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X-Factor Burnout

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I think I'm experiencing the X-Factor burn out, I made it to week # 6 - looking ahead at Week # 7 it sounds like a lot of what we have done already just in different sequences. I feel I should finish since I only have 2 weeks left - maybe this last week I'll do Week # 7 once and Week # 8 once and call it good to finish up a week early- just to say I did them all! :) I'm really missing my other DVDs and wanting to pull out something else. Who knows, maybe I will feel refreshed enough to stick it out.

I'm rambling. If I happen to get up early enough tomorrow morning I may do Week # 7 - this way I can sleep in or do something else on Sunday - we're having company for Sat night and I expect that I will go to bed later than "normal" so tomorrow may be a good day to workout w/ a rest or lower key workout for Sunday.

Ok - sorry to ramble...


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I found this:


and this:


and also this:


There were a few more but no excerpts of videos and not much more info either.

(I've never heard of her before this either.)

X-Factor Burnout


I think I'm experiencing the X-Factor burn out, I made it to week # 6 - looking ahead at Week # 7 it sounds like a lot of what we have done already just in different sequences. I feel I should finish since I only have 2 weeks left - maybe this last week I'll do Week # 7 once and Week # 8 once and call it good to finish up a week early- just to say I did them all! :) I'm really missing my other DVDs and wanting to pull out something else. Who knows, maybe I will feel refreshed enough to stick it out.

I'm rambling. If I happen to get up early enough tomorrow morning I may do Week # 7 - this way I can sleep in or do something else on Sunday - we're having company for Sat night and I expect that I will go to bed later than "normal" so tomorrow may be a good day to workout w/ a rest or lower key workout for Sunday.

Ok - sorry to ramble...


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I think you should do #7 and #8 just once to say you did them all, but don't be in a rush to do it either, maybe 7 tomorrow and 8 next week sometime?  If the other workouts are calling your name - follow your heart!  I often have grandiose designs for workout rotations but really in the end you just need to listen to your heart and your body 

I haven't done legs in awhile and am hoping to do a video for them this long weekend.  I would like to get a run in too.  I haven't ran in over a month and I'm sure it will be very rough but I don't wanna get too out of practice!



I think I'm experiencing the X-Factor burn out, I made it to week # 6 - looking ahead at Week # 7 it sounds like a lot of what we have done already just in different sequences.  I feel I should finish since I only have 2 weeks left - maybe this last week I'll do Week # 7 once and Week # 8 once and call it good to finish up a week early- just to say I did them all! :)  I'm really missing my other DVDs and wanting to pull out something else.  Who knows, maybe I will feel refreshed enough to stick it out.

I'm rambling.  If I happen to get up early enough tomorrow morning I may do Week # 7 - this way I can sleep in or do something else on Sunday - we're having company for Sat night and I expect that I will go to bed later than " normal " so tomorrow may be a good day to workout w/ a rest or lower key workout for Sunday.

Ok - sorry to ramble...



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Thanks, - I actually talked myself into finishing it - thinking if I do Week #7 2X next week and Week # 8 2X the following week I will survive! :)



I think I'm experiencing the X-Factor burn out, I made it to week # 6 - looking ahead at Week # 7 it sounds like a lot of what we have done already just in different sequences. I feel I should finish since I only have 2 weeks left - maybe this last week I'll do Week # 7 once and Week # 8 once and call it good to finish up a week early- just to say I did them all! :) I'm really missing my other DVDs and wanting to pull out something else. Who knows, maybe I will feel refreshed enough to stick it out.

I'm rambling. If I happen to get up early enough tomorrow morning I may do Week # 7 - this way I can sleep in or do something else on Sunday - we're having company for Sat night and I expect that I will go to bed later than "normal" so tomorrow may be a good day to workout w/ a rest or lower key workout for Sunday.

Ok - sorry to ramble...


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Thanks, - I actually talked myself into finishing it - thinking if I do Week #7 2X next week and Week # 8 2X the following week I will survive! :) 





I think I'm experiencing the X-Factor burn out, I made it to week # 6 - looking ahead at Week # 7 it sounds like a lot of what we have done already just in different sequences.  I feel I should finish since I only have 2 weeks left - maybe this last week I'll do Week # 7 once and Week # 8 once and call it good to finish up a week early- just to say I did them all! :)  I'm really missing my other DVDs and wanting to pull out something else.  Who knows, maybe I will feel refreshed enough to stick it out.

I'm rambling.  If I happen to get up early enough tomorrow morning I may do Week # 7 - this way I can sleep in or do something else on Sunday - we're having company for Sat night and I expect that I will go to bed later than " normal " so tomorrow may be a good day to workout w/ a rest or lower key workout for Sunday.

Ok - sorry to ramble...



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