day.


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, if you'd help us to promote PSSD on relevant webforums, research

may start worlwide within a few years time, to find a cure for this

terrible condition.

Try cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) to cope mentally with PSSD. CBT

is mainly about positive thinking. CBT is scientifically proven to be

pretty effective for depression and other mental problems! It might

even improve sexual dysfunction, as fas as that is caused or

aggrevated by mental factors. I wish you courage.

- In SSRIsex , Varuna1907@... wrote:

> It may just be the shock that I may have to deal with these symptoms

> for the rest of my life. It's a bitter pill to swallow, for all of us.

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When was the last time you used psycho medication?

Have you ever or regular experienced these same mental symptoms before

using psycho medication? And do these symptoms now vary with your life


If these recent mental symptoms would have a mental cause, than one

would expect a correlation with major life events, like in the fields

of love, work, money and conflicts. (The same goes for sexual



> My emotions have been pretty blunted. I feel the system in my brain

responsible for pleasure, motivation, and passion has been severely

damaged by antidepressants. I don't get the same urges and feelings I

use to

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I have had my levels drawn and everything was relatively normal except my ACTH

was high and my free testosterone was very low but my total testosterone was

normal and I'm hairy and have a relatively deep voice and my teste size was

normal so the endocrinologist said i was fine. What is secondary hypogonadism

and does it sound like I have it ? Also , you said you'd much rather be

ocd then have these PSSD symptoms, is that to say your ocd has sort of gone

away? Because, like I said, my bipolar disorder has 'gone away' since PSSD and,

like you, I would MUCH rather have my original illness than this. Maybe along

with decreasing emotions it decreases psychosis, because psychosis is a large

part of mania, and for you, ocd, and I simply don't get manic anymore even off

of all meds and I used to cry like every other day and now I can't cry even if I

want to.

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No I never experienced these symptoms before using medication. I'm pretty certain their the culprit. They disrupted my emotional system drastically.stevehazek wrote: When was the last time you used psycho medication? Have you ever or regular experienced these same mental symptoms beforeusing psycho medication? And do these symptoms now vary with your lifesituation? If these recent mental symptoms would have a mental cause, than onewould expect a correlation with major life events, like in the

fieldsof love, work, money and conflicts. (The same goes for sexualdysfunction.)>> My emotions have been pretty blunted. I feel the system in my brainresponsible for pleasure, motivation, and passion has been severelydamaged by antidepressants. I don't get the same urges and feelings Iuse to

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That is a very important argument that PSSD exists and is indeed

caused bij psycho medication. Scientists can very easily investigate

how many percent of PSSD patients recognise this fact in their

symptoms. Pharma companies and universities should study this question


It is also important if the PSSD symptoms resemble the specific sexual

symptoms while using psycho medication.

Via this scientific route the existence of PSSD can be made very



> No I never experienced these symptoms before using medication. I'm

pretty certain their the culprit. They disrupted my emotional system


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Scientists already know it exists. They gave SSRI drugs to rats and

they all got sexual dysfunction. I think that's enough valid evidence

to say it exists. Pharma companies aren't interested in admitting that

their defective drugs hurt people. So they aren't going to study this.

University's are kind of a grey area. They can go either way. (corrupt

or legit) There is a new medicade law being proposed. (in USA)

The new law would make it mandatory instead of voluntary for doctors

to report drug injury's to the FDA. That would mean a lot more of this

kind of data would be going to the regulators who would have to

investigate these injury's. The FDA hasn't made a definite position on

this proposal yet. You can still report PSSD at www.fda.gov

> >

> > No I never experienced these symptoms before using medication. I'm

> pretty certain their the culprit. They disrupted my emotional system

> drastically.


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you know what it would probably get a lot more adrs reported but a

lot like pssd still wont as they will say its psychological, its all

about how that doctor perceives whats going on.

yeah big pharma just proactively seek to create partially effective

treatments for all conditions!

the truth of the matter is discovery's are made every month that

could lead to cures for numerous things like cancer, diabetes,

arthritis and so and so on, how many times have you read a newspaper

article saying scientists discover something that could lead to a

cure for ............?

yeah its going to be here within the next ten years, ten years has

come and gone, the truth is discovery's are made that could lead to

cures and nobody puts funds into them because they would rather make

billions selling you a partially effective treatment for the rest of

your life, thats where the money is! (i bet they shit themselves many

times per year when they discover things that could lead to a cure

for something that they make billions off selling 5 or 6 different

drugs for! oh shit what will that do to our share prices they think?)

they seek to develop partially effective treatments only, it was only

last month that a drug company released a new cancer drug that you

can take along with another cancer drug tamoxifen because tamoxifen

stops working after a while so they come along and sell you another

pill that you take with tamoxifen to make tamoxifen start working

again, how fucked up is that!

most cancer research Charity's have become big greedy corporate

monsters, just researching and researching and researching and

researching and not exploring the most promising avenues for a cure,

if they found a cure there organisation wouldn't exist they loose

there jobs the scientists loose there jobs.

we are just exploited and hardly anyone knows it..

> > >

> > > No I never experienced these symptoms before using medication.


> > pretty certain their the culprit. They disrupted my emotional


> > drastically.

> >


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