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Wednesday Workout

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Good workout, ! :)



Good morning!


    I had this one planned out, but wasn't sure about the time or how my arms would feel.  I did Amy's Slo-Mo and her newest one Drop Set Strength and combined the body parts. 


Today was chest and back.  Here's how it went.


SLO-MO SPLIT IT UP 1- I did 2 sets instead of 3 for both back and chest


Lying rows  15

One arm pullover  12  ( don't feel much with this exercise)

Seated row-  I did regular rows with 50 lbs

Shrugs  40 BB




Bent over rows  30- 8 reps   25- 10 reps   20- 12 repsDB dead lifts (rowing back)  SKIPPEDLat Contractions (on back in bridge position)  Last time I did this one I didn't feel it at all, so I went with just 2 sets of 12 reps using a 30 DB and did pullovers




Around the worlds  8

Decline bench press  ( did incline instead. I don't feel safe the way Amy does it)  I used 35 lb

Incline fly w/internal rotation  15




 See Saw Presses (alternating)  25 -  8 reps    20- 10 reps   15- 12 repsPushups (extended)  4 reps- out slow, walk back w/hands- I did just regular pushups on my toesPushups (regular on toes) 10 repsPushups (regular on toes) 12 repsFlys  25-  8 reps   20- 10 reps   15- 12 reps




This whole thing took about 55 minutes with no cool down.  I ran out time.  was coming in the door, was getting up and the dogs were ready to go for their walk.  We walked 40 minutes.




Have a great day!~~

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I'm envious!  I woke up at 4:00 and could have worked out just fine, but didn't, as I have a book signing / book talk event to go to after work and need my zzz's. I like how you combine the exercises from the 2 workouts to reach what you want to acheive.  

Hope you had a nice walk!


Good morning!


    I had this one planned out, but wasn't sure about the time or how my arms would feel.  I did Amy's Slo-Mo and her newest one Drop Set Strength and combined the body parts. 


Today was chest and back.  Here's how it went.


SLO-MO SPLIT IT UP 1- I did 2 sets instead of 3 for both back and chest


Lying rows  15

One arm pullover  12  ( don't feel much with this exercise)

Seated row-  I did regular rows with 50 lbs

Shrugs  40 BB




Bent over rows  30- 8 reps   25- 10 reps   20- 12 repsDB dead lifts (rowing back)  SKIPPEDLat Contractions (on back in bridge position)  Last time I did this one I didn't feel it at all, so I went with just 2 sets of 12 reps using a 30 DB and did pullovers




Around the worlds  8

Decline bench press  ( did incline instead. I don't feel safe the way Amy does it)  I used 35 lb

Incline fly w/internal rotation  15




 See Saw Presses (alternating)  25 -  8 reps    20- 10 reps   15- 12 repsPushups (extended)  4 reps- out slow, walk back w/hands- I did just regular pushups on my toesPushups (regular on toes) 10 repsPushups (regular on toes) 12 repsFlys  25-  8 reps   20- 10 reps   15- 12 reps




This whole thing took about 55 minutes with no cool down.  I ran out time.  was coming in the door, was getting up and the dogs were ready to go for their walk.  We walked 40 minutes.




Have a great day!~~

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do you do low back stretches every night along with your yoga?  I find that when I do the sequence below on a regular basis it really helps:hug knees to chest, 1 minutehug knees to chest, 1 minute, making circles both directions

supine hamstring stretch with a strap, 1 minuteleg out to the side with a strap, 1 minuteleg across the body on other side, 1 minuteend with hugging knees to chest for 1 minute again.

Boring, but it helps me a lot. Usually I have a Creamsicle near me to pet and talk to =^..^=Love that you substitute calves for deadlifts.  The only calf workout I get is by doing the stairs.  

Awesome workout, as always!


Good morning!


    Just got back from walking the dogs 40 minutes.  Had to get it in before the heat sets in.  Got up at 5 am to get my workout done.


 Today was the second workout from my 3 Day Split Mish Mosh Rotation.  This time it was legs.


  Here are the exercises.


Gym Style-

Warm up

BB Squats ( 3 sets)  35 lbs

Dead lifts ( 3 sets)  I must've made this workout when my low back wasn't hurting so much because I would've NEVER put this in there.   In place of the deadlifts I did 1 set of static lunges using 12 DB and one set of plie squats holding a 30

Calves ( 1 1/2 times through)  OMG


Gym Style Floor Work-  

Inner thighs w/band ( 2 times through)

Vertical Outer thigh press w/band

Outer thigh raise w/band

Glute tucks ( 2 times through)

Tib pulls ( 3 times through)  I was really feeling these in my abs and hip flexors


Butts & Guts-  Ankle weight abs & stretch-  3 lb ankle weights and 5 DB.




