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Thursday Workout

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Hi ,

The elbow thing may be the beginning of tendonitis - try ice and rest it a bit!Donna

Subject: Thursday WorkoutTo: Cathe_Friedrich_Fans , exercisevideos , fitandthatsit Date: Thursday, April 5, 2012, 8:13 AM

Good morning!

I got up this morning with my upper back still VERY sore with additional soreness. Now my calves and abs. The sore abs are from that silly Iron yoga from the other day and I'm sure the add on abs in Pure Strength added to the soreness. I'm not complaining with the abs at all though.

Today started with 's 30MTF Boot Camp cardio only premix then it was shoulder work using PUB and PS once again. I haven't done 's BC in a long time so it was a nice change with the cardio. With my back still being so sore I was sure how doing the shoulder work would feel, but it was fine except for my stupid elbow, which is feeling worse with certain exercises.

Pyramid Upper Body:

side lateral raises 3/5/7/5/3front raises 3/5/7/5/3rear delt flies 3/5/7/5/3

Pure Strength:

Arnold press ( 3 sets) 10

Seated clean & press ( 2 sets) 8/5

Side lateral raise ( 2 sets) 8

Reverse flys ( 2 sets) 8

Lateral raise ( 1 set) 8

I burned 353 calories, avg 132, max 173, steps 3,508

Have a great day! ~~

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Good morning!

Got up this morning (4:45 am) wishing I had the last 2 4DS workouts done. Just not feeling these, for some reason.

Today was 4DS Boot Camp.

Round #1

Overhead extension ( 4 sets) 12/15/20/25

Standing DB curls (4 sets) 10/12 and 12/15 ( my elbow doesn't like bicep work )

Round # 2

Lying BB extensions ( 2 sets) 30 BB/ 7 DB

BB crazy 8's 30BB

Reverse curl 12 DB

Round #3


Tricep pushups

Incline hammer curl 12

Double arm hammer curl 12

Round #4

One arm press down- I have to admit I do like the band with this exercise

Concentration curls 15

Wrist curls 10

I burned 424 calories, avg 136, max 180, steps 3,214

Have a great day!~~

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Another tough workout, ! Way to go!

Thursday Workout

Man, this week is going fast for me, for some reason.

So today was MMA Kick Box (warm up and cardio only) then it was straight to Meso 2 #16 shoulder work. I wore my 1 lb gloves for the kick box.

Standing BB front press 12/10/8 reps 30

Standing BB front press (back off set) 20 15 reps

Standing lateral raise 12/10/8 reps 10

Standing lateral raise (back off set) 7 8 reps

Seated rear delts 12/10/8 reps 15

Seated rear delts (back off set) 10 15 reps

Have a great day!~~

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