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I just got up early to do Turbo Barre, but my left ankle is now super swollen

so, poop.

I used an ace bandage last night, but it's still funny. I think I hurt it

because I used an old pair of cycling shoes on Thursday. I was only planning to

do 25 miles, and that probably would have been fine for those shoes, but I

remember somewhere around mile 40, the top of my foot and my toes went numb and

I had to stop and take off my shoe for a while. I think that what happens with

cycling shoes is the stiffness of the sole gives out. When I'm cycling, I push

on the pedal, but I also pull because I'm clipped in. If the shoe is bending

even a little, then the foot is going to get stressed. It's all balloon-y! I'm

glad it's just the top o f the foot. I don't think it'll stop me for too long.

I don't think it's a true sprain. I think I just mashed up the tissue a bit and

disrupted the lymphatic flow. R.I.C.E.

So, I'm previewing Turbo Barre again right now because I still want to do this

soon--as soon as this swelling calms down. I can't do this stuff on my toes

today. Oooh, it looks good, though!

It doesn't hurt to walk, thankfully. I have to do a bike/BART commute today. No

choice. The train doesn't start early enough for me to walk today.

It'll only be about 4 easy miles because somebody is picking me up from BART

after work. I'm taking my folding bike because it has regular pedals and I wont

be tempted to pull when I pedal, and also because I can easily throw it into the

back of the car when my ride picks me up.

Happy Mother's day,

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So funny! Just Cathe. I loves me some Cathe.Hey thanks. It is already so much better! LOL when you say Turbo Barre all I can think of is, "Wait, Chalene never put out a Turbo Barre workout!" LOLGosh darnit on the ankle. Yep, RICE-ing it is the way to go. Hope it heals quickly! Hugs! I just got up early to do Turbo Barre, but my left ankle is now super swollen so, poop. I used an ace bandage last night, but it's still funny. I think I hurt it because I used an old pair of cycling shoes on Thursday. I was only planning to do 25 miles, and that probably would have been fine for those shoes, but I remember somewhere around mile 40, the top of my foot and my toes went numb and I had to stop and take off my shoe for a while. I think that what happens with cycling shoes is the stiffness of the sole gives out. When I'm cycling, I push on the pedal, but I also pull because I'm clipped in. If the shoe is bending even a little, then the foot is going to get stressed. It's all balloon-y! I'm glad it's just the top o f the foot. I don't think it'll stop me for too long. I don't think it's a true sprain. I think I just mashed up the tissue a bit and disrupted the lymphatic flow. R.I.C.E.So, I'm previewing Turbo Barre again right now because I still want to do this soon--as soon as this swelling calms down. I can't do this stuff on my toes today. Oooh, it looks good, though! It doesn't hurt to walk, thankfully. I have to do a bike/BART commute today. No choice. The train doesn't start early enough for me to walk today. It'll only be about 4 easy miles because somebody is picking me up from BART after work. I'm taking my folding bike because it has regular pedals and I wont be tempted to pull when I pedal, and also because I can easily throw it into the back of the car when my ride picks me up.Happy Mother's day,

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