This workout was 65 minutes.  The floor work was a nice change.  I also enjoyed using that purple band.  So much easier to maneuver around then my other ones.


Have a great day!~~

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do you do low back stretches every night along with your yoga? I find that when I do the sequence below on a regular basis it really helps:

Yes, I usually do most of those stretches each time I do yoga.

I have arthritis in my low back. They ran X-rays and found out. The doctor said more than likely it was from years of dead lifts. :(( As long as I drink my cherry tart my back seems OK for the most part. The doc said if dead lifts hurt then don't do them. Simple as that. I do love the exercise though.

-:¦:-¸.·´ .·´¨¨))((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- ~-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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You are smart to avoid the deads then!  Happy to hear the cherry tart juice helps!  I bought some for when I did the half marathon because I heard it helps with inflammation.  Any excuse to have cherries, LOVE THEM.  I can eat them til I get sick. 




do you do low back stretches every night along with your yoga?  I find that when I do the sequence below on a regular basis it really helps:


Yes, I usually do most of those stretches each time I do yoga.


  I have arthritis in my low back.  They ran X-rays and found out.  The doctor said more than likely it was from years of dead lifts.  :((   As long as I drink my cherry tart my back seems OK for the most part.  The doc said if dead lifts hurt then don't do them.  Simple as that.  I do love the exercise though.  

-:¦:-¸.·´ .·´¨¨))((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- ~

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Glute Camp lol great name for a workout video!  I like the orange font and am envious you have 7 lb weights!  Enjoy that shoulder smolder and butt burn !


Good morning!


     Today was legs and shoulders.  I could've done S & H legs, but wasn't really in the mood for it so I went with S. Glute Camp.  I stopped right before the floor work and put in S & H and worked shoulders.  I went back to Glute Camp and did the floor work and abs.  I didn't realize how long this workout would be, but it ended up being an hour and 15 minutes.  I had so much fun that I didn't even realize it was that long.




Squats:  deep side steps and plyometric jumps with legs going in and out. (band around the legs.  I used the green fire walker band and 1 15 lb DB)  3 setsDead lifts on the bosu or step- did calve raises insteadLow non weighted in and out lunge-  this fried!!! Knee ups into lunges using the step or bosu-  ( high step and 2 risers)

Lunges Wide stance plie squats  5 lb



Slow & Heavy Shoulders:

Front raise ( 3 sets)  12 reps   10

Side lateral raise ( 3 sets)  12 reps  10

Posterior delt raise ( 3 sets)   8 reps, slow count   7

Seated overhead press ( 2 sets)  12 reps    15

Side lying rotator cuff ( 2 sets)  8 reps, slow count  3



GLUTE CAMP Floor work:glute raises- Using either the step or bosu ( high step 2 risers)side lying leg lifts with the band around the lower leg  (green fire walker band)Inner thigh with legs raised, heels together, knees coming down & out to the side - no weight

core work-  this was too short to really feel anything.  She only does bicycles.



Though this was long, I really had fun.



Have a great day!~~

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OUCH! Your font color hurt my eyes!I couldn't read it all :( JenSubject: Wednesday WorkoutTo: Cathe_Friedrich_Fans , exercisevideos , fitandthatsit Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 10:48 AM

Good morning!

Today was legs and shoulders. I could've done S & H legs, but wasn't really in the mood for it so I went with S. Glute Camp. I stopped right before the floor work and put in S & H and worked shoulders. I went back to Glute Camp and did the floor work and abs. I didn't realize how long this workout would be, but it ended up being an hour and 15 minutes. I had so much fun that I didn't even realize it was that long.


Squats: deep side steps and plyometric jumps with legs going in and out. (band around the legs. I used the green fire walker band and 1 15 lb DB) 3 setsDead lifts on the bosu or step- did calve raises insteadLow non weighted in and out lunge- this fried!!! Knee ups into lunges using the step or bosu- ( high step and 2 risers)

Lunges Wide stance plie squats 5 lb

Slow & Heavy Shoulders:

Front raise ( 3 sets) 12 reps 10

Side lateral raise ( 3 sets) 12 reps 10

Posterior delt raise ( 3 sets) 8 reps, slow count 7

Seated overhead press ( 2 sets) 12 reps 15

Side lying rotator cuff ( 2 sets) 8 reps, slow count 3

GLUTE CAMP Floor work:glute raises- Using either the step or bosu ( high step 2 risers)side lying leg lifts with the band around the lower leg (green fire walker band)Inner thigh with legs raised, heels together, knees coming down & out to the side - no weight

core work- this was too short to really feel anything. She only does bicycles.

