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Re: Updates

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Thanks !! The foot has been really bad this week. Doc gave me a steroid shot Monday afternoon and the injection site hurt like heck until maybe today. Hopefully, that means it will be better now. I don't see him again until a week from tomorrow so visit frequency is down from once a week to every other. Hopefully it will be down further soon.To:

exercisevideos Sent: Sun, August 5, 2012 8:43:50 PMSubject: Re: Updates

This is such great news ! I am so glad he found something.Doggone it about the feet. I hope you're getting some relief. I can empathize to a certain extent because I've had trouble on and off, though nothing that severe. I hope it gets better!

Thank you so much, !! Dave is feeling so much better, I am too. I like what I have learned about living more frugally and want to keep doing a lot of it but I did tell him and the kids I would celebrate after his first pay check by buying a few "luxury" items I haven't been buying at the grocery store lately (it sounds silly but I LOVE flatout bread, but it is $3.50 a pack and I just couldn't justify spending it and the kids like Dinosaur Eggs instant oatmeal and it is around the same price and again, just too dumb to spend money on when we needed to watch every penny). The feet thing is annoying as all heck. It almost seems gone then it is back. I am afraid to do much of anything to be honest and that isn't doing anything for my fitness (or my own self-esteem as I watch myself get floppier). I do need

to get back to my floor work and upper body stuff but just haven't made the time for it lately. Today my exercise was cleaning one of our WW centers (subbing for the person who normally does it) and it was a huge job. I was there almost an hour and a half, the vacuuming alone took at least 30 minutes. So at least I got something in. Gotta get to making dinner for tonight soon because I'm working the rest of the day until about 7.To: exercisevideos Sent: Wed, August 1, 2012 12:36:21 AMSubject: Re: Updates

YAY, NANCY! You must be soooooooooo relieved! It will be nice to save some $ now and have a little more financial wiggle room! Plus having a job in general helps one's self esteem, at least for me it does.

I'm irked your poor feet keep flaring up. GRR GRR GRR! You're doing great with the upper body stuff and with floor work though! You're such a trooper! Hugs,laura

Yes it is, I know! The main reason I regained all of the weight I lost (I was down to 181 lbs) is because i was stressing out about the interpreting tests I had to take to maintain my state certification. The state instituted a new test which they bought from Texas and it was the most unfair test I've ever taken! It took me almost a year to get through the testing process.

After that I stressed out about sick cats and a sick Mom and when I stress out I don't sleep or exercise and I over eat. Now though I'm trying to get back on track..which is ALWAYS hard for me. What do you tell your WW members about getting and staying on track? I need to start recording my food and counting calories again...I hate doing it but that's what worked for me in the

past. Jen

Subject: UpdatesTo: exercisevideos

Date: Tuesday, July 31, 2012, 10:15 PM

Woo hoo!!! DH has a job!!!! He interviewed from 10-12 today and shortly after 5 he got a phone call from the recruiter (he'll be working contract) telling him they wanted to hire him and that he might even start as soon as Monday! He still has

to iron out salary/benefits questions but is going to the contractor office to fill out employment paperwork and all that jazz Thursday.

Even if the salary comes out to what he was quoted in the email he got after their conversation, it is still a lot better than what he was getting at his last job (in customer service). It is not as good as his last tech writing job but not terrible. We'll see I guess on that. We were willing to accept anything at least commensurate to his last salary (we were very tight but were making it work) so any job is a good one and this looks great. He met with four people, 2 interviews (2 sets of 2). The work is similar to things he was doing at his last contract position in tech writing and he felt very comfortable with the people with whom he interviewed and very comfortable with the work. He felt that he could

make an excellent contribution there and they apparently thought he could too. He's the only person they interviewed for the job too! It is a

one year contract with the possibility that it could go longer and possibly he could end up being hired direct into Bosch. He said they seem to have a ton of work so that's really good. They seemed excited to

have him and he's really excited about it too. Just wanted to share with you all!!! Woo hoo!!!In the foot department, I tried walking barefoot just a tiny bit Sunday and it made my darn pinched nerve flare in dramatic fashion. The doc gave me another shot yesterday (previously scheduled appointment) and as usual, it hurts when I walk on it today (and yesterday) but at least I was able to sleep last night. The walking discomfort should fade by tomorrow or the next day. I'm still on an every 2 week appointment schedule at least so that's good. It was doing absolutely great until this latest episode so I've learned my lesson, no walking (or working out) barefoot. I haven't worked out in a few days. I can do something on the floor or seated but when I've wanted to put in a few minutes, it is just so darn late and I'm so darn tired and then I so darn don't. I really hate this but apparently not enough to push hard enough to change it. With DH newly employed, even if the salary stays the same as what he was quoted, it

will still be good and I should be able to slow down my work some. I've got commitments for subbing through the end of August especially and one that goes through most of September but now I feel less pressured to keep going at the pace I have been and can be picker about what I accept. Alll that means I might be able to get back into a better workout rhythm again. The kids go back to school the day after Labor Day so that should help too. I'll just get through August and then see where I can go in September with things.

Alright so that's my update!! Woo hoo!!

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