Though this was long, I really had fun.

Have a great day!~~

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ooo I will have to look up Cuban Presses.I've been relatively bad about working out lately :(  I get home from work and it's hot out, and I'm zapped.  I think part of it too is that Flo is coming in a few days.  I've GOT to do something today!


Good morning!


  Today was legs and shoulders.  I did Cathe's Super Sets (leg blast premix) and then shoulder work. 


Pyramid Upper Body: Shoulders

side lateral raises , front raises, rear delt flies  3/5/7/5/3


Slo-Mo: Shoulders

Seated overhead press BB   3 sets  30

Cuban press 3 sets  8

Incline front press   3 sets  3

Standing rear fly  3 sets   8



I was FRYING on the shoulders in Slo-Mo.  I guess PUB really burned them out.

This was another good combo.





Have a great day!~~

-- ___________________________________________________________________Please help support my website by doing your Amazon shopping through me with

this link:http://www.amazon.com/? & tag=pinkpussycasc-20 & camp=212361 & creative=392009 & linkCode=wsw &    

THANK YOU!  =^..^=

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Fantastic job, !! Sounds like a great combo!To: Cathe_Friedrich_Fans ; exercisevideos ; fitandthatsit Sent: Wed, July 25, 2012 6:57:36 AMSubject: Wednesday Workout

Good morning!

Today was legs and shoulders. I did Cathe's Super Sets (leg blast premix) and then shoulder work.

Pyramid Upper Body: Shoulders

side lateral raises , front raises, rear delt flies 3/5/7/5/3

Slo-Mo: Shoulders

Seated overhead press BB 3 sets 30

Cuban press 3 sets 8

Incline front press 3 sets 3

Standing rear fly 3 sets 8

I was FRYING on the shoulders in Slo-Mo. I guess PUB really burned them out.

This was another good combo.

Have a great day!~~

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Good morning!

Today I worked shoulders, biceps and triceps. I used the CTX workouts for this. I started with CTX Kickbox and did the warm up and arm drills (1 lb gloves) then went to shoulder work.


Arnold press 3 sets 10/8/8

Bent arm side lateral raise 2 sets 8

Long lever side lateral/rear flys/front raise 2 sets 5

Bent over shrugs 2 sets 15

Arnold press 1 set 8


Close grip bench press 1 set 30 BB

Lying tricep extension 2 sets 8

Single arm french press/single arm kickback 2 sets 8 & 5

Tricep pushups 1 set (toes) YAY!


Crazy 8's 2 sets 25 BB

Bicep curls 2 sets 12

Rotation curls 2 sets 12

Concentration curls 1 set 8

I then added on CTX KB abs and stretch. Another long workout (70 minutes) but I might as well get them while I can because once school starts they will have to be under an hour, for sure.

I burned 322 calories, avg 112, max 145, steps 1,785. Not big numbers, but this was different AND fun!!

Have a great day!

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Your arms must feel like spaghetti right about now!  Awesome job, as usual!


Good morning!

     Today I worked shoulders, biceps and triceps.   I used the CTX workouts for this.  I started with CTX Kickbox and did the warm up and arm drills (1 lb gloves) then went to shoulder work.



Arnold press 3 sets  10/8/8

Bent arm side lateral raise 2 sets   8

Long lever side lateral/rear flys/front raise  2 sets   5

Bent over shrugs  2 sets  15

Arnold press 1 set 8



Close grip bench press 1 set   30 BB

Lying tricep extension 2 sets 8

Single arm french press/single arm kickback 2 sets  8 & 5

Tricep pushups 1 set  (toes) YAY!



Crazy 8's  2 sets  25 BB

Bicep curls 2 sets   12

Rotation curls 2 sets  12

Concentration curls  1 set  8


I then added on CTX KB abs and stretch.   Another long workout (70 minutes) but I might as well get them while I can because once school starts they will have to be under an hour, for sure.


I burned 322 calories, avg 112, max 145, steps 1,785.  Not big numbers, but this was different AND fun!!



Have a great day!

-- ___________________________________________________________________Please help support my website by doing your Amazon shopping through me with

this link:http://www.amazon.com/? & tag=pinkpussycasc-20 & camp=212361 & creative=392009 & linkCode=wsw &    

THANK YOU!  =^..^=

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